Friday, April 28, 2006

Pontoon Boat Trailer Blueprint

Jung von Matt

showed in the last lecture of our marketing lecturer at a few promotional videos that produced the agency Jung von Matt . One of them I really wanted verbloggen here, but I did not found. Darin at the beginning of an organ player is seen, and a man begins to sing very high. Too Much I will not tell otherwise the fun is over, when I present the video here but still can.

I'm caught up on the search for other funny videos Jung von Matt, they are now following in an unordered list:

If one takes the above video, or I can provide, then I ask but a comment. Which does not mean that you are not otherwise Dared write.

note at 03 May 2006:
As happened isset! Thanks to a motor act that could only be braced together by Stuessy and Turbo Martin, the video has now been published on the web. And here it is. Watch and laugh my!

Thursday, April 20, 2006

Pant Suits For Weddings

lose =?

Anthony Baffoe , which is already in his playing time with intelligent comments, such as after a yellow card for the referee
man, we must stick together Schwatten yet!

or to a white opponent
you can work on my plantation.

no Namen gemacht hat, war zu Gast bei dropkick, dem Fußball Talk auf Eurosport.

Dort versuchte er Gäste und Zuschauer davon zu überzeugen, dass der 1.FC Köln den Klassenerhalt noch schafft. Der erste Schritt zum Erreichen dieses unerreichbaren Ziels sei "am Samstag Duisburg wegzuputzen". Wie ekelhaft arrogant, aber Liebe macht ja bekanntlich blind. Die Liebe zum FC rührt übrigens daher, dass dort seine Profi-Laufbahn begann. Nun ja. Der FC ist ja bekannt für Fehleinkäufe . ;) Ich kaufe mir jetzt einen Absatz und komme dann zum Thema zurück.

Irgendwann bemerkte dann auch er, dass es für den FC sehr schwer wird dieses utopische Ziel zu erreichen und jetzt kommts ganz dicke: The other clubs deny even games! Actually, a scandal, but Anthony remained calm and was laying the groundwork for the other clubs before:
The other may not also lose. Or let's say this: The other must lose.

Martin would say: You have not lost
, others have just won.

Gay Sauna Pic I Want To Setup A Gay Sauna?


God created the donkey and said to him:
You are an ass. You will work constantly from morning to evening and are heavy on your back. You will eat grass and not very intelligent. And you will live fifty years. Then the donkey said
Fifty years is to live so much to much, give me please no more than thirty years!

And it was so.

God created the dog and said to him:
You're a dog. You will watch over the treasures of mankind, are their most devoted friend you will. You will eat what the people wanting and live 25 years.
The dog answered: God
, live 25 years so, too. Please no more than ten years!

And it was so.

God created the monkey and said to him:
You're a monkey. You shall swing from tree to tree, and you act like an idiot. You will be funny and you shall live for twenty years.
The monkey said:
God, twenty years of living as a clown in the world is too much. Please give me not more than ten years.

And it was so.

Then God created man and said to him:
you are a man, the only rational being that walks the earth. You will use your intelligence to make you subject to the other creatures. You will dominate the earth and live for twenty years! Then the man said
to God, his man for a mere twenty years is not enough. Please give me the twenty years that the donkey refused, the fifteen of the dog and the ten the monkey.

And God saw that the man lived for twenty years as a man, then married and with thirty years as an ass from morning to night work and heavy loads. Then he will have children, and fifteen years as a dog, guarding the house and eat what the family can remain. Then, in old age, he has lived ten years as a monkey, acts like an idiot and amuse his grandchildren.

And so it is today ...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Po Box 555 New York 10013 0555

12 facts that do not interest the world

  1. terms of weight does a hamburger at a fast-food restaurant more than a new small car.
  2. In New York there are more Italians than in Rome, more Irishmen than Dublin and more blacks than any other city in the world.
  3. A third of the Gummi Bears is red in every bag only one sixth each green, yellow, white and orange.
  4. Germany, your sign-Forests: More than 20 million traffic signs lining our roads - an average of one every 28 meters. Although
  5. 1958-1963 John XXIII. sat on the papal throne, know the Vatican's history, only 22 popes named John. The number 20 is missing and nobody knows why.
  6. The inventor of the telephone, Alexander Graham Bell, had a deaf mother and a deaf wife.
  7. Viagra does not only in bed for a better state - also thanks to the cut flowers can be blue Pillchen not spread so fast his head.
  8. 1471 had to answer a rooster in Basel in court - not surprisingly to no avail. Because he was accused of having laid all laws of nature in spite of an egg, he was burned as a "devil in disguise" on the stake.
  9. Pretty appetizing: Must pass the frogs, come out with her whole stomach - and must be swallowed it again.
  10. Everyone sheds in the course of his life so many tears that you could fill a bathtub. This is around 80 liters! Some things can
  11. not buy. For everything else ... are even available in the McMurdo Antarctic station an ATM.
  12. Los Angeles is full "El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles del Rio de Porciuncula. As "LA" the city but would probably have a greater awareness.

Bleeding Gums Around Veneersin Pregnancy

Happy Easter (subsequently)

I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend. The realization of the day:
put in more protein than the egg yolk protein.

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Hack 3 Dongle Free Internet

Fischers Fritz fishes fresh fish

This morning I've got a Power Point got the following joke.
A couple went on the weekend to a lake where you could fish. The husband liked to fish at dawn and his wife read uncannily like. One morning the husband returns after several hours of fishing and wanted to cut a couple of hours on the ear. Although the wife is not in the area knew about, you decided to go out by boat. They rowed a short distance, lay at anchor and took on your reading. After a moment, the parking attendant appeared in his motorboat.
He spoke to her, "Good morning, madam, what are you doing here."
"I read" - she replied, thinking for themselves ... This is not obvious?
"They are here but in the zone, are prohibited in the fish."
"But I fish but do not ... you see it."
"Yeah, but you have all the equipment there. I'm going to take and issue a ticket to."
"If you do this, because I will Rape Show! "Said the angry woman.
" But I have not touched you yet ...!"
"Yeah, but you have all the equipment there!"

what I call NEN counterattack.