Friday, May 26, 2006

Myndbönd Zoophilia Heitt

FHDW volleyball tournament

On Wednesday the top event for students at the FHDW on the program. How was betrayed by the title, these are at a volleyball tournament that takes place every year in Paderborn. After we were last year Conny's voice (like a circular saw, only worse) put off, walked over to our course this year with 2 teams.

The name baptism, which was already settled some weeks earlier, brought "The bash0r" (the team that had played out as I do) and "Information bitches" to light. You could tell by the name, that the whole matter should be taken so seriously. Just in time for the tournament, so on Wednesday morning, had even our T-shirts ready. This discussion could not be completed as quickly as the name of baptism, and so we agreed only on Friday last week on the color - bright blue - and the logos. In the Bashore gave itself Bud Spencer the honor at the sluts Mia Wallace . Graced the back of Temname and in the line below, with a smaller font size of the team name discontinued emblazoned our course name, BFW404! Both in the font "Alien Invaders" (I hope that's right, I can not verify the torque on the work).

In order to arrive on Wednesday morning with the 11 548 up fielding from Bergisch Gladbach to Paderborn, have organized some diligent students two buses, were allowed to drive us even in the middle of the night back home. Basti and I, we had to bridge the way there, he brought a box 0.3 Kölsch, which was not verkeht because we got on the A1 in a jam and needed whopping 4 hours drive. Here you have to say once the bus driver praise. He has played on the one without a murmur a CD from us and the rest of us can drink almost unconditionally (the only condition was that we had to rid of dirt at the end of our own, but that's understandable). Also a cool action, the bus driver was in a roundabout in Paderborn, as they are 3 times rumgefahren and have brought traffic to a standstill. At the end of the bus met then the already established Skat consisting of Andy?, Turbo Martin and myself, which delivers hot prompt times duels. And I had my hot Skatblatt ever. A Grand with 4 boys, once again Ass Ace to King and to 10 The two aces, I had not found the Skat. Only a king was bare, but no matter thick Schneider played!

But as it was now more in Paderborn? I do not remember exactly. First of all we had to mark our territory and what it offered in more than a Cologne were called Flag. Quick jumped into the sports clothes and then we went off for the first match. However, since the 4 hour drive are not left its mark on us, so we unter einem erhöhten Alkoholeinfluss standen, haben wir richtig hoch verloren. Bestimmt mit 20 Punkten, das genaue Ergebniss haben wir irgendwie nicht erfahren. Doch als gefürchtete Turniermannschaft spielten wir uns in einen Rausch (zusätzlich zu dem, in dem wir durch den Alkohol waren) und könnten die nächsten Spiele alle gewinnen, auch wenn unser letzter Gegner unfaire Mittel anwandte und den Schiri bequatschte um doch noch die Möglichkeit zu bekommen, den entscheiden Punkt gegen uns zu machen. Doch auch diese geschenkte erkaufte Möglichkeit versiebten sie und wir konnten verdient gewinnen. Ein großes *daumenshoch* muss natürlich an die Schlampen gehen, die mit ihren Schlachtrufen a la "Alles außer Bashers sucks "or" Oh she hangs up, oh she hangs up, oh, it depends on the black pig "or" Eieieieioooooo Paderborn ... Sons of bitches! "Or" The Bashor, the Bashor, Bashore the "opponents for us and were uncertain of the 12th seventh man.

Who now believes that we have certainly done very well so who knows" Paderborn Points System "™ is not. because after that we reached just the 16th place.

the interested reader, I try just the" Paderborn point system "™ explained. It adds the scores of all matches of a team that included then another 10 points (or 20, maybe 42) for a win and added created by the total number of points the final table. The first 10 places are still in common (ie 1 gg 2, 3 gg 4, etc.) to give a deserved winner! Sounds funny, but it was Sun

The winning team was supposedly from Bielefeld. Can we vote but have no idea where it Bielefeld does not exist yet . Was definitely part of the "Paderborn point system" ™.

late in the evening, when the tournament was over and had all showered, went there in the cultural workshop in Paderborn. The only good thing there was that I (almost) have spent a cent. Only me, the Barry for the info on BES exam (in who wrote it then ne 1.0) issued a beer, then Dirk has filled the glass with his wheat again. Next, the Basti a beer for me has brought, and in the end Mario filled my glass with his wheat. In the end, I am still in Basti revenge for the beer. Since I've found they are given the same pledge glasses, I came away for 2.60.
let the bad I will not mention here. For us it was

but at a quarter past 12 layer in the shaft, because we had to go back to the bus. It was said earlier that the bus will leave at 0:30, and then who is not there simply unlucky. At half past 1, then also 2 people were not there, both from different Reasons. Has found the bus no more, but the other was much better. The other Matt (BFW405) was. He stood namely at the airport in Paderborn and was going to fly to Cologne. Sorry, but no flight was more. Thus, he then rumtelefoniert desperate, because he realized that he would be late to the bus. And because we are too socially, we have then waited for him. Man was the full!

On the way we have then made a short rest, because a student wanted to be let out there. Hottest issue at the moment: "Do you live here or do you work here?" :)
sit down after about 5 minutes break, the bus then moving again. But not for long, because short Zeit später kam einer von oben runtergerannt und schrie: "Es sind noch nicht alle da, wir müssen umdrehen." Leichter gesagt als getan auf einer Autobahn. Doch der übermäßig korrekte Busfahrer hielt einfach auf der Autobahn an und machte die Warnblinkanlage an, so dass die fehlenden Leuten über die Auffarht zum Bus laufen konnte. Dabei handelte es sich um Andy?, Eric, ne Bekannte vom Eric und "Sarah Connor of the Wohnheim" ( copyright by Stuessy ).

Angekommen in Bergisch Gladbach hat der Heiko es sich dann auf meinem Teppich gemütlich gemacht und ohne Decke und mit seiner Jacke als Kopfkissen gepennt. Den Wecker hat er auf 6 Uhr gestellt, und wollte dann mit der S11 nach Düsseldorf fahren, um as early as possible in Dusseldorf to be. When I first woke up at half past 9, Heiko was actually gone. Horny Action!

Photos of the sauce here is the way online.


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