Eigentlich wollte ich diesen Beitrag schon vor Wochen verbloggt haben, er ist mir aber untergegangen.
Momentan bin ich in meiner FH-Phase. Das bedeutet unter anderem, dass ich ein eigenes Zimmer in Bergisch Gladbach habe, in der Regel mindestens einmal unter der Woche feiern gehe, mich in Vorlesungen intensiv mit dem Internet beschäftigen kann und morgens mindestens bis 8 Uhr schlafen kann. Das bedeutet natürlich auch, dass ich abends länger aufbleiben kann, und das ein oder andere Mal das Fernsehprogramm nach 22 Uhr analysieren kann. So geschehen donnerstagabends vor geraumer Zeit.
Es kam, wie auf vielen Sendern um diese Uhrzeit, eine Quizsendung. Das interessante daran war, dass der Moderator einen Anzug anhatte. Das war es vielleicht auch, wieso ich nicht direkt umgeschaltet hatte. Nach kurzer Zeit hatte ich das Spielprinzip verstanden:
Es gibt 5 Gewinnstufen, die jedes Mal anders gestaffelt are. The first question can be seen prior to participation in the quiz.
This can take the moderator to the audience when releasing something under his arms.
Consider for example, views the question: Who
can be divorced for the second time?
A: Angela Merkel
B: Eminem
C: Günther Jauch
D: Gerhard Schröder
The first tip came from the Moderator immediately. "It's about music"
in itself has already been resolved by this tip, the task, but He helped the audience even further. After Angela Merkel ruled out, saying, "Who does divorce from his wife?" Seemed to him the Question is still too heavy and he went through the other candidates.
"power Günther Jauch music? No, "
" power Gerhard Schröder music? No, "
This was a genius in the still following joke:" Günther Jauch marries but soon and Gerhard Schröder has been determined already more than twice divorced. Oh, please do not sue. My hair is not dyed yes "# include
Another good example is the question.
What will increase the President of the Bundestag by 1.3%?
A: Diets
B: fasting weeks
C: dieting
D: Fruit days
time the notice of the moderator: "It is about 10,000 euros, that you once said diets."
Since I only ask: If the audience really so stupid that they must be helped? The answer came in one of the next rounds. This time was the following question to the group: Who
in May, a congress in Frankfurt will be paid?
A: Bob Dylan
B: Bob Farhan
C: Bob Marley
D: SpongeBob
Even if you have no idea, at least the possible answer "SpongeBob" is excluded. But what answers our educated audience? "The answer would be D SpongeBob."
I could not!
suggestions, praise, homage and criticism to newsquiz@n-tv.de
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