The voice of the people to the wrong decision of the Regional Court of Stuttgart
While the media largely irrelevant "reported" and self-proclaimed "good guy" the verdict of criticism as a "right" took over ("A rabble-rouser in eight counts belongs to a concentration camp!"), There were some voices of reason and solidarity. Here are some examples of e-mail-letters.
Dear Frank!
I think hardly the right words, let the imagination, how hard must have been especially the last few weeks for you and your family.
I would also like to say many words, but simply to express my appreciation Bring for all the things you have done. You have opened with their songs many years before her eyes. I wish you and your family all the very good and the strength to continue zubestehen against all injustice.
full intimate and eternal respect
Hi Frank!
First of thanks for your answer! First of all, a determination, it is spoken in Germany this is not right! If law would be spoken, so we would have long participated in the government.
That now there are some who say that it is less bad, since you only have to get a suspended sentence, so I give you The law that people have so much brain as a sparrow meat from the kneecap I hope you do not listen to people who reveal their humble intellectual horizons in this way!
There are many young people in this country who love you and your music and every day the same as you are exposed to harassment. Even if the scope is different, everyone gets the hardness of this hypocritical system felt. My friend once told me if she does not know what is destroyed and totally on the floor, she puts herself in the shower, listen to your music, and cries. Then it's her, as good can they tolerate the harassment of the system for some time. Your music gives her the strength to do so, we all they have power! Do not let it get! We're all behind you 150% ig!
Comradely greetings
Hi Frank!
Have just have to read the scandalous verdict. Although I'd expected to like but secretly hoped for the rule of law and common sense
honest. Do not be defeated and many impressive greetings to your wife and children.
home greetings
Dear Frank!
The verdict is unjust! However, You must stay with your children! This heartiest congratulations !!!!!!!!!
The court did not administer justice but "set the standard." Typical of German dishes!! But you are to "walk free". This is for your children the most important and pleased me the most!
Do not give up, despite the material loss! The decision is based system (ie, not lawful)! You are not criminals or offenders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You are Wiederständler. People are the heroes!
Many want to you !!!!! Recovers
you something now!
From a letter response from the songwriter Frank Rennicke:
... thank you for your letter - I've got the concern and criticism of the very political justice. We now face the destruction of the family as a "suspended sentence" means of course to follow in the next three years, a further travesty of justice as a process and then to imprison us. If, despite three legal opinions, over a decade "without penalty singing the song" Return of earlier recordings with this song by the same now accusing prosecutors and approval by the Review Board to the song in its present version, despite the best defenders and private Arguments won a conviction (for my wife) brought (including the loss of more than DM 70,000 ,-!), it is always possible to achieve any political prosecution and conviction. We view with concern to our marriage and our five children - and with concern to the omnipresent uncertainty and arbitrary authority. The general indifference of other national groups on this test case leaves us in grief and emptiness. The words of some, "it is only a suspended sentence," only shows the lack of understanding of the processes that share this ruling and the implications that will be taken after an audit certificate landmark ruling tomorrow other.
Mit Heimatgrüßen
Frank Rennicke
Lieber Herr Stein!
Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen, Ihrer Frau und Ihrem Kind gut? Einer anderen Familie geht es schlecht: Ich habe gerade Nachricht bekommen, daß der Kollege Rennicke im Berufungsprozeß wegen seines "Heimatvertriebenliedes" zu 17 Monaten Haft auf Bewährung, seine Frau Ute, Mutter von 5 Kindern, zu 5 Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt worden sind. Beim geringsten Verstoß gegen die Bewährung (wobei der Willkür, mit welcher Lebensäußerung gegen diese Bewährung verstoßen werden könnte, Tür und Tor geöffnet sind), ist diese Familie also zerstört. Moreover, this verdict is forbidden to work the same! It's outrageous!
Mr. Stone, this case is you, me, all of us, whether we share Rennicke political positioning or not. I implore you: Keep you in the JF is no longer on this scandal. The right to free speech is not divisible and the duty of solidarity is not well. The club, which is now swinging against one consequence, is aimed against the next morning.
"German hear thou the sound German?
The freedom bell in your heart?
German! It rings
German freedom for all Germans
freedom for all!
you hear the sound, a German?
us will ring together
German and free!
man and free! "
(from" The Hidden Word "by Ulla Hahn)
I count on you!
With kind regards
Frederick B.
Rennicke love!
What a shock! Madness! How is this country gone to the dogs ..... How's the kids cope? Maybe you should relax a few days, first time coming to his senses? At the weekend, Saturday, we celebrate the 18th Birthday of our oldest daughter - with music and dancing, and interesting and charming people. But the weekend comes to us, you are welcome to attend. Space and food and drink are enough there. We would be pleased. But, as always: Hang on! Just not himself drop! The above letter is the same post in the "Junge Freiheit", in the next xxx we will bring back something. You are not alone, even if our options are few so pathetic.
The injustice is still far from won!
G & F
Dear Frank! Dear Ute!
What is this? What happened here? What are these judges?
I can think nothing more of a fact, I can only support you continue to advertise for you and we hope that this nightmare ends as soon as possible.
Hold on together, and believe in us as we believe in you, in this infidel time
with native sincerely
A Letter from Israel:
Good evening, Mr. Rennicke,
I do not hope that your family torn apart, so what is unreasonable for anyone. I think you'll be lucky and Jawe will keep an eye on you and your family and you protect them. I also can talk soon hope to open about what has happened in the past, between Jews and Germans. I respect your opinion, I think that you keep the Palestinänsern. I have nothing against this people, I judge only
The ones who make war and prevent freidliches together. You know, I wish for my people nothing more than that
finally comes to rest and I'll pray for you and your family. You have posted very nice etas, that Jews can live together and German. I did not think that you think so. Perhaps you are then, if you do not already do, will soon also convinced a trigger further work together with other cultures. I hope that people see in court who you really are. A man is afraid that he will put the most important thing in life - his family. I think you are a man of his country and to prevent einsteht just tried that and it breaks apart, Israel and Ireland - and I could mention wetere examples. I would like to ascribe courage and hope that everything ends well. Keep and maintain through a clear head and if all else fails, think of your family and you'll be finding new found courage. In difficult times has helped me a lot. Tell your children and your wife that I will pray for you and your courage to speak.
you soon and good luck for the next hearing.
your ML
Wednesday, 16:10:02
Dear Frank Rennicke
this morning I read in the newspapers about the conviction of you and your wife. This has ruined me for breakfast. I am always informed about the progress of your
"criminal proceedings". It is preposterous that you had to stand trial in court. Because you were simply exercise your right to freedom of expression and artistic freedom
. They therefore exposed to 17 months to three years on probation pleadings is a legal scandal. But this is still legal scandal culminated in that even your wife was sentenced to probation and that the seizure of your assets has been confirmed by more than 35,000 €. I wonder what for in a Staat wir leben, in dem man wegen seiner Meinung und deren Bekanntmachung zu solch irrsinnigen Strafen verurteilt werden kann. Wir leben wahrlich in "Absurdistan"!
Doch ich kenne selbst die BRD-Gerichte. Fünf Tage verbrachte ich in der 11. Klasse ein Berufspraktikum im Amtsgericht R... . Dort war ich vor allem
über die Staatsanwälte und die milden Urteile der Richter gegenüber Kriminellen entsetzt. Nach diesem Praktikum wollte ich bestimmt nicht mehr Jurist
werden, denn solche absurden Urteile, die vor BRD Gerichten gesprochen werden, möchte ich mir nicht täglich antun.
Nun, ich würde mich Ihnen gerne vorstellen, Herr Rennicke: Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und gehe in die 13. Class of the Kepler-Gymnasium in R. .. . As
advanced courses I have English and history. In the latter experience the re-education particularly hard. Recently, our teacher rushed a lot about the Empire, particularly to William II, and right now he tells us about the so-called "stab". If I had known before, that is besmirched in this subject our German history, I would have history never elected as a credit course. In school, my classmates and me relieve your mind very naive and limited. It is sad what happened to the German youth, or what has been made of the German youth.
Although I have not one of your albums Mr. Rennicke, I am a big fan of your music. Your songs, I often hear from a friend
, I particularly liked the lyrics. Her songs are special and they are very different from the meaningless "Chart tooting" or
Rock music I hear otherwise. Her songs for thought. Some are full of irony and parody. This means that your texts are too funny. Her lyrics are witty, above all. But just because your text, you have criminalized the political justice. Also, your music, I find it quite nice. I like to listen to when I am talking with friends in my room.
to you I admire that despite the violence and death threats are against you and your family, despite withdrawal of the state and despite offers
social exclusion to your view. For I think that you are right. Their way of thinking, as is shown in your songs, I think is very compelling. The stupid media propaganda, the hypocrisy of established politicians and the re-education efforts of my teachers seem to me not long ago. I just went on a search for the truth. Believe me, was to find out the truth for me, certainly not pleasant. To know what matter is now in our country and how it happened made me feel often pensive and sad. But what I tell you there, you will be safe even gone Sun
An Ihnen bewundere ich ebenfalls, dass Sie in so morschen und kaputten Zeiten noch eine intakte Familie mit fünf Kindern haben. Denn in dieser familien-
feindlichen Zeit fünf Kinder zu ernähren und zu erziehen ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Außerdem nehme ich an, dass es für Ihre Familie nicht leicht ist im
Alltag zu bestehen. Sie werden sicherlich diskriminiert; vor allem vermute ich, dass gerade Ihre Kinder viel darunter zu leiden haben, vor allem in der
Schule. Doch daran sind nicht Sie schuld, Herr Rennicke, sondern der Staat und seine Zerrbilder von Politikern.
Sie sind wahrlich ein Staatsopfer und wie Sie selbst sagen, politisch verfolgt. Ich bin froh, dass bei mir kaum jemand know what I really think. Although
I assume that the Constitutional protection or other political police this e-mail is read here before you, but on the other hand, I can not forbid people
you an e-letter writing! Have you once considered to emigrate or to the "exile" to go? They are really not happy in Germany. Actually you would have to be politically persecuted, and your family are entitled, the right to asylum in other countries. Although I recognize that it is not easy to turn their own homeland back, but you do not have a choice?
But I write you wanted to encourage them not feel insecure around you. Although to you yesterday in court as a "criminal rabble-rouser
" tossing, please be aware that you are right and not the right preventive lawyers, who are so pathetic that they have to do an almost suffering. They are also used to be Mr. Rennicke before the throne of the Lord and he will absolve you. Never forget that you have more supporters than you might think. I for one am behind you. They are neither a demagogue nor a criminal. We both know that is the real rabble-rouser and criminals.
On the whole procedure particularly annoyed me how your wife could move in there. She was sentenced without having done something illegal or added. The plea of \u200b\u200byour wife to court, I have also read and it impressed me. It was really only accused because she's married to you. The verdict and the case against you is a shame only. I wonder how corrupt judges, prosecutors and may be the entire judiciary in the BRD? It is and remains a scandal!
However, you are very sympathetic to me, Mr. Rennick. They are certainly not the evil "right-wing demagogue," as it is in the newspaper
On the contrary, you are something, what's more rare: an honest, upright German man! Do not be discouraged or finish. Stay as you are making and Sie auch mit Ihrer Musik weiter. Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie alles Gute.
Grüße von G., einem Kameraden und Sympathisanten
PS: Wenn Sie diesen Brief auf Ihrer Heimatseite veröffentlichen wollen streichen Sie bitte meine E-Brief Adresse, sämtliche Namen, wie den meiner Schule und Ortsangaben. Kürzen Sie beispielsweise Georg mit "G." PPS: Mich würde es sehr freuen, auch von Ihnen, sobald Sie Zeit dazu finden, einen E-Brief zu erhalten. Ich finde es ohnehin gut, dass man Sie einfach anschreiben kann.
Hallo Frank, liebe Ute,
mit Entsetzen habe ich heute im Weltweiten Netz das Urteil gegen Euch lesen müssen. Es ist unfassbar, So sieht sie also aus unsere "Rechtssprechung". Ehrbare, unbescholtene Bürger werden für Meinungen und Gedanken verurteilt, während die Kriminalitätsrate in Deutschland Ausmaße annimmt, welche an "Wild West Manier" erinnern.
Das ist sie also, die Meinungsfreiheit, das Recht auf Freie Meinung...... Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei" solange sie ins USraelischen Geheule mit einstimmt? Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei", solange man nicht auf (bestehende) Mißstände in unseren Heimatland hinweisst? Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei", wenn sie frei von Kritik ist?
Ich verstehe es nicht. Was haben wir, ehrliche und aufrechte Deutsche, getan, dass man für Meinungen, Gedanken, Liedern und Gedichten in eine kriminelle Ecke gedrängt werden. Es ist so absurd.....
Tagtäglich hört und liest man von Straftaten sowie den juristischen Umgang bei der Verfolgung eben jener.... Es werden Urteile gefällt, welche an Hohn kaum zu überbieten sind. Kinderschänder, Vergewaltiger, Raubmörder, Diebe ect. werden teilweise zu Opfern gemacht. Opfer einer schweren Kindheit, psychologischen "Engpässen", und und und.... Wie gesagt, es ist so absurd.
Mir ist zum Weinen zumute. Soweit ist es also gekommen. Du darfst als Deutscher nicht mehr Deutsch sein. Heulst Du nicht mit den Wölfen, wirst Du zur Schlachtbank geführt. Mir fehlen die Worte.... ARMES DEUTSCHLAND....
I wish you and your wife, right now in this difficult time, get through a lot together to force the wrong can. I hope you go in the next few instances and can not break you. Be brave!! Go on your way, the path is rocky and difficult, have paved the way by many German (often out of resignation, sometimes I am one too) already left. You are not only a gifted German artist who in many things, and especially during the past days, you have become a role model. A model of determination and strength.
have the strength to fight on. Although it often appears as meaningless. There are only words, I wish, however, that these words just give you the necessary strength to continue. Best wishes also to your brave wife and your children.
Dear Mr Rennicke,
this verdict goes to show clearly in what a "law" we live, namely in a wrong state! Wiedermal the state tries to break an upright citizen! But I hope they do not give up now, because then the system would have indeed won, and that just can not their goal after more than 15 years, his fight! I know what the ruling means for them, but I ask them to continue their magnificent Performances continue, the only way to continue the fight! What to think younger comrades, "if" they "have the" Rennie "could break what they were doing to me?" Could be a lot of thought, and perhaps a reason to stay away from our movement! You must know that the whole National Movement (Whether or nationalist skinhead) continues to stand with them, probably more than before! This ruling is perhaps a beginning for us, maybe in stoking up the movement. Only together we are strong! In me at any rate, this process entails only the rage in me one more time to boil over! And so I will do everything to spread their fate in my region, even under "normal" citizens! (Welch syndicate for the company, if not national citizens are already considered as normal, which it has in countless generations not exist before our!) so I ask them if they have over their process flyers, send them to me to leave.
With comradely greetings
your faithful Thomas
Hi Frank,
is at your Gerichtserhandlung in the least to the declarations of war and threats of violence and the incitement to violence (such as "Brothers Keepers - last warning" if the solicitation to violence, then what is ?????) of foreign musicians in Germany niedergelassener (? Musiker ?) eingegangen wurden ? . Aber wie es mir scheint darf sich ein jeder daher gelaufene Dunkelhäutige eher Politisch äußern , wie ein Deutscher mit eigener Gesinnung !!!!
!!! So viel zu dem Thema, das Deutschland ein Rechtsstaat ist !!!
Naja dann mal in der Hoffnung weitere Lieder von Dir zu Hören ( laßt Euch nicht Unterkriegen ) und Nationalem Gruße .
Heil Dir, Frank!
Na, die gesamte Gerichtsfarce war ja ein erstklassiges Beispiel für Rechtsbeugung. Wenn selbst jetzt schon Deine Lieder (besonders das
Heimatvertriebenenlied) Volksverhetzung sind, wie wird es dann in Zukunft mit weitaus "härter" gespielten Liedern aussehen, auch wenn sie inhaltlich
villeicht ähnlich sind??? Ich sehe da sehr düstere Wolken am Horizont aufkommen. Demnächst wird es warscheinlich schon "Aufruf zum Rassenhass
heissen", wenn man nur das Wort Ausländer in den Mund nimmt, geschweige denn diese als zu viel empfindet!
Warscheinlich versuchen unsere lieben Staatsschützer jetzt alle Personen auf "Beihilfe" zu verurteilen, die im geringsten mit dem nationalem
Musikgeschäft zutun haben und CD`s oder LP`s vertreiben. Und sei es auch nur das sie eine Briefmarke angeleckt haben. Ich werde einen netten, kleinen Bericht schreiben und ihn hier in Skandinavien veröffentlichen. Diese Schweinerei der "deutschen" Justiz ist wirklich unter alle Würde. Sau wollte ich nicht sagen, aber was ich über "Würden"träger denke, das entscheide immer noch ich selber...ohne dadurch wegen Beleidigung belangt zu werden!!!
Mit kameradschaftlichen Grüßen
Lieber Frank,
ich wollte mich auch mal wieder zu Wort melden. Ich habe den Prozeß auf Ihrer Seite verfolgt und wollte dazu meine Meinung schreiben.
Es ging ja ua. um das "Heimatvertriebenenlied",und vorallem wollte ich gerade dazu sagen das an (um jetzt keinen Staatsanwalt zu locken möchte ich auf das Lied nicht dwell) every day from morning until late into the night to play songs on some TV channels (Viva, MTV, etc.) that are "under all", it is sung about violence, murder, hatred and disgusting things! Yes, yes, but many say - that does make the youth happy! Since it does not matter whether a scandal-rapper EMINEM filled his pockets with more dollars that are spent by the teens to still buy a CD.
Maybe you're wondering on what I'm saying?? Well I'm just so that all these texts are sung in foreign languages \u200b\u200band no one makes himself as a head, because what is happening on the screen for what they believe the mother would this is dirty and violent - which sounds like the little protege there at 12:30 clock? And what you learn from them is bad loving only what has been declared for the worse - such songs, but there running on TV are from the ground up "has been well explained, and since no one will dare to doubt only that! Woe to him who does this!
Her songs are talking about the reality of people of injustice that was done to justice, but precisely this is condemned in the worst, for whom use the songs for what? The shopaholic youth? The state? No, they are useful only to those who can identify with it. And that's the point, so they are convicted, weil es einigen Leuten nicht in den Kragen passt, das es noch einige Dinge gibt, die sie selbst nicht zu Geld machen können,die sie nicht verwalten oder kaputtreden können!!!
Denn es sind Ihre Gedanken, Herr Rennicke, die in Ihren Liedern Worte finden,und das wird Ihnen zur Last gelegt. Aber das kann auch ein Staatsanwalt nicht verhindern, denn wie heißt es so schön: "Nur unsere Gedanken sind frei"
Mit freundlichen Gruß