Bericht zum 7. Prozeßtag
Hier ein Bericht zum 7. Prozeßtag:
Nachdem der Prozeßtag mit Verspätung eröffnet wurde, setzte Horst Mahler als Anwalt von Frank Rennicke sein Plädoyer vom letzten Tag fort. Nachdem er bereits auf das Unrecht der Strafverfolgung wegen des Heimatvertriebenen-Liedes eingegangen war, ging er umfangreich auf die vorgeworfene Broschüre ein, die der Liedermacher angeblich versendet haben soll. Detailiert forderte er in insgesamt 90 Hilfsbeweisanträgen das Gericht auf, den Wahrheitsgehalt the brochure to investigate. As a symbol he wore the tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes" skillfully before and asked if such acts do not even EXIST by stupidity, arrogance and cowardice in the presence of too many issues? At the conclusion of his words he came again to the overall process, the unconstitutional § 130 and the restriction of expression and artistic freedom to speak. Impressively, he attacked totalitarian structures of the present policy of the Sysemmächtigen and called on judges and magistrates to uphold the Basic Law. The outstanding quality and capability of this lawyer was clearly visible, felt the battle for his client, for freedom of expression and the German people.
then said Ute Rennicke, whose heart-rending final words are below nachlesbar. When it ended, there was spontaneous applause by the audience over 40, after which the judge completely lost composure and aggressively threatened to clear the hall. Among the audience and the NPD party chairman Udo Voigt and the NPD spokesman Klaus Beier, who expressed their solidarity with the accused was expressed (in contrast to many other "rights").
Then the songwriter said, even a good 75 minutes. Comprehensive he pointed to his life, telling of his youth at the zone boundary, his thoughts on the NATO forward defense of the 70s and 80s, his political knowledge FRG-present and his role as songwriter, he met resistance for 15 years. He provided information about the now eight-year-long harassment and political persecution, called dozens of examples of state violence. He sharply attacked the political justice, in particular the political police and prosecutor, called facts and names. Impressively, he described himself and his family as a victim wants efficient executor and political circles. Ultimately, it can be explained only politically with "... fascist power setting of certain lawyers, politicians and officials for a song ...", why after more than a decade over 7000 pages investigation files, hundreds of phone conversations, shading his family, threats and coercion was necessary. His disappointment and anger at the modern way of the Inquisition were mitfühlbar. Judges and jurors, he made the importance of an expected landmark ruling for other German clearly spoke of prohibition and political persecution. Finally, he wore words "political dissidents", which would have solidarity with the family, even Marxists. By a letter Soziademokratin ended the songwriter.
As always, there was a large police presence, the ID cards of all listeners have been scanned and made an embarrassing security check. One participant, who the day before the hearing date and the Federal Constitutional Court to ban the NPD was present said, only would the process legally dubious Rennicke sharper and oppressive procedure by the police.
The trial ended only towards the 20:20 clock - the judiciary had been working overtime.
Judgement will be on Tuesday, issued 10/15/2002 by 15 clock in the hall 1 of the Stuttgart Regional Court.
final words Ute Rennicke - Process 10/09/2002 LG Stuttgart
the beginning of my final words I am going to read two letters, the first we found in the mailbox when we on 18 From Sept. 1. The trial have come home. (UR lose two of the threatening letters containing death threats). .
The threatening letters:
"Good day, bard,
nice that we'll meet in Stuttgart to the process you bring and your cunt of woman - it is a washing up with you and your hybrids from Nazi children. We will then remove the same We look forward to your dying will -.... and with you the whole Nazi breeding and your German folk songs
So, you make beautiful fine so that the burial clothes true But maybe we burn you - so like the Nazis did it. An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. million Israelis Sintis, gays and comrades wait for your death - and it is up to you to take revenge for the shit-Nazi crimes. Germany perish!
Whether the process, whether at home, whether they buy - we will get you and then we cut a right shit-singers from the eggs and put it to you in the mouth! And your dick your Ute gets in the ass.
This time we'll get you and your family.
regards to "comrades" Mahler - he is the next one!
Grounded with Nazis! No discussions with Nazis! No sympathy with Nazis! No life for Nazis!
Tot all Nazis "
following letter reached us on 1. October. (Reading of the threatening letter).
"Hey, brown bard, how's the process still in a bad mood or gave you the judge Zimmert been properly made a fire under your ass
you will think determines -.? Nanu, where is the Antifa Do not be worry -. we are already there your police army is doing only certain visit obstacles But be calm, you're due -. and your Nazihure of women also
Maybe we'll meet on the last day of the trial -. most of the verdict, if you into the hole and get your UteVotze hopefully this can be when we'll polish the face -. and cut your tail Nazi
Maybe there's also the first a house call at your "little Germans" when you're in prison - then it's more fun, Frederick and the whole Nazi breeding pursue the skull. We are looking rejoice.
So until then
The Friends prosecutor Mertig "
Is this also a" revolt of the decent "
As much as me, these letters - we have already received some of this kind and Dr. Weiler already leaving some of them in his plea, scare is so great, my anger at those who cause the first. I am thinking of including some prosecutors and journalists. We made fair game. One of our sons (11 Years old) is already in Ehningen insulted, threatened and beaten, but because of newspaper reports! probably also belong to the revolt of the decent ones! In the newspaper we read of alleged death threats against our family, rather than properly investigate and we even have to ask the nature of the threats are. No, it is deliberately lied and twisted. The process was, as the Court stated as the reason, from June postponed until September, because of the death threats against us and our lawyers, and partly because the prevention of a witness. In the next, the newspaper reads quite differently: The trial was postponed for fear of rioting right-wing extremists. Deliberate omission and distortion the facts! That's not a decent man!
All this comes before me like a bad dream. Why was I actually in the dock?
Because I have been married for 13 years, Frank Rennicke? Could this be the reason? What do you want to achieve? Are we in this fashion mellow to be made? I do not think there are many women who think of it only approximate, let alone could bear what I have experienced in recent years. I had a different idea of \u200b\u200bthe state, but I slowly woke up.
As a child of displaced persons - my father was with his family, expelled from the Sudetenland, my mother, then 6 years old, had to mother, 4-year-old sister and newborn brother in 1945 to flee from the Russians from East Prussia - as a child of these parents I based on narratives to understand early must ensure that the expulsion of a great wrong and no "forced migrant stock" was , as the then Federal President von Weizsäcker said years ago.
My three siblings and I were raised to critical, truth-loving people were told, respect for creation and love for our homeland.
My husband and I have found at that time, partly because we have seen in others the same love for our country. Why do we justify now for what is natural?
sit because of the expellees, including song we have here in the dock, where previously sat criminals, drug dealers, murderers and sex offenders. I am aware of the best will in any offense. The song was not pursued for 14 years. I can not close because of a trust relationship between my husband and I be sure that he is careful that he does not want the family caught up in something that he wants to protect them. This is also the access to lawyers and to federal inspection. Is being drawn from me acting in this case by the prosecutor more than designed.
course may be present at first no aid to § 21 GJM, because I was not shown to be involved in the distribution of indexed records, on the contrary, I even, if necessary, always pointed out that when it comes to indexed record went for telephone orders, a distribution by mail order is not possible. The TÜ bands that sound we had and had to demonstrate this clearly.
The prosecutor stated in his plea that I was always fast on the phone and have freely given information. Since Mr. Reiber been with us at home, however, was not invited and accompanied by his officers, he should know may recall that we have a have telephone with two extensions. Moreover, this is where a phone is a cordless, which I usually close to me. I assume to be so indirect, I would only wait for a call from a potential buyer, has far-fetched.
However, what is true: I give willingly of information! I am of a friendly person. Had I the Lord asked prosecutor as I spend because with 5 small children the day, I had him may also like to list readily as frequently with us on the day of the washing machine is running, how often and buy how much I need to know how long I feed babies and wrap, how many doctors and other Events from gymnastics to music lessons, I have to organize.
regard, the prosecutor Reiber is right when he says that I only partially provided information to my work. Namely, as a housewife and mother of a big family that takes its educational mission seriously and take care of their children and not in keeping Shorte to deport foreigners.
As can be concluded from a small number of TÜ tapes that I would have accounted for a significant proportion of telephone traffic for orders or complaints? Were called here by court figures: Ute Rennicke% as much as much as Frank Rennicke%?
to the account of my husband, the was re-written in my name, I would say no more. We have mentioned several times in the process to the truth - why the prosecutor does not want to take note of this, just know it.
I can not see really what it should be so reprehensible and unusual if I had driven as a partner of KEL-management consulting GmbH find hundreds of claims of other firms, including receivable from Frank Rennick.
And it is so unusual that I as a wife in an intact marriage of modest white things that affect the livelihood of my husband? Yes, we still have something to say, talking to each other, be it through Kinderkrankheiten, Schulprobleme oder über Treffen und Gespräche mit Anwälten, der Bundesprüfstelle oder auch über die Höhe der Versandkosten, die man verlangen kann? Mir nun daraus, aus einer Selbstverständlichkeit, einen Strick drehen zu wollen, wirkt lächerlich.
Bösartig dagegen ist die Unterstellung, dass ich mir darüber im Klaren gewesen sei, dass durch das Heimatvertriebenenlied alle Nichtdeutschen verächtlich gemacht werden sollen!
Heute, da ich die Verantwortung für meine Kinder trage, ist mir die Furcht, die mein Mann in seinem Heimatvertriebenenlied ausspricht, selber bewusst und greifbar geworden. Bei Dunkelheit gehe ich nur ungern und mit einem eerie feeling of the house, I often do not trust hardly alone or by bike are. My children must be accompanied, if they still have dinner on the road. According to the received threatening letters necessary than ever.
What I want is a safe and fulfilling life in our country, if not for my husband and me, but for our children. And there may come
what may: I'm staying close to the side of my husband because I can trust him and because I know he did nothing wrong and do in the future.
Ute Rennicke
And here are some Press Reports:
Ehningen / Stuttgart: pleadings in the trial of Frank Rennicke
A prison sentence
threatened by our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn
postponed again: On Monday is the verdict in the trial of right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen and his wife Ute will be announced. Reason for the delay is the plea of \u200b\u200bdefending Horst Mahler. Former RAF Terrorist needed for his comments nearly nine hours.
It took Mahler the opportunity to suppress the indexed journal "Defence Documents Arguments about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, "to quote almost verbatim. Again and again he put the auxiliary request for evidence that Court to one expert download for contemporary history," could refer to the reports on mass destruction in Auschwitz to the realm of fable. "
gas chambers there was never existed, giving it there is no evidence but only disputed testimony, the concentration camp Theresienstadt a nursing home was for Jews Horst Mahler quotes about the detour of the banned brochure including some from the book "Auschwitz lie" and publication of Fred Leuchter, of the Holocaust denial as well.
Richter Zimmert hands were tied. If he had withdrawn the word to the lawyer, could be a reason for revision. Since Mahler is not the reference to the process lost, he could talk for hours. The Forbidden Scripture he quoted as Rennicke said to have sent them.
The Ehninger electricians and songwriter Rennicke was sedition before the district court Böblingen a custodial sentence of ten months on probation, convicted of aiding and abetting his wife to 500 €. In addition, proceeds were collected from 35 000 € from trading in the indidizierten "expellees song." The couple went Rennicke also appeal the verdict as the prosecution (the SZ / BZ) reported.
Horst Mahler, who represents, among other things ban the NPD in the process before the Federal Constitutional Court demanded, as his colleague, Professor Ludwig Weiler Frankfurt an acquittal for their clients.
The prosecutor, however, the penalties were too lenient at first instance. A year and nine months without parole requested the prosecutor to Frank Rennicke ". The show is still unrepentant as already the case against him had been opened, he put the banned lyrics on his homepage on the Internet."
For Ute Rennicke asked the prosecutor six months in jail, suspended on probation, "There is a considerable aid to the complicity .. Borders "Ute Rennicke had taken orders, sales processed through its account receivables and driven by its own collection agency
a newspaper 10/10/2002
Rennicke defender represents 90 requests
Ehningen / Stuttgart - In the trial of Frank Rennicke Ehninger songwriter and his wife Ute for sedition Rennicke lawyer Horst Mahler in 1990 yesterday admission of evidence has made to the court.
Some of the content of these applications deals with the final solution of the Jewish question, with Mahler repeated claims that were murdered in concentration camps, no people.
Patiently, almost hear the lawyers give the 38th Criminal Chamber of the hour-long versions of the NPD lawyer Mahler in Hall 1 of the Justice Center at Stuttgart. Versions that have nothing obvious to do with the charges on expellees song. The defense attorney contends in so-called auxiliary applications, the examination of nearly 100 contemporary history researchers seeking to show through their statements and their report that, for example, in the camps Auschwitz and Birkenau were no gas chambers, it is not technically been possible for Jews killing with Zyklon B, because this is for the guards was too dangerous. And that previous historical surveys were to look over the gas-death of six million Jews in the fables.
lawyer Horst Mahler in an application even quotes the former Field Marshal Hermann Goering, who had denied in his testimony before the Nuremberg Tribunal, the existence of gas chambers, as evidence for his thesis. Mahler continues to consider that Jews had died from diseases, not to murder by Hitler statement.
The defender gets itself well to a process
makes the case of such remarks, the prosecutor eagerly notes. Horst Mahler is certainly by this proof of evidence even get a criminal investigation after he sets up almost the same allegations, many years ago, the graduate student Oberjettinger Germar Rudolf.
Rudolph had noted in an opinion that no people were murdered in Auschwitz and was therefore the Stuttgart Regional Court sentenced to imprisonment, which he has not begun to date. Rudolph fled abroad after the verdict and feeds since the U.S. from the West German scene right on the Internet.
course emphasizes the defender to the conclusion that would draw its applications either for or against the Holocaust position. However, it is observed warily by the Chamber members.
Im Antrag mit der Nummer 90 beantragt Horst Mahler die Zeugenvernehmung der ehemaligen Bundestagspräsidentin Rita Süssmuth zum Beweis dafür, dass im Spiegel ein nicht beanstandeter Bericht stand, in dem man geschichtlich nur noch von einigen hunderttausend ermordeter Juden ausgehe.
Der Prozess wird vermutlich am kommenden Montag fortgesetzt. Rennickes Ehefrau Ute will selbst ein Verteidigungs-Plädoyer abgeben. Danach folgen die Schlussworte der beiden Angeklagten. Die 38. Strafkammer richtet sich auch für diesen Verhandlungstag auf eine lange Sitzung ein.
Böblinger Kreiszeitung 10.10.2002
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