Wednesday, October 16, 2002

How To Get On Poptropica At School'

Der achte Prozeßtag

Der achte Prozeßtag im Fall Rennicke - das "rechtsstaatliche Judgement - 10/16/2002

The injustice has, as expected, was victorious in this appeal, the presiding judge Zimmert of the 38th District Court of Appeal of Stuttgart has issued the following verdict:

Frank Rennicke is to 1 year and 5. months in prison on probation sentenced to three years

Ute Rennicke is sentenced to five months in prison on probation for three years

All confiscated items (CDs, master tapes, two vollständge PC computer systems and as "compensation of DM 70 450, -).. be recovered.

The judge described the actions as a copywriter In a "Songs" in which "echoes der Rassenidiologie der Nazis" sich zu eigen macht: "...wer gegen die multikulturelle Gesellschaft ist, macht sich die Rassenidiologie des nationalsozialistischen Regimes zu eigen - dieses führt zu Verbrechen und muß mit der ganzen Schärfe des Gesetzes bekämpft werden...!" Der Richter unterstellte dem Liedermacher, seine Lieder nur deswegen zu singen, um Ausländer verächtlich zu machen und fremdenfeindliche Gewalt zu fördern.

Dem Liedermacher wurden seine Auftritte bei den Repubikanern, bei Burschenschaften und Nationaldemokraten vorgeworfen, da er somit ein "bestimmtes gewaltfähiges Klientel" ansprechen würde. Es wurde behauptet, durch den Liedermacher gäbe es fremdenfeindliche Übergriffe and would interfere with his songs, the "peaceful coexistence, the public peace and coexistence between Germans and foreign citizens." The judge continued: "Other songs should be subject to legal review ...!"

Ute Rennicke her husband she would thus morally, emotionally and supported in the same spirit, received orders and provided a running account in their name are available. When sentencing, she was accused by her husband not "sufficiently distant to have." The defense

text veröffenlichte Frank Rennicke on its website three years ago, zeige seine Uneinsichtigkeit und sei ein weiterer Verstoß gewesen. Der Besuch von über 9000 erfaßten Internetgästen auf dieser Seite zeige den Einfluß von Frank Rennicke, ebenso die Anzahl seiner vertriebenen Tonträger. Diesem müßte ein Ende gesetzt werden.

Die Zusendung zweier revisionstischer Broschüren unterstellte das Gericht und wies das "im Zweifel für den Angeklagten" zurück, da der SPD-Bürgermeister Vaupel als "zufälliger Briefempfänger" für glaubwürdiger als der Zeuge Rieger und Rennicke gewertet würde. Da das Verbrechen des NS und des Genozids offenkundig sei, bedarf es auch keiner Klärung des Inhaltes dieser Broschüren, die somit volksverhetzend seien.

According to the legal question Heimtvertriebenen song was an offense - the District Court of Appeal with two lay judges have ruled clearly.

The caricature on the brochure "Indexing - Sysemterror against the singer" is identical to insert an image list of the revisionists writing. Ultimately, the court has

ALL discarded detailed proof of evidence and proof of evidence and refused assistance. All of the words of the accused remained without effect upon the court.

The attitude of singer-songwriter was named three times as a sentencing - was ultimately convicted audible to all present here, the attitude, not just the work of singer-songwriter and his wife.

would like the court sentenced later, but whether through the long process and by the fact that both defendants had no criminal record, here is limited. The success of the songwriter, his reputation and the variety of his performances and sound recordings were considered sentencing.

The songwriter Rennicke should have been warned by the investigation to refrain from certain comments, it would also by its "very heavy" lawyers are not "objective legal opinion" - that he should have known. In order for him there also was no presumption of innocence. He would seek to better "independent legal advice" need.

If other contemporaries, such as Helmut Schmidt, and critical remarks made to foreigners, those 'in the democratic consensus more "- Frank Rennicke stand but outside this, and would be active only as a rabble-rouser.

A suspended sentence was pronounced, therefore, as Ute and Frank Rennicke as "intelligent people" now probably knew how they should behave in the future - the smallest transgressions would lead to the abolition of parole. Since Frank had tried Rennicke in the past to meet legal rules, he would certainly know now to understand this warning.

The songwriter was the court and the audience to understand clearly what he thought of "this sentence" - judges and defendants had repeatedly one word slugfest. Frank Rennicke said outraged by the "example of a wrong verdict", "This is an example of modern fascism and suppression of opinion," "They are destroying a family," "prohibition" and "shame". While the family Rennicke was denied in the previous seven days of trial the police protection, he was now out of the hall by police and accompanied to the car.

There were about 25 policemen, a dozen journalists and about 50 listeners to attend sentencing. Striking was the tension of the judge and his constant approval-seeking eye contact with the prosecutor.

whether a revision is made against the ruling remained unclear.




suspended sentence for Frank Rennicke

legal Extreme singer was sentenced to 17 months - after the scandal verdict

STUTTGART. Well below the state prosecutor demanded sentences yesterday the verdict remains in the trial of Frank Rennick. The right-wing singer-songwriter has been sentenced to probation, the prosecution had asked to be released.

Günter Scheinpflug

"The defendant has shown he is willing to adapt his lyrics to the legal framework," was the verdict of the judge at the Stuttgart Regional Court, the Rennicke convicted of sedition to one year and five months on probation. The prosecution had held 21 months in prison without parole is appropriate. Also confirmed the judge previously issued Böblinger district court imposed a fine of 36 000 €.

The Chairman of the 38th Trial Chamber to which the defendants referred to the close of the appeal hearing as a "wise and intelligent enough" had no idea that the finale of the eighth to the trial an uproar would come. "They are quiet, now I'm talking about," the judge the vociferous comments Rennicke dismissed the verdict against his wife Ute. The court, the 38-year-old aid has in the dissemination of writings harmful to young persons found guilty and sentenced to a prison sentence of five months, which was also suspended for three years on probation.

opinion of the court established that the "national bard" has sold out Ehningen (Böblingen) more than 4000 CDs and tapes with the indexed so-called displaced persons song. He also was found guilty of having distributed a pamphlet in which the mass murder of Jews people is played down and denied. The court confirmed that an 37-year-old "echoes of the racial ideology." Rennicke work with insinuations and sing about the "slavery of the German people by foreigners, the Germans off the house and yard. That is hate speech.

After more than nine-hour plea by the NPD lawyer Horst Mahler, the court rejected all requests for proof of the right agitator and former RAF terrorists. Responded to the verdict of the Bard's most extreme right-applied. "This is an example of the fascism of the present," said Rennicke to the judge. The many supporters of the convicted person clapping in the courtroom applauded. Whether revision eingelegt wird, ist offen.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 16.10.2002


Rennicke kommt mit Bewährung davon

Stuttgart (gs) - Der rechte Liedermacher Frank Rennicke ist vom Landgericht Stuttgart wegen Volksverhetzung und der Verbreitung jugendgefährdender Schriften zu einem Jahr und fünf Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt worden. Gegen seine Frau Ute wurde wegen Beihilfe eine fünfmonatige Haftstrafe auf Bewährung verhängt.

Die Berufungskammer hat damit das Urteil des Amtsgerichts Böblingen vom 22. November 2000 aufgehoben und die Strafe verschärft. Das Amtsgericht hatte Rennicke, der sich selbst einen "nationalen Barden und volkstreuen Songwriter calls ", sentenced only to ten months on probation. Imports from the CD sales EUR 36 000 which were secured at the 37-year-old father of five children to be recovered.

main subject of the appeal was the expellees song Rennicke in which he foreigners contemptuous do and against that a hostile attitude produces. echoes of the Nazi era are unmistakable. "This is hate speech and deliberate, malicious slander," the judge said. Also had Rennicke denied in a pamphlet the Holocaust. Rennicke called the other hand, on the expression and artistic freedom. His lawyer Horst Mahler demanded acquittal. Rennicke the way into the revision open.

Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 16.10.2002


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