The sixth Prozetag
Here is a selection of press reports on the sixth of the trial at Stuttgart district court. Horst Mahler had argued that day his peroration, which was offered to excellent, with over 40 people were in the hall. 16:15 clock against the judge then broke off the plea - this talk will be continued next Friday, in which case that day and Ute and Frank Rennicke be the last comprehensive.
with home wishes
The Friends of the family Rennicke
press reports Rennicke-appeals process from October 4, 2002 - The sixth
Frank Rennicke is for one year and nine months in prison
Before the Stuttgart Regional Court, the prosecutor calls a prison sentence without parole - defender pleads not guilty
STUTTGART. For the prosecutor is proved that the right against his better songwriter Frank Rennicke the indexed expellees song has sold thousands of times. In the plea, he requested a year and nine months in prison without parole.
By Günter Scheinpflug
Under tight security arrangements with body searches by the police forces is the trial of Frank Rennicke last Wednesday before the Stuttgart Regional Court was continued. On the fifth of the trial before the 38th Criminal Court sought the defense to refute after the conclusion of the evidence the charges against Rennicke accusation of sedition, and called for acquittal.
In the appeal hearing had been eagerly expecting the first plea of \u200b\u200bthe prosecutor, who called the self-proclaimed "national bard" as "totally unreasonable". The indexed "expellees song" he had sold to support his wife Ute Rennicke over several years. Some outstanding payments have been collected through a collection agency formerly run by Ute Rennicke. From the 1996 by the Review Board indexed journals of inappropriate song there was on the CDs and tapes three versions. On the CDs sold with the title "elite" of the disputed rhyme was "Americans, Russians and foreigners out, at last master in his own house" available in full, at the "early works-Edition I" lacked the word "out". The song was, however, regardless of the version classified as hate speech.
"The defendants were aware that all non-Germans to be despicable," said the prosecutor. Until 1999 4530 CDs with this song had come on the market, also at least 38 cassettes and song books, in which das Lied ebenfalls abgedruckt worden sei. Insgesamt habe Rennicke damit Erlöse in Höhe von über 70 000 Mark erzielt.
Ute Rennicke habe zu einem erheblichen Teil die Geschäfte über das Telefon abgewickelt und dabei Bestellungen und Reklamationen entgegengenommen. Über ihr Konto seien zudem Zahlungen eingegangen, die aus dem schwunghaften Handel mit den indizierten Tonträgern resultierten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft geht davon aus, dass sich Ute Rennickes "Mitwirkung auf den gesamten Versandhandel" erstreckte. Wie die Telefonüberwachung ergeben habe, sei sie bestens über das Sortiment informiert gewesen wie auch über die Zahlungs- und Vertriebsbedingungen. Wegen der Beihilfe zur Volksverhetzung und des Verstoßes to the Youth Protection Act, the prosecutor for Ute Rennicke a six-month prison sentence with three years probation deems appropriate.
The required threshold for Frank Rennicke the prosecutor also explained by the fact that the defendant proved at least two copies of the Book "documents the defense - Suppressed Facts about Auschwitz and the Holocaust" was sent. This problem is aggravated that he "expellees song" spread through the Internet. The reasoning of the prosecutor to sentence Rennicke, this startle to incite hatred against all things foreign and cry "in continuation of racial ideology in Nazi Germany to the expulsion of all foreigners" in, contrary to Rennicke defenders vehemently. This raised the concern that the "expellees song" was written before the troop reduction in East and West before reunification. been in the question of guilt, which is why, despite the widespread indexing the song yet, be lying "an unavoidable mistake of law" so the defender on. On the indexing of the "selection" Date Rennicke have received a decision, not an index of the "early works-Edition I" against it. Apart from his client no dissemination of the disputed "selection" CDs to prove it to minors.
Frank Rennicke second defender in court, the lawyer Horst Mahler has NPD, for today a three-hour Plädoyer angekündigt. Nach Angaben des Richters soll nächsten Mittwochnachmittag das Urteil bekannt gegeben werden.
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 04.10.2002
Für den Liedermacher der rechten Szene wird es eng
Staatsanwalt fordert 21 Monate Haft für Frank Rennicke - Zum Hass gegen Fremde aufgestachelt
Stuttgart/Böblingen - Der rechtsextreme Liedermacher Frank Rennicke soll wegen Volksverhetzung ins Gefängnis. Der Staatsanwalt hat am Mittwoch 21 Monate Haft für den 37-jährigen Ehninger gefordert.
Der Prozess vor der 38. Strafkammer des Landgerichts Stuttgart schleppt be tough there. Five days of hearings were scheduled, now there are probably seven. Rennicke defender set to work, the process to drag on and on. Such illustrious on Wednesday for an hour or songs of blood and soil-singer by the court. To prove that Rennicke "exclusively positive, conservative and patriotic values \u200b\u200bof" spreading. A dubious "pleasures of art", especially since it's not about the complete works of the singer of the extreme right, but just to be "Home Song" is about. Rennicke, the prosecution has indicated that the song 5000 times and also distributed on the Internet. He also had packets settled with his CDs writings that deny the Holocaust. A ging irrtümlich an den Marburger Oberbürgermeister, der die Polizei informierte.
"Ziel des Heimatlieds ist es, zum Hass gegen Fremde aufzustacheln", so der Staatsanwalt. Mit "Amis, Russen, Fremdvölker raus, endlich wieder Herr im eigenen Haus" rufe Rennicke zur Vertreibung von Ausländern auf und setze die Nazi-Ideologie fort.
Der Nachmittag war für die Plädoyers der beiden Verteidiger reserviert. Doch nur einer sprach und forderte Freispruch. Rennickes zweiter Verteidiger verlangte und bekam mehr Vorbereitungszeit: Horst Mahler, früher Mitglied der Rote-Armee-Fraktion und jetzt NPD-Anwalt, will erst heute reden. Zeitliche Prognose: drei Stunden. Das Urteil soll am 9. Oktober verkündet be. sat
addition some 30 supporters of the deep brown singer also one in the courtroom, the spirit of this has nothing to do: Erich Schmeckenbecher, better known as Zupfgeigenhansel. Under this name he is from 1974 1986 occurred with Thomas Friz. Zupfgeigenhansel took German and Yiddish songs from the shadows and had the peace movement. Is all the more outraged Schmeckenbecher that the right singer, the music of Zupfgeigenhansel served, "he pulls her out of the historical context and misused them for his purposes." Sun
the text of the Nazis who had fled into exile Jewish poet Theodor Kramer ("Others, not so much the country liebten"). Auch "Ein stolzes Schiff" (Volksliedtext um 1848) taucht auf einer Rennicke-CD auf. Beide Lieder hat Zupfgeigenhansel (eine Million verkaufte Platten) bekannt gemacht, die Melodien stammen von Schmeckenbecher. Bei Auftritten soll Rennicke auch Lieder von Hannes Wader, Reinhard Mey oder Wolf Biermann verwendet haben. Schmeckenbecher will gegen Musikklau und Geschichtsfälschung vorgehen: "Ich habe meine Anwälte eingeschaltet."
Stuttgarter Nachrichten 04.10.2002
Anklage fordert ein Jahr und neun Monate Haft
STUTTGART/EHNINGEN - Mit den Plädoyers des Staatsanwaltes und der Verteidiger ging am Mittwoch der Prozess vor dem Stuttgarter District Court against the songwriter Frank Rennicke in the decisive phase.
By Steffen owner
total of six production lots with a total of 4530 CDs and cassettes and song books with the inflammatory "expellees song''was the songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen between late 1997 and summer 1999, distributed business-like, although it was known that the Federal Review for Writings Harmful to Young the song on his CD "selection''as" harmful to minors''had indicated in 1996. The removal of the line "Americans, Russians, foreign nations out''on the CD" Early Works I''and the eradication of the word 'out' 'in his Song books have not changed the character of the song. "The expellees track all non-Germans make despicable'', was the prosecutor. As a continuation of Nazi racial ideology, should it incite through its distribution as many people as possible to the hatred of everything foreign. After the search warrant on 20 July 1999, he had the text of the song even published on his website.
The co-defendants for aiding Ute Rennicke have this goal endorsed and supported her husband there. you've handled the phone traffic to a large extent, based on their name-denominated current account made available and with its own collection agency claims from the CD mailing civil eingetrieben. Des Weiteren habe Frank Rennicke den Holocaust leugnende Schriften an einen Marco Rieger aus Marburg verschickt, was durch eine Falschlieferung der Post aufgeflogen sei. Insgesamt forderte der Staatsanwalt ein Jahr und neun Monate Haft ohne Bewährung für Frank Rennicke, sechs Monate Freiheitsstrafe bei dreijähriger Bewährungsfrist für Ute Rennicke. Der Computer Rennickes, sämtliche sichergestellten Beweismittel sowie der erwirtschaftete Umsatz sollen einbehalten werden. Immerhin 70 450 Mark hatte der "nationale Barde'', wie sich Rennicke selbst bezeichnet, aus dem Versandhandel eingenommen.
Verteidiger Dr. Ulrich Weiler forderte in einem zweistündigen Plädoyer indes Freispruch für seinen Mandanten. The song's lyrics reach far from the threshold of criminality. He substantiated his claim by playing songs from the left environment where open and keen to kill is called by neo-Nazis, but before the court as "freedom of expression existed.''Addition is" foreign nations''a fuzzy concept. "Friends''and" Russians call''written in 1986 expellees song the soldiers of the occupation, which would not have to be considered in accordance with the domestic population Volksverhetzungsparagrafen 130th
By playing a selection of songs Rennicke before the inquiry had been completed. Weiler had asked to listen, to show that the overall work of his clients' positive patriotic values'', but does not mediate inflammatory Nazi website. Rennicke complained in the songs among other things, that the state is "going down the drain''if ministers would be appointed today that 20 years ago" revolutionaries.''were
His lead attorney Horst Mahler, who has evolved from RAF activists to passionate NPD defender, has been announced for this Friday another three-hour speech. Next Wednesday will the court announced its verdict.
Leonberger local paper, 10/04/2002
the trial als Plattform
Richter setzt Plädoyer des Rennicke-Verteidigers ein Ende
STUTTGART/EHNINGEN. Der sechste Verhandlungstag im Fall Frank Rennicke ist vom Plädoyer des NPD-Verteidigers Horst Mahler bestimmt worden. Am Freitagnachmittag brach der Richter die Sitzung ab. Das Urteil wird am nächsten Mittwoch erwartet.
Von Günter Scheinpflug
Der Prozess gegen den rechtsextremen Liedermacher aus Ehningen, der sich vor dem Stuttgarter Landgericht dem Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung stellen muss, zieht sich in die Länge. Ursprünglich hatte der rechte Staranwalt Mahler ein dreistündiges Plädoyer angekündigt. Weil jedoch die Anklage eine Freiheitsstrafe von einem had called for years and nine months without parole, took the NPD lawyer all the stops to avert the threat of detention of his client. After Mahler had pleaded five and a half hours, the judge interrupted the hearing and sent the 50 present in the courtroom for the weekend.
the core of the long discussion has focused Mahler, today figurehead of the right to the paragraph 130 of the Penal Code (sedition), the justification of the blatant question, "why we hate Jews" and the so-called "Auschwitz lie. " One of the main charges against the extreme right Rennicke is the dissemination of the pamphlet "documents the defense - Suppressed Facts about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. "This is the mass killing of Jewish people, the gassing and systematic murder by the Nazi regime in question, denied played down or completely. According to Mahler, however, met" these documents to the provisions of Section 130 ". Moreover, I his client not to raised whether he had distributed this writing.
were apparently an error by the Post received the Marburg mayor two of the pamphlets, which they handed over after the police. Mahler doubted both the testimony of the town hall leaders and the proper identification of the police force after the incident. The right lawyer, the judge hardly interrupted the court used as a platform for anti-Semitic remarks and to Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Marx and well-known publicists for his own purposes cite. In one of his repeated requests for aid Mahler renewed interest, the former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to call to the witness stand. Schmidt should commit to the statement that he considered the alleged excessive number of foreigners in Germany as a key issue.
On the trial of former prosecutor had pointed out that Frank Rennicke "expellees song" should be classified regardless of the various versions as hate speech. The song was in 1996 by the Federal Department of obscene materials been indexed. Nevertheless, the couple Rennicke - Ute Rennicke also sits on the dock - apparently provided for a nearly five thousand times the dissemination of the disputed songs on CDs and music cassettes. The process will be continued next Wednesday.
Stuttgarter Zeitung, 05.10.2002
indictment calls a year and nine months imprisonment
STUTTGART / Ehning - With the pleadings of the prosecutor and the defender went on Wednesday of the trial before the Stuttgart Regional Court against the songwriter Frank Rennicke in the decisive phase.
By Steffen owner
total of six production batches total of 4530 CDs and cassettes and song books with the inflammatory "expellees song''have the songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen between late 1997 and summer 1999, distributed business-like, although it was known that the Federal Review Board documents the song on his CD" selection " 'out as "harmful to minors''had indicated in 1996. The removal of the line" Americans, Russians, foreign nations''on the CD "Early Works I''and the eradication of the word" out''in his song-books have not changed the character of the song . "The expellees song makes all non-Germans contempt'', was the prosecutor. Continuing of Nazi racial ideology was to incite it through its distribution as many people as possible to the hatred of everything foreign. After the search warrant on 20 July 1999, he had the lyrics of the song even published on his website.
The co-defendants for aiding Ute Rennicke have endorsed this goal and assisted her husband there. You've handled the phone traffic to a large extent, based on their name denominated current account made available and with their own collection agency claims from the CD-driven shipping and civil law. In addition, Frank had Rennicke Holocaust denial writings to a Marco Rieger sent from Marburg, which was leaked by a wrong delivery of mail. Overall asked the prosecutor one year and nine months in prison without parole for Frank Rennicke, six months imprisonment with three years probation for Ute Rennicke. The computer Rennicks, all evidence seized and the revenues generated should be retained. After all, 70 450 marks was the "national bard''how Rennicke describes himself, taken from the mail order business. Defenders
Dr. Ulrich Weiler called for a two-hour plea, however, acquitted his client. The text of the song reach far from the threshold of criminality. He substantiated his claim by playing songs from the left environment where open and keen to kill called by neo-Nazis, is the "freedom of expression had passed.''adds that" but in court as foreign nations''a fuzzy concept. "Friends''and" Russians call''written in 1986 expellees song the soldiers of the occupation, which would not have to be considered in accordance with the domestic population Volksverhetzungsparagrafen 130th
By playing a selection of songs Rennicke before the inquiry had been completed. Weiler had asked to listen, to show that the overall work of his clients' positive patriotic values'', but not mediate inflammatory Nazi website. Rennicke complained in the songs, among other things, that the state is "going down the drain''if ministers would be appointed today that 20 years ago" were revolutionary.''
His lead attorney Horst Mahler, who has evolved from RAF activists to NPD passionate defender has been announced for this Friday another three-hour speech. Next Wednesday, the court will announce its verdict.
Leonberger local paper, 05/10/2002
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