Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Wedding Recipe Saying

9:10:02 - last but one of the trial

uncommented Initially, one press report in the newspaper of Böblinger 10:10:02:

Rennicke defender represents 90 requests

Ehningen / Stuttgart - In the trial of Frank Rennicke Ehninger songwriter and his wife Ute for sedition Rennicke lawyer Horst Mahler in 1990 yesterday admission of evidence has made to the court.

In part, the content of these applications involved in the final solution the Jewish question, which Mahler said repeatedly that had been murdered in the concentration camps, not people.

Patiently, almost hear the lawyers give the 38th Criminal Chamber of the hour-long versions of the NPD lawyer Mahler in Hall 1 of the Justice Center at Stuttgart. Versions that have nothing obvious to do with the charges on expellees song. The defense attorney contends in so-called auxiliary applications, the examination of nearly 100 contemporary history researchers seeking to show through their statements and their report that, for example, in the camps Auschwitz and Birkenau were no gas chambers, it is not technically been possible for Jews killing with Zyklon B, weil dies für die Wachmannschaften zu gefährlich gewesen sei. Und dass bisherige geschichtliche Erhebungen über den Gas-Tod von sechs Millionen Juden im Bereich der Fabeln zu suchen seien.

Anwalt Mahler zitiert in einem Antrag sogar den einstigen Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, der bei seiner Vernehmung vor dem Nürnberger Gerichtshof die Existenz von Gaskammern bestritten habe, zum Beweis für seine These. Mahler vertritt weiterhin die Auffassung, Juden seien an Krankheiten gestorben, nicht an Ermordung durch eine Hitler-Anweisung.

Der Verteidiger bekommt wohl selbst ein Verfahren

Bei derartigen Bemerkungen the prosecutor makes eagerly notes. Horst Mahler will get through this proof of evidence surely even a preliminary investigation, after he sets up almost the same allegations, many years ago, the graduate student Oberjettinger Germar Rudolf.

Rudolph had noted in an opinion that no people were murdered in Auschwitz and was therefore the Stuttgart Regional Court sentenced to imprisonment, which he has not begun to date. Rudolph fled abroad after the verdict and feeds since the U.S. from the West German scene right on the Internet.

course emphasizes the defender to the conclusion that his claims either for or against the Holocaust Position would relate. However, it is observed warily by the Chamber members.

In its request, the number 90 requested Horst Mahler, the interrogation of the former Bundestag President Rita Suessmuth to prove that in the mirror a report was uncontested, where you just go out the history of hundreds of thousands of murdered Jews.

The process is expected to continue next Monday. Rennicke wife Ute will even make a defense plea. Followed by the final words of the two accused. The 38th Trial Chamber is also directed the trial for this one a long session.



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