Monday, October 21, 2002

Headache A Week After Giving Birth

The voice of the people to the wrong decision of the Regional Court of Stuttgart

While the media largely irrelevant "reported" and self-proclaimed "good guy" the verdict of criticism as a "right" took over ("A rabble-rouser in eight counts belongs to a concentration camp!"), There were some voices of reason and solidarity. Here are some examples of e-mail-letters.

Dear Frank!

I think hardly the right words, let the imagination, how hard must have been especially the last few weeks for you and your family.

I would also like to say many words, but simply to express my appreciation Bring for all the things you have done. You have opened with their songs many years before her eyes. I wish you and your family all the very good and the strength to continue zubestehen against all injustice.

full intimate and eternal respect


Hi Frank!

First of thanks for your answer! First of all, a determination, it is spoken in Germany this is not right! If law would be spoken, so we would have long participated in the government.
That now there are some who say that it is less bad, since you only have to get a suspended sentence, so I give you The law that people have so much brain as a sparrow meat from the kneecap I hope you do not listen to people who reveal their humble intellectual horizons in this way!
There are many young people in this country who love you and your music and every day the same as you are exposed to harassment. Even if the scope is different, everyone gets the hardness of this hypocritical system felt. My friend once told me if she does not know what is destroyed and totally on the floor, she puts herself in the shower, listen to your music, and cries. Then it's her, as good can they tolerate the harassment of the system for some time. Your music gives her the strength to do so, we all they have power! Do not let it get! We're all behind you 150% ig!

Comradely greetings


Hi Frank!

Have just have to read the scandalous verdict. Although I'd expected to like but secretly hoped for the rule of law and common sense
honest. Do not be defeated and many impressive greetings to your wife and children.

home greetings


Dear Frank!

The verdict is unjust! However, You must stay with your children! This heartiest congratulations !!!!!!!!!

The court did not administer justice but "set the standard." Typical of German dishes!! But you are to "walk free". This is for your children the most important and pleased me the most!

Do not give up, despite the material loss! The decision is based system (ie, not lawful)! You are not criminals or offenders !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are Wiederständler. People are the heroes!

Many want to you !!!!! Recovers

you something now!


From a letter response from the songwriter Frank Rennicke:

... thank you for your letter - I've got the concern and criticism of the very political justice. We now face the destruction of the family as a "suspended sentence" means of course to follow in the next three years, a further travesty of justice as a process and then to imprison us. If, despite three legal opinions, over a decade "without penalty singing the song" Return of earlier recordings with this song by the same now accusing prosecutors and approval by the Review Board to the song in its present version, despite the best defenders and private Arguments won a conviction (for my wife) brought (including the loss of more than DM 70,000 ,-!), it is always possible to achieve any political prosecution and conviction. We view with concern to our marriage and our five children - and with concern to the omnipresent uncertainty and arbitrary authority. The general indifference of other national groups on this test case leaves us in grief and emptiness. The words of some, "it is only a suspended sentence," only shows the lack of understanding of the processes that share this ruling and the implications that will be taken after an audit certificate landmark ruling tomorrow other.

Mit Heimatgrüßen

Frank Rennicke

Lieber Herr Stein!

Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen, Ihrer Frau und Ihrem Kind gut? Einer anderen Familie geht es schlecht: Ich habe gerade Nachricht bekommen, daß der Kollege Rennicke im Berufungsprozeß wegen seines "Heimatvertriebenliedes" zu 17 Monaten Haft auf Bewährung, seine Frau Ute, Mutter von 5 Kindern, zu 5 Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt worden sind. Beim geringsten Verstoß gegen die Bewährung (wobei der Willkür, mit welcher Lebensäußerung gegen diese Bewährung verstoßen werden könnte, Tür und Tor geöffnet sind), ist diese Familie also zerstört. Moreover, this verdict is forbidden to work the same! It's outrageous!

Mr. Stone, this case is you, me, all of us, whether we share Rennicke political positioning or not. I implore you: Keep you in the JF is no longer on this scandal. The right to free speech is not divisible and the duty of solidarity is not well. The club, which is now swinging against one consequence, is aimed against the next morning.

"German hear thou the sound German?

The freedom bell in your heart?

German! It rings


German freedom for all Germans

freedom for all!

you hear the sound, a German?

us will ring together

German and free!

man and free! "

(from" The Hidden Word "by Ulla Hahn)

I count on you!

With kind regards

Frederick B.

Rennicke love!

What a shock! Madness! How is this country gone to the dogs ..... How's the kids cope? Maybe you should relax a few days, first time coming to his senses? At the weekend, Saturday, we celebrate the 18th Birthday of our oldest daughter - with music and dancing, and interesting and charming people. But the weekend comes to us, you are welcome to attend. Space and food and drink are enough there. We would be pleased. But, as always: Hang on! Just not himself drop! The above letter is the same post in the "Junge Freiheit", in the next xxx we will bring back something. You are not alone, even if our options are few so pathetic.

The injustice is still far from won!


G & F

Dear Frank! Dear Ute!

What is this? What happened here? What are these judges?

I can think nothing more of a fact, I can only support you continue to advertise for you and we hope that this nightmare ends as soon as possible.
Hold on together, and believe in us as we believe in you, in this infidel time

with native sincerely


A Letter from Israel:

Good evening, Mr. Rennicke,

I do not hope that your family torn apart, so what is unreasonable for anyone. I think you'll be lucky and Jawe will keep an eye on you and your family and you protect them. I also can talk soon hope to open about what has happened in the past, between Jews and Germans. I respect your opinion, I think that you keep the Palestinänsern. I have nothing against this people, I judge only
The ones who make war and prevent freidliches together. You know, I wish for my people nothing more than that
finally comes to rest and I'll pray for you and your family. You have posted very nice etas, that Jews can live together and German. I did not think that you think so. Perhaps you are then, if you do not already do, will soon also convinced a trigger further work together with other cultures. I hope that people see in court who you really are. A man is afraid that he will put the most important thing in life - his family. I think you are a man of his country and to prevent einsteht just tried that and it breaks apart, Israel and Ireland - and I could mention wetere examples. I would like to ascribe courage and hope that everything ends well. Keep and maintain through a clear head and if all else fails, think of your family and you'll be finding new found courage. In difficult times has helped me a lot. Tell your children and your wife that I will pray for you and your courage to speak.

you soon and good luck for the next hearing.

your ML

Wednesday, 16:10:02

Dear Frank Rennicke

this morning I read in the newspapers about the conviction of you and your wife. This has ruined me for breakfast. I am always informed about the progress of your
"criminal proceedings". It is preposterous that you had to stand trial in court. Because you were simply exercise your right to freedom of expression and artistic freedom
. They therefore exposed to 17 months to three years on probation pleadings is a legal scandal. But this is still legal scandal culminated in that even your wife was sentenced to probation and that the seizure of your assets has been confirmed by more than 35,000 €. I wonder what for in a Staat wir leben, in dem man wegen seiner Meinung und deren Bekanntmachung zu solch irrsinnigen Strafen verurteilt werden kann. Wir leben wahrlich in "Absurdistan"!

Doch ich kenne selbst die BRD-Gerichte. Fünf Tage verbrachte ich in der 11. Klasse ein Berufspraktikum im Amtsgericht R... . Dort war ich vor allem

über die Staatsanwälte und die milden Urteile der Richter gegenüber Kriminellen entsetzt. Nach diesem Praktikum wollte ich bestimmt nicht mehr Jurist

werden, denn solche absurden Urteile, die vor BRD Gerichten gesprochen werden, möchte ich mir nicht täglich antun.

Nun, ich würde mich Ihnen gerne vorstellen, Herr Rennicke: Ich bin 19 Jahre alt und gehe in die 13. Class of the Kepler-Gymnasium in R. .. . As
advanced courses I have English and history. In the latter experience the re-education particularly hard. Recently, our teacher rushed a lot about the Empire, particularly to William II, and right now he tells us about the so-called "stab". If I had known before, that is besmirched in this subject our German history, I would have history never elected as a credit course. In school, my classmates and me relieve your mind very naive and limited. It is sad what happened to the German youth, or what has been made of the German youth.

Although I have not one of your albums Mr. Rennicke, I am a big fan of your music. Your songs, I often hear from a friend
, I particularly liked the lyrics. Her songs are special and they are very different from the meaningless "Chart tooting" or
Rock music I hear otherwise. Her songs for thought. Some are full of irony and parody. This means that your texts are too funny. Her lyrics are witty, above all. But just because your text, you have criminalized the political justice. Also, your music, I find it quite nice. I like to listen to when I am talking with friends in my room.

to you I admire that despite the violence and death threats are against you and your family, despite withdrawal of the state and despite offers
social exclusion to your view. For I think that you are right. Their way of thinking, as is shown in your songs, I think is very compelling. The stupid media propaganda, the hypocrisy of established politicians and the re-education efforts of my teachers seem to me not long ago. I just went on a search for the truth. Believe me, was to find out the truth for me, certainly not pleasant. To know what matter is now in our country and how it happened made me feel often pensive and sad. But what I tell you there, you will be safe even gone Sun

An Ihnen bewundere ich ebenfalls, dass Sie in so morschen und kaputten Zeiten noch eine intakte Familie mit fünf Kindern haben. Denn in dieser familien-

feindlichen Zeit fünf Kinder zu ernähren und zu erziehen ist keine leichte Aufgabe. Außerdem nehme ich an, dass es für Ihre Familie nicht leicht ist im

Alltag zu bestehen. Sie werden sicherlich diskriminiert; vor allem vermute ich, dass gerade Ihre Kinder viel darunter zu leiden haben, vor allem in der

Schule. Doch daran sind nicht Sie schuld, Herr Rennicke, sondern der Staat und seine Zerrbilder von Politikern.

Sie sind wahrlich ein Staatsopfer und wie Sie selbst sagen, politisch verfolgt. Ich bin froh, dass bei mir kaum jemand know what I really think. Although
I assume that the Constitutional protection or other political police this e-mail is read here before you, but on the other hand, I can not forbid people
you an e-letter writing! Have you once considered to emigrate or to the "exile" to go? They are really not happy in Germany. Actually you would have to be politically persecuted, and your family are entitled, the right to asylum in other countries. Although I recognize that it is not easy to turn their own homeland back, but you do not have a choice?

But I write you wanted to encourage them not feel insecure around you. Although to you yesterday in court as a "criminal rabble-rouser
" tossing, please be aware that you are right and not the right preventive lawyers, who are so pathetic that they have to do an almost suffering. They are also used to be Mr. Rennicke before the throne of the Lord and he will absolve you. Never forget that you have more supporters than you might think. I for one am behind you. They are neither a demagogue nor a criminal. We both know that is the real rabble-rouser and criminals.

On the whole procedure particularly annoyed me how your wife could move in there. She was sentenced without having done something illegal or added. The plea of \u200b\u200byour wife to court, I have also read and it impressed me. It was really only accused because she's married to you. The verdict and the case against you is a shame only. I wonder how corrupt judges, prosecutors and may be the entire judiciary in the BRD? It is and remains a scandal!

However, you are very sympathetic to me, Mr. Rennick. They are certainly not the evil "right-wing demagogue," as it is in the newspaper
On the contrary, you are something, what's more rare: an honest, upright German man! Do not be discouraged or finish. Stay as you are making and Sie auch mit Ihrer Musik weiter. Ich wünsche Ihnen und Ihrer Familie alles Gute.

Grüße von G., einem Kameraden und Sympathisanten

PS: Wenn Sie diesen Brief auf Ihrer Heimatseite veröffentlichen wollen streichen Sie bitte meine E-Brief Adresse, sämtliche Namen, wie den meiner Schule und Ortsangaben. Kürzen Sie beispielsweise Georg mit "G." PPS: Mich würde es sehr freuen, auch von Ihnen, sobald Sie Zeit dazu finden, einen E-Brief zu erhalten. Ich finde es ohnehin gut, dass man Sie einfach anschreiben kann.

Hallo Frank, liebe Ute,

mit Entsetzen habe ich heute im Weltweiten Netz das Urteil gegen Euch lesen müssen. Es ist unfassbar, So sieht sie also aus unsere "Rechtssprechung". Ehrbare, unbescholtene Bürger werden für Meinungen und Gedanken verurteilt, während die Kriminalitätsrate in Deutschland Ausmaße annimmt, welche an "Wild West Manier" erinnern.

Das ist sie also, die Meinungsfreiheit, das Recht auf Freie Meinung...... Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei" solange sie ins USraelischen Geheule mit einstimmt? Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei", solange man nicht auf (bestehende) Mißstände in unseren Heimatland hinweisst? Ist eine Meinung nur dann "frei", wenn sie frei von Kritik ist?

Ich verstehe es nicht. Was haben wir, ehrliche und aufrechte Deutsche, getan, dass man für Meinungen, Gedanken, Liedern und Gedichten in eine kriminelle Ecke gedrängt werden. Es ist so absurd.....

Tagtäglich hört und liest man von Straftaten sowie den juristischen Umgang bei der Verfolgung eben jener.... Es werden Urteile gefällt, welche an Hohn kaum zu überbieten sind. Kinderschänder, Vergewaltiger, Raubmörder, Diebe ect. werden teilweise zu Opfern gemacht. Opfer einer schweren Kindheit, psychologischen "Engpässen", und und und.... Wie gesagt, es ist so absurd.

Mir ist zum Weinen zumute. Soweit ist es also gekommen. Du darfst als Deutscher nicht mehr Deutsch sein. Heulst Du nicht mit den Wölfen, wirst Du zur Schlachtbank geführt. Mir fehlen die Worte.... ARMES DEUTSCHLAND....

I wish you and your wife, right now in this difficult time, get through a lot together to force the wrong can. I hope you go in the next few instances and can not break you. Be brave!! Go on your way, the path is rocky and difficult, have paved the way by many German (often out of resignation, sometimes I am one too) already left. You are not only a gifted German artist who in many things, and especially during the past days, you have become a role model. A model of determination and strength.

have the strength to fight on. Although it often appears as meaningless. There are only words, I wish, however, that these words just give you the necessary strength to continue. Best wishes also to your brave wife and your children.



Dear Mr Rennicke,

this verdict goes to show clearly in what a "law" we live, namely in a wrong state! Wiedermal the state tries to break an upright citizen! But I hope they do not give up now, because then the system would have indeed won, and that just can not their goal after more than 15 years, his fight! I know what the ruling means for them, but I ask them to continue their magnificent Performances continue, the only way to continue the fight! What to think younger comrades, "if" they "have the" Rennie "could break what they were doing to me?" Could be a lot of thought, and perhaps a reason to stay away from our movement! You must know that the whole National Movement (Whether or nationalist skinhead) continues to stand with them, probably more than before! This ruling is perhaps a beginning for us, maybe in stoking up the movement. Only together we are strong! In me at any rate, this process entails only the rage in me one more time to boil over! And so I will do everything to spread their fate in my region, even under "normal" citizens! (Welch syndicate for the company, if not national citizens are already considered as normal, which it has in countless generations not exist before our!) so I ask them if they have over their process flyers, send them to me to leave.

With comradely greetings

your faithful Thomas

Hi Frank,

is at your Gerichtserhandlung in the least to the declarations of war and threats of violence and the incitement to violence (such as "Brothers Keepers - last warning" if the solicitation to violence, then what is ?????) of foreign musicians in Germany niedergelassener (? Musiker ?) eingegangen wurden ? . Aber wie es mir scheint darf sich ein jeder daher gelaufene Dunkelhäutige eher Politisch äußern , wie ein Deutscher mit eigener Gesinnung !!!!

!!! So viel zu dem Thema, das Deutschland ein Rechtsstaat ist !!!

Naja dann mal in der Hoffnung weitere Lieder von Dir zu Hören ( laßt Euch nicht Unterkriegen ) und Nationalem Gruße .


Heil Dir, Frank!

Na, die gesamte Gerichtsfarce war ja ein erstklassiges Beispiel für Rechtsbeugung. Wenn selbst jetzt schon Deine Lieder (besonders das

Heimatvertriebenenlied) Volksverhetzung sind, wie wird es dann in Zukunft mit weitaus "härter" gespielten Liedern aussehen, auch wenn sie inhaltlich

villeicht ähnlich sind??? Ich sehe da sehr düstere Wolken am Horizont aufkommen. Demnächst wird es warscheinlich schon "Aufruf zum Rassenhass

heissen", wenn man nur das Wort Ausländer in den Mund nimmt, geschweige denn diese als zu viel empfindet!

Warscheinlich versuchen unsere lieben Staatsschützer jetzt alle Personen auf "Beihilfe" zu verurteilen, die im geringsten mit dem nationalem

Musikgeschäft zutun haben und CD`s oder LP`s vertreiben. Und sei es auch nur das sie eine Briefmarke angeleckt haben. Ich werde einen netten, kleinen Bericht schreiben und ihn hier in Skandinavien veröffentlichen. Diese Schweinerei der "deutschen" Justiz ist wirklich unter alle Würde. Sau wollte ich nicht sagen, aber was ich über "Würden"träger denke, das entscheide immer noch ich selber...ohne dadurch wegen Beleidigung belangt zu werden!!!

Mit kameradschaftlichen Grüßen


Lieber Frank,

ich wollte mich auch mal wieder zu Wort melden. Ich habe den Prozeß auf Ihrer Seite verfolgt und wollte dazu meine Meinung schreiben.

Es ging ja ua. um das "Heimatvertriebenenlied",und vorallem wollte ich gerade dazu sagen das an (um jetzt keinen Staatsanwalt zu locken möchte ich auf das Lied nicht dwell) every day from morning until late into the night to play songs on some TV channels (Viva, MTV, etc.) that are "under all", it is sung about violence, murder, hatred and disgusting things! Yes, yes, but many say - that does make the youth happy! Since it does not matter whether a scandal-rapper EMINEM filled his pockets with more dollars that are spent by the teens to still buy a CD.

Maybe you're wondering on what I'm saying?? Well I'm just so that all these texts are sung in foreign languages \u200b\u200band no one makes himself as a head, because what is happening on the screen for what they believe the mother would this is dirty and violent - which sounds like the little protege there at 12:30 clock? And what you learn from them is bad loving only what has been declared for the worse - such songs, but there running on TV are from the ground up "has been well explained, and since no one will dare to doubt only that! Woe to him who does this!

Her songs are talking about the reality of people of injustice that was done to justice, but precisely this is condemned in the worst, for whom use the songs for what? The shopaholic youth? The state? No, they are useful only to those who can identify with it. And that's the point, so they are convicted, weil es einigen Leuten nicht in den Kragen passt, das es noch einige Dinge gibt, die sie selbst nicht zu Geld machen können,die sie nicht verwalten oder kaputtreden können!!!

Denn es sind Ihre Gedanken, Herr Rennicke, die in Ihren Liedern Worte finden,und das wird Ihnen zur Last gelegt. Aber das kann auch ein Staatsanwalt nicht verhindern, denn wie heißt es so schön: "Nur unsere Gedanken sind frei"

Mit freundlichen Gruß



Wednesday, October 16, 2002

How To Get On Poptropica At School'

Der achte Prozeßtag

Der achte Prozeßtag im Fall Rennicke - das "rechtsstaatliche Judgement - 10/16/2002

The injustice has, as expected, was victorious in this appeal, the presiding judge Zimmert of the 38th District Court of Appeal of Stuttgart has issued the following verdict:

Frank Rennicke is to 1 year and 5. months in prison on probation sentenced to three years

Ute Rennicke is sentenced to five months in prison on probation for three years

All confiscated items (CDs, master tapes, two vollständge PC computer systems and as "compensation of DM 70 450, -).. be recovered.

The judge described the actions as a copywriter In a "Songs" in which "echoes der Rassenidiologie der Nazis" sich zu eigen macht: "...wer gegen die multikulturelle Gesellschaft ist, macht sich die Rassenidiologie des nationalsozialistischen Regimes zu eigen - dieses führt zu Verbrechen und muß mit der ganzen Schärfe des Gesetzes bekämpft werden...!" Der Richter unterstellte dem Liedermacher, seine Lieder nur deswegen zu singen, um Ausländer verächtlich zu machen und fremdenfeindliche Gewalt zu fördern.

Dem Liedermacher wurden seine Auftritte bei den Repubikanern, bei Burschenschaften und Nationaldemokraten vorgeworfen, da er somit ein "bestimmtes gewaltfähiges Klientel" ansprechen würde. Es wurde behauptet, durch den Liedermacher gäbe es fremdenfeindliche Übergriffe and would interfere with his songs, the "peaceful coexistence, the public peace and coexistence between Germans and foreign citizens." The judge continued: "Other songs should be subject to legal review ...!"

Ute Rennicke her husband she would thus morally, emotionally and supported in the same spirit, received orders and provided a running account in their name are available. When sentencing, she was accused by her husband not "sufficiently distant to have." The defense

text veröffenlichte Frank Rennicke on its website three years ago, zeige seine Uneinsichtigkeit und sei ein weiterer Verstoß gewesen. Der Besuch von über 9000 erfaßten Internetgästen auf dieser Seite zeige den Einfluß von Frank Rennicke, ebenso die Anzahl seiner vertriebenen Tonträger. Diesem müßte ein Ende gesetzt werden.

Die Zusendung zweier revisionstischer Broschüren unterstellte das Gericht und wies das "im Zweifel für den Angeklagten" zurück, da der SPD-Bürgermeister Vaupel als "zufälliger Briefempfänger" für glaubwürdiger als der Zeuge Rieger und Rennicke gewertet würde. Da das Verbrechen des NS und des Genozids offenkundig sei, bedarf es auch keiner Klärung des Inhaltes dieser Broschüren, die somit volksverhetzend seien.

According to the legal question Heimtvertriebenen song was an offense - the District Court of Appeal with two lay judges have ruled clearly.

The caricature on the brochure "Indexing - Sysemterror against the singer" is identical to insert an image list of the revisionists writing. Ultimately, the court has

ALL discarded detailed proof of evidence and proof of evidence and refused assistance. All of the words of the accused remained without effect upon the court.

The attitude of singer-songwriter was named three times as a sentencing - was ultimately convicted audible to all present here, the attitude, not just the work of singer-songwriter and his wife.

would like the court sentenced later, but whether through the long process and by the fact that both defendants had no criminal record, here is limited. The success of the songwriter, his reputation and the variety of his performances and sound recordings were considered sentencing.

The songwriter Rennicke should have been warned by the investigation to refrain from certain comments, it would also by its "very heavy" lawyers are not "objective legal opinion" - that he should have known. In order for him there also was no presumption of innocence. He would seek to better "independent legal advice" need.

If other contemporaries, such as Helmut Schmidt, and critical remarks made to foreigners, those 'in the democratic consensus more "- Frank Rennicke stand but outside this, and would be active only as a rabble-rouser.

A suspended sentence was pronounced, therefore, as Ute and Frank Rennicke as "intelligent people" now probably knew how they should behave in the future - the smallest transgressions would lead to the abolition of parole. Since Frank had tried Rennicke in the past to meet legal rules, he would certainly know now to understand this warning.

The songwriter was the court and the audience to understand clearly what he thought of "this sentence" - judges and defendants had repeatedly one word slugfest. Frank Rennicke said outraged by the "example of a wrong verdict", "This is an example of modern fascism and suppression of opinion," "They are destroying a family," "prohibition" and "shame". While the family Rennicke was denied in the previous seven days of trial the police protection, he was now out of the hall by police and accompanied to the car.

There were about 25 policemen, a dozen journalists and about 50 listeners to attend sentencing. Striking was the tension of the judge and his constant approval-seeking eye contact with the prosecutor.

whether a revision is made against the ruling remained unclear.




suspended sentence for Frank Rennicke

legal Extreme singer was sentenced to 17 months - after the scandal verdict

STUTTGART. Well below the state prosecutor demanded sentences yesterday the verdict remains in the trial of Frank Rennick. The right-wing singer-songwriter has been sentenced to probation, the prosecution had asked to be released.

Günter Scheinpflug

"The defendant has shown he is willing to adapt his lyrics to the legal framework," was the verdict of the judge at the Stuttgart Regional Court, the Rennicke convicted of sedition to one year and five months on probation. The prosecution had held 21 months in prison without parole is appropriate. Also confirmed the judge previously issued Böblinger district court imposed a fine of 36 000 €.

The Chairman of the 38th Trial Chamber to which the defendants referred to the close of the appeal hearing as a "wise and intelligent enough" had no idea that the finale of the eighth to the trial an uproar would come. "They are quiet, now I'm talking about," the judge the vociferous comments Rennicke dismissed the verdict against his wife Ute. The court, the 38-year-old aid has in the dissemination of writings harmful to young persons found guilty and sentenced to a prison sentence of five months, which was also suspended for three years on probation.

opinion of the court established that the "national bard" has sold out Ehningen (Böblingen) more than 4000 CDs and tapes with the indexed so-called displaced persons song. He also was found guilty of having distributed a pamphlet in which the mass murder of Jews people is played down and denied. The court confirmed that an 37-year-old "echoes of the racial ideology." Rennicke work with insinuations and sing about the "slavery of the German people by foreigners, the Germans off the house and yard. That is hate speech.

After more than nine-hour plea by the NPD lawyer Horst Mahler, the court rejected all requests for proof of the right agitator and former RAF terrorists. Responded to the verdict of the Bard's most extreme right-applied. "This is an example of the fascism of the present," said Rennicke to the judge. The many supporters of the convicted person clapping in the courtroom applauded. Whether revision eingelegt wird, ist offen.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 16.10.2002


Rennicke kommt mit Bewährung davon

Stuttgart (gs) - Der rechte Liedermacher Frank Rennicke ist vom Landgericht Stuttgart wegen Volksverhetzung und der Verbreitung jugendgefährdender Schriften zu einem Jahr und fünf Monaten Haft auf Bewährung verurteilt worden. Gegen seine Frau Ute wurde wegen Beihilfe eine fünfmonatige Haftstrafe auf Bewährung verhängt.

Die Berufungskammer hat damit das Urteil des Amtsgerichts Böblingen vom 22. November 2000 aufgehoben und die Strafe verschärft. Das Amtsgericht hatte Rennicke, der sich selbst einen "nationalen Barden und volkstreuen Songwriter calls ", sentenced only to ten months on probation. Imports from the CD sales EUR 36 000 which were secured at the 37-year-old father of five children to be recovered.

main subject of the appeal was the expellees song Rennicke in which he foreigners contemptuous do and against that a hostile attitude produces. echoes of the Nazi era are unmistakable. "This is hate speech and deliberate, malicious slander," the judge said. Also had Rennicke denied in a pamphlet the Holocaust. Rennicke called the other hand, on the expression and artistic freedom. His lawyer Horst Mahler demanded acquittal. Rennicke the way into the revision open.

Stuttgarter Nachrichten, 16.10.2002

Converting Electric Golf Cart 2 Gas

longer sentences

Source: Local 16/10/2002 00:17 Böblinger messenger

longer sentences for the right songwriter from Ehningen


Ehningen / Stuttgart - The Ehninger songwriter Frank Rennicke has been convicted in state court of second instance for sedition and eight times for violations of the law to the spread of dangerous youth Denter fonts to 17 months probation. His wife was convicted of sedition for aid to five months in prison.

With this verdict announced yesterday, the 38th Criminal Chamber of the Stuttgart District Court for the admission of evidence of an over 90-Rennicke defender Horst Mahler dismissed as groundless and overturned the first instance verdict of the jury court milder Böblingen in November of 2000.

was then the national bard (Rennicke about themselves) just ten months' imprisonment was convicted. Ute wife came away with a fine. The Stuttgart prosecutor as well as the couple Rennicke had appealed against the conviction Böblinger appeal. The prosecution with a view to harsher punishment, even Rennicke wanted acquitted be.

Only the public prosecutor was now with the ruling of the district court success. Thus, the grounds of the 38th Trial Chamber is, the offense of sedition eight times through the dissemination of proven Rennicke expellees song. In particular, the text passages ... German foreign nations destroy nature ... for foreign interests, the foreign rulers have lost all ... let us again be German in Germany ... / strangers out of people, at last master in his own house ... would show the prisoner to denigrate these foreign nationals in despicable ways, and a hostile contempt

unrest among the audience

also common. He enslaved would put in the song that the Germans robbed by foreigners. This, the presiding judge, is a malicious and intentional defamation.

When the lawyer then makes the statement: All of this is sedition, is unrest in the coming mostly from the extreme right audience. Particularly liable to prosecution in the opinion of the Board was that attributed songwriter Rennicke in a record shipment to a customer a pamphlet in which he denied the Holocaust historically documented, showing that it technically would not have been possible to gas six million Jews. The contrary is proved historically, the judge said, rejecting this decision, all made to admission of evidence of the NPD defender Mahler.

Mahler had wanted to be in its flood of applications including many politicians as witnesses and experts called to the witness stand.

wife Ute is legal aid on sedition guilty because they took orders for the CD and the song books and part of her post office account to deposit the funds available to us. Both sentences imposed have been suspended. The prosecution claimed the other hand, imprisonment without parole.

Ob das Ehepaar Rennicke auch diesen Spruch per Revision angeht, ist noch nicht bekannt.

Sunday, October 13, 2002

Beta Fish With Tetras

Bericht zum 7. Prozeßtag

Hier ein Bericht zum 7. Prozeßtag:

Nachdem der Prozeßtag mit Verspätung eröffnet wurde, setzte Horst Mahler als Anwalt von Frank Rennicke sein Plädoyer vom letzten Tag fort. Nachdem er bereits auf das Unrecht der Strafverfolgung wegen des Heimatvertriebenen-Liedes eingegangen war, ging er umfangreich auf die vorgeworfene Broschüre ein, die der Liedermacher angeblich versendet haben soll. Detailiert forderte er in insgesamt 90 Hilfsbeweisanträgen das Gericht auf, den Wahrheitsgehalt the brochure to investigate. As a symbol he wore the tale of "The Emperor's New Clothes" skillfully before and asked if such acts do not even EXIST by stupidity, arrogance and cowardice in the presence of too many issues? At the conclusion of his words he came again to the overall process, the unconstitutional § 130 and the restriction of expression and artistic freedom to speak. Impressively, he attacked totalitarian structures of the present policy of the Sysemmächtigen and called on judges and magistrates to uphold the Basic Law. The outstanding quality and capability of this lawyer was clearly visible, felt the battle for his client, for freedom of expression and the German people.

then said Ute Rennicke, whose heart-rending final words are below nachlesbar. When it ended, there was spontaneous applause by the audience over 40, after which the judge completely lost composure and aggressively threatened to clear the hall. Among the audience and the NPD party chairman Udo Voigt and the NPD spokesman Klaus Beier, who expressed their solidarity with the accused was expressed (in contrast to many other "rights").

Then the songwriter said, even a good 75 minutes. Comprehensive he pointed to his life, telling of his youth at the zone boundary, his thoughts on the NATO forward defense of the 70s and 80s, his political knowledge FRG-present and his role as songwriter, he met resistance for 15 years. He provided information about the now eight-year-long harassment and political persecution, called dozens of examples of state violence. He sharply attacked the political justice, in particular the political police and prosecutor, called facts and names. Impressively, he described himself and his family as a victim wants efficient executor and political circles. Ultimately, it can be explained only politically with "... fascist power setting of certain lawyers, politicians and officials for a song ...", why after more than a decade over 7000 pages investigation files, hundreds of phone conversations, shading his family, threats and coercion was necessary. His disappointment and anger at the modern way of the Inquisition were mitfühlbar. Judges and jurors, he made the importance of an expected landmark ruling for other German clearly spoke of prohibition and political persecution. Finally, he wore words "political dissidents", which would have solidarity with the family, even Marxists. By a letter Soziademokratin ended the songwriter.

As always, there was a large police presence, the ID cards of all listeners have been scanned and made an embarrassing security check. One participant, who the day before the hearing date and the Federal Constitutional Court to ban the NPD was present said, only would the process legally dubious Rennicke sharper and oppressive procedure by the police.

The trial ended only towards the 20:20 clock - the judiciary had been working overtime.

Judgement will be on Tuesday, issued 10/15/2002 by 15 clock in the hall 1 of the Stuttgart Regional Court.



final words Ute Rennicke - Process 10/09/2002 LG Stuttgart

the beginning of my final words I am going to read two letters, the first we found in the mailbox when we on 18 From Sept. 1. The trial have come home. (UR lose two of the threatening letters containing death threats). .

The threatening letters:

"Good day, bard,

nice that we'll meet in Stuttgart to the process you bring and your cunt of woman - it is a washing up with you and your hybrids from Nazi children. We will then remove the same We look forward to your dying will -.... and with you the whole Nazi breeding and your German folk songs

So, you make beautiful fine so that the burial clothes true But maybe we burn you - so like the Nazis did it. An eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. million Israelis Sintis, gays and comrades wait for your death - and it is up to you to take revenge for the shit-Nazi crimes. Germany perish!

Whether the process, whether at home, whether they buy - we will get you and then we cut a right shit-singers from the eggs and put it to you in the mouth! And your dick your Ute gets in the ass.

This time we'll get you and your family.

regards to "comrades" Mahler - he is the next one!

Grounded with Nazis! No discussions with Nazis! No sympathy with Nazis! No life for Nazis!

Tot all Nazis "

following letter reached us on 1. October. (Reading of the threatening letter).

"Hey, brown bard, how's the process still in a bad mood or gave you the judge Zimmert been properly made a fire under your ass

you will think determines -.? Nanu, where is the Antifa Do not be worry -. we are already there your police army is doing only certain visit obstacles But be calm, you're due -. and your Nazihure of women also

Maybe we'll meet on the last day of the trial -. most of the verdict, if you into the hole and get your UteVotze hopefully this can be when we'll polish the face -. and cut your tail Nazi

Maybe there's also the first a house call at your "little Germans" when you're in prison - then it's more fun, Frederick and the whole Nazi breeding pursue the skull. We are looking rejoice.

So until then

The Friends prosecutor Mertig "


Is this also a" revolt of the decent "

As much as me, these letters - we have already received some of this kind and Dr. Weiler already leaving some of them in his plea, scare is so great, my anger at those who cause the first. I am thinking of including some prosecutors and journalists. We made fair game. One of our sons (11 Years old) is already in Ehningen insulted, threatened and beaten, but because of newspaper reports! probably also belong to the revolt of the decent ones! In the newspaper we read of alleged death threats against our family, rather than properly investigate and we even have to ask the nature of the threats are. No, it is deliberately lied and twisted. The process was, as the Court stated as the reason, from June postponed until September, because of the death threats against us and our lawyers, and partly because the prevention of a witness. In the next, the newspaper reads quite differently: The trial was postponed for fear of rioting right-wing extremists. Deliberate omission and distortion the facts! That's not a decent man!

All this comes before me like a bad dream. Why was I actually in the dock?

Because I have been married for 13 years, Frank Rennicke? Could this be the reason? What do you want to achieve? Are we in this fashion mellow to be made? I do not think there are many women who think of it only approximate, let alone could bear what I have experienced in recent years. I had a different idea of \u200b\u200bthe state, but I slowly woke up.

As a child of displaced persons - my father was with his family, expelled from the Sudetenland, my mother, then 6 years old, had to mother, 4-year-old sister and newborn brother in 1945 to flee from the Russians from East Prussia - as a child of these parents I based on narratives to understand early must ensure that the expulsion of a great wrong and no "forced migrant stock" was , as the then Federal President von Weizsäcker said years ago.

My three siblings and I were raised to critical, truth-loving people were told, respect for creation and love for our homeland.

My husband and I have found at that time, partly because we have seen in others the same love for our country. Why do we justify now for what is natural?

sit because of the expellees, including song we have here in the dock, where previously sat criminals, drug dealers, murderers and sex offenders. I am aware of the best will in any offense. The song was not pursued for 14 years. I can not close because of a trust relationship between my husband and I be sure that he is careful that he does not want the family caught up in something that he wants to protect them. This is also the access to lawyers and to federal inspection. Is being drawn from me acting in this case by the prosecutor more than designed.

course may be present at first no aid to § 21 GJM, because I was not shown to be involved in the distribution of indexed records, on the contrary, I even, if necessary, always pointed out that when it comes to indexed record went for telephone orders, a distribution by mail order is not possible. The TÜ bands that sound we had and had to demonstrate this clearly.

The prosecutor stated in his plea that I was always fast on the phone and have freely given information. Since Mr. Reiber been with us at home, however, was not invited and accompanied by his officers, he should know may recall that we have a have telephone with two extensions. Moreover, this is where a phone is a cordless, which I usually close to me. I assume to be so indirect, I would only wait for a call from a potential buyer, has far-fetched.

However, what is true: I give willingly of information! I am of a friendly person. Had I the Lord asked prosecutor as I spend because with 5 small children the day, I had him may also like to list readily as frequently with us on the day of the washing machine is running, how often and buy how much I need to know how long I feed babies and wrap, how many doctors and other Events from gymnastics to music lessons, I have to organize.

regard, the prosecutor Reiber is right when he says that I only partially provided information to my work. Namely, as a housewife and mother of a big family that takes its educational mission seriously and take care of their children and not in keeping Shorte to deport foreigners.

As can be concluded from a small number of TÜ tapes that I would have accounted for a significant proportion of telephone traffic for orders or complaints? Were called here by court figures: Ute Rennicke% as much as much as Frank Rennicke%?

to the account of my husband, the was re-written in my name, I would say no more. We have mentioned several times in the process to the truth - why the prosecutor does not want to take note of this, just know it.

I can not see really what it should be so reprehensible and unusual if I had driven as a partner of KEL-management consulting GmbH find hundreds of claims of other firms, including receivable from Frank Rennick.

And it is so unusual that I as a wife in an intact marriage of modest white things that affect the livelihood of my husband? Yes, we still have something to say, talking to each other, be it through Kinderkrankheiten, Schulprobleme oder über Treffen und Gespräche mit Anwälten, der Bundesprüfstelle oder auch über die Höhe der Versandkosten, die man verlangen kann? Mir nun daraus, aus einer Selbstverständlichkeit, einen Strick drehen zu wollen, wirkt lächerlich.

Bösartig dagegen ist die Unterstellung, dass ich mir darüber im Klaren gewesen sei, dass durch das Heimatvertriebenenlied alle Nichtdeutschen verächtlich gemacht werden sollen!

Heute, da ich die Verantwortung für meine Kinder trage, ist mir die Furcht, die mein Mann in seinem Heimatvertriebenenlied ausspricht, selber bewusst und greifbar geworden. Bei Dunkelheit gehe ich nur ungern und mit einem eerie feeling of the house, I often do not trust hardly alone or by bike are. My children must be accompanied, if they still have dinner on the road. According to the received threatening letters necessary than ever.

What I want is a safe and fulfilling life in our country, if not for my husband and me, but for our children. And there may come

what may: I'm staying close to the side of my husband because I can trust him and because I know he did nothing wrong and do in the future.

Ute Rennicke


And here are some Press Reports:

Ehningen / Stuttgart: pleadings in the trial of Frank Rennicke

A prison sentence
threatened by our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn

postponed again: On Monday is the verdict in the trial of right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen and his wife Ute will be announced. Reason for the delay is the plea of \u200b\u200bdefending Horst Mahler. Former RAF Terrorist needed for his comments nearly nine hours.

It took Mahler the opportunity to suppress the indexed journal "Defence Documents Arguments about Auschwitz and the Holocaust, "to quote almost verbatim. Again and again he put the auxiliary request for evidence that Court to one expert download for contemporary history," could refer to the reports on mass destruction in Auschwitz to the realm of fable. "

gas chambers there was never existed, giving it there is no evidence but only disputed testimony, the concentration camp Theresienstadt a nursing home was for Jews Horst Mahler quotes about the detour of the banned brochure including some from the book "Auschwitz lie" and publication of Fred Leuchter, of the Holocaust denial as well.

Richter Zimmert hands were tied. If he had withdrawn the word to the lawyer, could be a reason for revision. Since Mahler is not the reference to the process lost, he could talk for hours. The Forbidden Scripture he quoted as Rennicke said to have sent them.

The Ehninger electricians and songwriter Rennicke was sedition before the district court Böblingen a custodial sentence of ten months on probation, convicted of aiding and abetting his wife to 500 €. In addition, proceeds were collected from 35 000 € from trading in the indidizierten "expellees song." The couple went Rennicke also appeal the verdict as the prosecution (the SZ / BZ) reported.

Horst Mahler, who represents, among other things ban the NPD in the process before the Federal Constitutional Court demanded, as his colleague, Professor Ludwig Weiler Frankfurt an acquittal for their clients.

The prosecutor, however, the penalties were too lenient at first instance. A year and nine months without parole requested the prosecutor to Frank Rennicke ". The show is still unrepentant as already the case against him had been opened, he put the banned lyrics on his homepage on the Internet."

For Ute Rennicke asked the prosecutor six months in jail, suspended on probation, "There is a considerable aid to the complicity .. Borders "Ute Rennicke had taken orders, sales processed through its account receivables and driven by its own collection agency

a newspaper 10/10/2002

Rennicke defender represents 90 requests
Ehningen / Stuttgart - In the trial of Frank Rennicke Ehninger songwriter and his wife Ute for sedition Rennicke lawyer Horst Mahler in 1990 yesterday admission of evidence has made to the court.

Some of the content of these applications deals with the final solution of the Jewish question, with Mahler repeated claims that were murdered in concentration camps, no people.

Patiently, almost hear the lawyers give the 38th Criminal Chamber of the hour-long versions of the NPD lawyer Mahler in Hall 1 of the Justice Center at Stuttgart. Versions that have nothing obvious to do with the charges on expellees song. The defense attorney contends in so-called auxiliary applications, the examination of nearly 100 contemporary history researchers seeking to show through their statements and their report that, for example, in the camps Auschwitz and Birkenau were no gas chambers, it is not technically been possible for Jews killing with Zyklon B, because this is for the guards was too dangerous. And that previous historical surveys were to look over the gas-death of six million Jews in the fables.

lawyer Horst Mahler in an application even quotes the former Field Marshal Hermann Goering, who had denied in his testimony before the Nuremberg Tribunal, the existence of gas chambers, as evidence for his thesis. Mahler continues to consider that Jews had died from diseases, not to murder by Hitler statement.

The defender gets itself well to a process

makes the case of such remarks, the prosecutor eagerly notes. Horst Mahler is certainly by this proof of evidence even get a criminal investigation after he sets up almost the same allegations, many years ago, the graduate student Oberjettinger Germar Rudolf.

Rudolph had noted in an opinion that no people were murdered in Auschwitz and was therefore the Stuttgart Regional Court sentenced to imprisonment, which he has not begun to date. Rudolph fled abroad after the verdict and feeds since the U.S. from the West German scene right on the Internet.

course emphasizes the defender to the conclusion that would draw its applications either for or against the Holocaust position. However, it is observed warily by the Chamber members.

Im Antrag mit der Nummer 90 beantragt Horst Mahler die Zeugenvernehmung der ehemaligen Bundestagspräsidentin Rita Süssmuth zum Beweis dafür, dass im Spiegel ein nicht beanstandeter Bericht stand, in dem man geschichtlich nur noch von einigen hunderttausend ermordeter Juden ausgehe.

Der Prozess wird vermutlich am kommenden Montag fortgesetzt. Rennickes Ehefrau Ute will selbst ein Verteidigungs-Plädoyer abgeben. Danach folgen die Schlussworte der beiden Angeklagten. Die 38. Strafkammer richtet sich auch für diesen Verhandlungstag auf eine lange Sitzung ein.

Böblinger Kreiszeitung 10.10.2002

Thursday, October 10, 2002

How Often Should I See Hygienist

Eine Gefängnisstrafe threatens

Source: (a newspaper)

A prison sentence
threatened by our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn
postponed again: First Monday is the verdict in the trial of right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen and his wife Ute will be announced. Reason for the delay is the plea of \u200b\u200bdefending Horst Mahler. Former RAF Terrorist needed for his comments nearly nine hours.

It took Mahler the opportunity to document the indexed "documents the defense stifled arguments Auschwitz and the Holocaust "to quote almost verbatim. Again and again he put the auxiliary request for evidence that Court to one expert download for contemporary history," could refer to the reports on mass destruction in Auschwitz to the realm of fable. "

gas chambers there had never been , but there was no evidence but only disputed testimony, the concentration camp Theresienstadt was a retirement home have been for Jews Horst Mahler quotes about the detour of the banned brochure including some from the book "Auschwitz lie" and publication of Fred Leuchter, the Holocaust also denied.

Zimmert judges hands are tied. If he had withdrawn the word to the lawyer, could be a reason for revision. Since Mahler is not the reference to the process lost, he could talk for hours. The Forbidden Scripture he quoted as Rennicke said to have sent them.

The Ehninger electricians and songwriter Rennicke was sedition before the district court Böblingen a custodial sentence of ten months on probation, convicted of aiding and abetting his wife to 500 €. In addition, proceeds were collected from 35 000 € from trading in the indidizierten "expellees song." The couple went Rennicke also appeal the verdict as the prosecution (the SZ / BZ) reported.

Horst Mahler, including the prohibition of the NPD process represented before the Federal Constitutional Court, asked how his colleague Professor Ludwig Weiler Frankfurt an acquittal for their clients.

The prosecutor, however, the penalties were too lenient at first instance. A year and nine months without parole requested the prosecutor to Frank Rennicke ". The show is still unrepentant as already the case against him had been opened, he put the banned lyrics on his homepage on the Internet."

For Ute Rennicke asked the prosecutor six months in jail, suspended on probation, "There is a substantial aid that borders on complicity." Ute Rennicke had taken orders, sales on their account settled and claims is driven by its own collection agency.

Wednesday, October 9, 2002

Wedding Recipe Saying

9:10:02 - last but one of the trial

uncommented Initially, one press report in the newspaper of Böblinger 10:10:02:

Rennicke defender represents 90 requests

Ehningen / Stuttgart - In the trial of Frank Rennicke Ehninger songwriter and his wife Ute for sedition Rennicke lawyer Horst Mahler in 1990 yesterday admission of evidence has made to the court.

In part, the content of these applications involved in the final solution the Jewish question, which Mahler said repeatedly that had been murdered in the concentration camps, not people.

Patiently, almost hear the lawyers give the 38th Criminal Chamber of the hour-long versions of the NPD lawyer Mahler in Hall 1 of the Justice Center at Stuttgart. Versions that have nothing obvious to do with the charges on expellees song. The defense attorney contends in so-called auxiliary applications, the examination of nearly 100 contemporary history researchers seeking to show through their statements and their report that, for example, in the camps Auschwitz and Birkenau were no gas chambers, it is not technically been possible for Jews killing with Zyklon B, weil dies für die Wachmannschaften zu gefährlich gewesen sei. Und dass bisherige geschichtliche Erhebungen über den Gas-Tod von sechs Millionen Juden im Bereich der Fabeln zu suchen seien.

Anwalt Mahler zitiert in einem Antrag sogar den einstigen Generalfeldmarschall Hermann Göring, der bei seiner Vernehmung vor dem Nürnberger Gerichtshof die Existenz von Gaskammern bestritten habe, zum Beweis für seine These. Mahler vertritt weiterhin die Auffassung, Juden seien an Krankheiten gestorben, nicht an Ermordung durch eine Hitler-Anweisung.

Der Verteidiger bekommt wohl selbst ein Verfahren

Bei derartigen Bemerkungen the prosecutor makes eagerly notes. Horst Mahler will get through this proof of evidence surely even a preliminary investigation, after he sets up almost the same allegations, many years ago, the graduate student Oberjettinger Germar Rudolf.

Rudolph had noted in an opinion that no people were murdered in Auschwitz and was therefore the Stuttgart Regional Court sentenced to imprisonment, which he has not begun to date. Rudolph fled abroad after the verdict and feeds since the U.S. from the West German scene right on the Internet.

course emphasizes the defender to the conclusion that his claims either for or against the Holocaust Position would relate. However, it is observed warily by the Chamber members.

In its request, the number 90 requested Horst Mahler, the interrogation of the former Bundestag President Rita Suessmuth to prove that in the mirror a report was uncontested, where you just go out the history of hundreds of thousands of murdered Jews.

The process is expected to continue next Monday. Rennicke wife Ute will even make a defense plea. Followed by the final words of the two accused. The 38th Trial Chamber is also directed the trial for this one a long session.


Monday, October 7, 2002

How To Take Yaz As An Emergency Contraceptive

the trial as a platform

Stuttgarter Zeitung

Judge sets plea of \u200b\u200bdefending an end-Rennicke

STUTTGART / Ehning. The sixth hearing in the case Rennicke Frank has been determined by the plea of \u200b\u200bthe NPD defender Horst Mahler. On Friday afternoon, the judge stopped the session. The verdict is expected next Wednesday.

By Günter Scheinpflug

The trial of the extreme right-wing singer-songwriter from Ehningen who stand in front of the Stuttgart District Court on charges of sedition must, runs in the length. Originally, Mahler had the right defense lawyer announced a three-hour speech. Because, however, had called for the prosecution a prison sentence of one year and nine months without parole, took the NPD lawyer all the stops to avert the threat of detention of his client. After Mahler had pleaded five and a half hours, the judge interrupted the hearing and sent the 50 present in the courtroom for the weekend.

the core of the long discussion has focused Mahler, now the figurehead of rights to the Section 130 of the Penal Code (sedition), the justification of the blatant question, "why we hate Jews" and the so-called "Auschwitz lie". One of the main charges against the extreme right Rennicke is the dissemination of the pamphlet "documents the defense - Suppressed Facts about Auschwitz and the Holocaust." In it, the mass killing of Jewish people, their gasification and systematic murder by the Nazi regime is questioned, denied or played down completely. According to Mahler, however, met "these documents to the provisions of Section 130". In addition, his client did not rule on whether he had distributed this writing.

Apparently an error by the Post had received the Lord Mayor of Marburg two of the pamphlets, which they then handed over to the police. Mahler doubted both the testimony of the town hall leaders and the proper investigation of the police force after the incident. The right lawyer, hardly interrupted by the judge, used the courtroom as a platform for anti-Semitic remarks and to Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Marx and well-known journalists to quote to his purposes. In one of his repeated requests for aid Mahler renewed interest, the former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to call to the witness stand. Schmidt should commit to the statement that he allegedly excessive number of foreigners in Germany consider it a major problem.

On the trial of former prosecutor had pointed out that Frank Rennicke "expellees song" should be classified regardless of the various versions as hate speech. The song had been indexed in 1996 by the Federal Department of obscene materials. Nevertheless, the couple Rennicke - Ute Rennicke also sits on the dock - apparently provided for a nearly five thousand times the dissemination of the disputed songs on CDs and music cassettes. The process will be continued next Wednesday.

Updated: 07.10.2002, 06:04 clock

Sunday, October 6, 2002

Where Can I Put A Logo On A Dog Collar

The sixth Prozetag

Here is a selection of press reports on the sixth of the trial at Stuttgart district court. Horst Mahler had argued that day his peroration, which was offered to excellent, with over 40 people were in the hall. 16:15 clock against the judge then broke off the plea - this talk will be continued next Friday, in which case that day and Ute and Frank Rennicke be the last comprehensive.

with home wishes

The Friends of the family Rennicke

press reports Rennicke-appeals process from October 4, 2002 - The sixth


Frank Rennicke is for one year and nine months in prison

Before the Stuttgart Regional Court, the prosecutor calls a prison sentence without parole - defender pleads not guilty

STUTTGART. For the prosecutor is proved that the right against his better songwriter Frank Rennicke the indexed expellees song has sold thousands of times. In the plea, he requested a year and nine months in prison without parole.

By Günter Scheinpflug

Under tight security arrangements with body searches by the police forces is the trial of Frank Rennicke last Wednesday before the Stuttgart Regional Court was continued. On the fifth of the trial before the 38th Criminal Court sought the defense to refute after the conclusion of the evidence the charges against Rennicke accusation of sedition, and called for acquittal.

In the appeal hearing had been eagerly expecting the first plea of \u200b\u200bthe prosecutor, who called the self-proclaimed "national bard" as "totally unreasonable". The indexed "expellees song" he had sold to support his wife Ute Rennicke over several years. Some outstanding payments have been collected through a collection agency formerly run by Ute Rennicke. From the 1996 by the Review Board indexed journals of inappropriate song there was on the CDs and tapes three versions. On the CDs sold with the title "elite" of the disputed rhyme was "Americans, Russians and foreigners out, at last master in his own house" available in full, at the "early works-Edition I" lacked the word "out". The song was, however, regardless of the version classified as hate speech.

"The defendants were aware that all non-Germans to be despicable," said the prosecutor. Until 1999 4530 CDs with this song had come on the market, also at least 38 cassettes and song books, in which das Lied ebenfalls abgedruckt worden sei. Insgesamt habe Rennicke damit Erlöse in Höhe von über 70 000 Mark erzielt.

Ute Rennicke habe zu einem erheblichen Teil die Geschäfte über das Telefon abgewickelt und dabei Bestellungen und Reklamationen entgegengenommen. Über ihr Konto seien zudem Zahlungen eingegangen, die aus dem schwunghaften Handel mit den indizierten Tonträgern resultierten. Die Staatsanwaltschaft geht davon aus, dass sich Ute Rennickes "Mitwirkung auf den gesamten Versandhandel" erstreckte. Wie die Telefonüberwachung ergeben habe, sei sie bestens über das Sortiment informiert gewesen wie auch über die Zahlungs- und Vertriebsbedingungen. Wegen der Beihilfe zur Volksverhetzung und des Verstoßes to the Youth Protection Act, the prosecutor for Ute Rennicke a six-month prison sentence with three years probation deems appropriate.

The required threshold for Frank Rennicke the prosecutor also explained by the fact that the defendant proved at least two copies of the Book "documents the defense - Suppressed Facts about Auschwitz and the Holocaust" was sent. This problem is aggravated that he "expellees song" spread through the Internet. The reasoning of the prosecutor to sentence Rennicke, this startle to incite hatred against all things foreign and cry "in continuation of racial ideology in Nazi Germany to the expulsion of all foreigners" in, contrary to Rennicke defenders vehemently. This raised the concern that the "expellees song" was written before the troop reduction in East and West before reunification. been in the question of guilt, which is why, despite the widespread indexing the song yet, be lying "an unavoidable mistake of law" so the defender on. On the indexing of the "selection" Date Rennicke have received a decision, not an index of the "early works-Edition I" against it. Apart from his client no dissemination of the disputed "selection" CDs to prove it to minors.

Frank Rennicke second defender in court, the lawyer Horst Mahler has NPD, for today a three-hour Plädoyer angekündigt. Nach Angaben des Richters soll nächsten Mittwochnachmittag das Urteil bekannt gegeben werden.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 04.10.2002

Für den Liedermacher der rechten Szene wird es eng

Staatsanwalt fordert 21 Monate Haft für Frank Rennicke - Zum Hass gegen Fremde aufgestachelt

Stuttgart/Böblingen - Der rechtsextreme Liedermacher Frank Rennicke soll wegen Volksverhetzung ins Gefängnis. Der Staatsanwalt hat am Mittwoch 21 Monate Haft für den 37-jährigen Ehninger gefordert.


Der Prozess vor der 38. Strafkammer des Landgerichts Stuttgart schleppt be tough there. Five days of hearings were scheduled, now there are probably seven. Rennicke defender set to work, the process to drag on and on. Such illustrious on Wednesday for an hour or songs of blood and soil-singer by the court. To prove that Rennicke "exclusively positive, conservative and patriotic values \u200b\u200bof" spreading. A dubious "pleasures of art", especially since it's not about the complete works of the singer of the extreme right, but just to be "Home Song" is about. Rennicke, the prosecution has indicated that the song 5000 times and also distributed on the Internet. He also had packets settled with his CDs writings that deny the Holocaust. A ging irrtümlich an den Marburger Oberbürgermeister, der die Polizei informierte.

"Ziel des Heimatlieds ist es, zum Hass gegen Fremde aufzustacheln", so der Staatsanwalt. Mit "Amis, Russen, Fremdvölker raus, endlich wieder Herr im eigenen Haus" rufe Rennicke zur Vertreibung von Ausländern auf und setze die Nazi-Ideologie fort.

Der Nachmittag war für die Plädoyers der beiden Verteidiger reserviert. Doch nur einer sprach und forderte Freispruch. Rennickes zweiter Verteidiger verlangte und bekam mehr Vorbereitungszeit: Horst Mahler, früher Mitglied der Rote-Armee-Fraktion und jetzt NPD-Anwalt, will erst heute reden. Zeitliche Prognose: drei Stunden. Das Urteil soll am 9. Oktober verkündet be. sat

addition some 30 supporters of the deep brown singer also one in the courtroom, the spirit of this has nothing to do: Erich Schmeckenbecher, better known as Zupfgeigenhansel. Under this name he is from 1974 1986 occurred with Thomas Friz. Zupfgeigenhansel took German and Yiddish songs from the shadows and had the peace movement. Is all the more outraged Schmeckenbecher that the right singer, the music of Zupfgeigenhansel served, "he pulls her out of the historical context and misused them for his purposes." Sun

the text of the Nazis who had fled into exile Jewish poet Theodor Kramer ("Others, not so much the country liebten"). Auch "Ein stolzes Schiff" (Volksliedtext um 1848) taucht auf einer Rennicke-CD auf. Beide Lieder hat Zupfgeigenhansel (eine Million verkaufte Platten) bekannt gemacht, die Melodien stammen von Schmeckenbecher. Bei Auftritten soll Rennicke auch Lieder von Hannes Wader, Reinhard Mey oder Wolf Biermann verwendet haben. Schmeckenbecher will gegen Musikklau und Geschichtsfälschung vorgehen: "Ich habe meine Anwälte eingeschaltet."

Stuttgarter Nachrichten 04.10.2002

Anklage fordert ein Jahr und neun Monate Haft

STUTTGART/EHNINGEN - Mit den Plädoyers des Staatsanwaltes und der Verteidiger ging am Mittwoch der Prozess vor dem Stuttgarter District Court against the songwriter Frank Rennicke in the decisive phase.

By Steffen owner

total of six production lots with a total of 4530 CDs and cassettes and song books with the inflammatory "expellees song''was the songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen between late 1997 and summer 1999, distributed business-like, although it was known that the Federal Review for Writings Harmful to Young the song on his CD "selection''as" harmful to minors''had indicated in 1996. The removal of the line "Americans, Russians, foreign nations out''on the CD" Early Works I''and the eradication of the word 'out' 'in his Song books have not changed the character of the song. "The expellees track all non-Germans make despicable'', was the prosecutor. As a continuation of Nazi racial ideology, should it incite through its distribution as many people as possible to the hatred of everything foreign. After the search warrant on 20 July 1999, he had the text of the song even published on his website.

The co-defendants for aiding Ute Rennicke have this goal endorsed and supported her husband there. you've handled the phone traffic to a large extent, based on their name-denominated current account made available and with its own collection agency claims from the CD mailing civil eingetrieben. Des Weiteren habe Frank Rennicke den Holocaust leugnende Schriften an einen Marco Rieger aus Marburg verschickt, was durch eine Falschlieferung der Post aufgeflogen sei. Insgesamt forderte der Staatsanwalt ein Jahr und neun Monate Haft ohne Bewährung für Frank Rennicke, sechs Monate Freiheitsstrafe bei dreijähriger Bewährungsfrist für Ute Rennicke. Der Computer Rennickes, sämtliche sichergestellten Beweismittel sowie der erwirtschaftete Umsatz sollen einbehalten werden. Immerhin 70 450 Mark hatte der "nationale Barde'', wie sich Rennicke selbst bezeichnet, aus dem Versandhandel eingenommen.

Verteidiger Dr. Ulrich Weiler forderte in einem zweistündigen Plädoyer indes Freispruch für seinen Mandanten. The song's lyrics reach far from the threshold of criminality. He substantiated his claim by playing songs from the left environment where open and keen to kill is called by neo-Nazis, but before the court as "freedom of expression existed.''Addition is" foreign nations''a fuzzy concept. "Friends''and" Russians call''written in 1986 expellees song the soldiers of the occupation, which would not have to be considered in accordance with the domestic population Volksverhetzungsparagrafen 130th

By playing a selection of songs Rennicke before the inquiry had been completed. Weiler had asked to listen, to show that the overall work of his clients' positive patriotic values'', but does not mediate inflammatory Nazi website. Rennicke complained in the songs among other things, that the state is "going down the drain''if ministers would be appointed today that 20 years ago" revolutionaries.''were

His lead attorney Horst Mahler, who has evolved from RAF activists to passionate NPD defender, has been announced for this Friday another three-hour speech. Next Wednesday will the court announced its verdict.

Leonberger local paper, 10/04/2002

the trial als Plattform

Richter setzt Plädoyer des Rennicke-Verteidigers ein Ende

STUTTGART/EHNINGEN. Der sechste Verhandlungstag im Fall Frank Rennicke ist vom Plädoyer des NPD-Verteidigers Horst Mahler bestimmt worden. Am Freitagnachmittag brach der Richter die Sitzung ab. Das Urteil wird am nächsten Mittwoch erwartet.

Von Günter Scheinpflug

Der Prozess gegen den rechtsextremen Liedermacher aus Ehningen, der sich vor dem Stuttgarter Landgericht dem Vorwurf der Volksverhetzung stellen muss, zieht sich in die Länge. Ursprünglich hatte der rechte Staranwalt Mahler ein dreistündiges Plädoyer angekündigt. Weil jedoch die Anklage eine Freiheitsstrafe von einem had called for years and nine months without parole, took the NPD lawyer all the stops to avert the threat of detention of his client. After Mahler had pleaded five and a half hours, the judge interrupted the hearing and sent the 50 present in the courtroom for the weekend.

the core of the long discussion has focused Mahler, today figurehead of the right to the paragraph 130 of the Penal Code (sedition), the justification of the blatant question, "why we hate Jews" and the so-called "Auschwitz lie. " One of the main charges against the extreme right Rennicke is the dissemination of the pamphlet "documents the defense - Suppressed Facts about Auschwitz and the Holocaust. "This is the mass killing of Jewish people, the gassing and systematic murder by the Nazi regime in question, denied played down or completely. According to Mahler, however, met" these documents to the provisions of Section 130 ". Moreover, I his client not to raised whether he had distributed this writing.

were apparently an error by the Post received the Marburg mayor two of the pamphlets, which they handed over after the police. Mahler doubted both the testimony of the town hall leaders and the proper identification of the police force after the incident. The right lawyer, the judge hardly interrupted the court used as a platform for anti-Semitic remarks and to Goethe, Kant, Hegel, Marx and well-known publicists for his own purposes cite. In one of his repeated requests for aid Mahler renewed interest, the former Chancellor Helmut Schmidt to call to the witness stand. Schmidt should commit to the statement that he considered the alleged excessive number of foreigners in Germany as a key issue.

On the trial of former prosecutor had pointed out that Frank Rennicke "expellees song" should be classified regardless of the various versions as hate speech. The song was in 1996 by the Federal Department of obscene materials been indexed. Nevertheless, the couple Rennicke - Ute Rennicke also sits on the dock - apparently provided for a nearly five thousand times the dissemination of the disputed songs on CDs and music cassettes. The process will be continued next Wednesday.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 05.10.2002

indictment calls a year and nine months imprisonment

STUTTGART / Ehning - With the pleadings of the prosecutor and the defender went on Wednesday of the trial before the Stuttgart Regional Court against the songwriter Frank Rennicke in the decisive phase.

By Steffen owner

total of six production batches total of 4530 CDs and cassettes and song books with the inflammatory "expellees song''have the songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen between late 1997 and summer 1999, distributed business-like, although it was known that the Federal Review Board documents the song on his CD" selection " 'out as "harmful to minors''had indicated in 1996. The removal of the line" Americans, Russians, foreign nations''on the CD "Early Works I''and the eradication of the word" out''in his song-books have not changed the character of the song . "The expellees song makes all non-Germans contempt'', was the prosecutor. Continuing of Nazi racial ideology was to incite it through its distribution as many people as possible to the hatred of everything foreign. After the search warrant on 20 July 1999, he had the lyrics of the song even published on his website.

The co-defendants for aiding Ute Rennicke have endorsed this goal and assisted her husband there. You've handled the phone traffic to a large extent, based on their name denominated current account made available and with their own collection agency claims from the CD-driven shipping and civil law. In addition, Frank had Rennicke Holocaust denial writings to a Marco Rieger sent from Marburg, which was leaked by a wrong delivery of mail. Overall asked the prosecutor one year and nine months in prison without parole for Frank Rennicke, six months imprisonment with three years probation for Ute Rennicke. The computer Rennicks, all evidence seized and the revenues generated should be retained. After all, 70 450 marks was the "national bard''how Rennicke describes himself, taken from the mail order business. Defenders

Dr. Ulrich Weiler called for a two-hour plea, however, acquitted his client. The text of the song reach far from the threshold of criminality. He substantiated his claim by playing songs from the left environment where open and keen to kill called by neo-Nazis, is the "freedom of expression had passed.''adds that" but in court as foreign nations''a fuzzy concept. "Friends''and" Russians call''written in 1986 expellees song the soldiers of the occupation, which would not have to be considered in accordance with the domestic population Volksverhetzungsparagrafen 130th

By playing a selection of songs Rennicke before the inquiry had been completed. Weiler had asked to listen, to show that the overall work of his clients' positive patriotic values'', but not mediate inflammatory Nazi website. Rennicke complained in the songs, among other things, that the state is "going down the drain''if ministers would be appointed today that 20 years ago" were revolutionary.''

His lead attorney Horst Mahler, who has evolved from RAF activists to NPD passionate defender has been announced for this Friday another three-hour speech. Next Wednesday, the court will announce its verdict.

Leonberger local paper, 05/10/2002

Friday, October 4, 2002

Congratulation For Citizenship

The fifth trial,

The fifth day of the political process against Ute and Frank Rennicke was held in the largest hall of the District Court. Before the negotiation of another verdict against a foreign volleyball player instead, was sentenced to four years for assault resulting in death.

were first etlliche songs of the songs played achers at the request of the defense to make some positive examples of patriotism and Gegenwartskritk to get the bard. The judge was visibly uncomfortable and even the jury could feel emotions as in song about the nursing home.

then the prosecutor kept his closing words: In a simple Justizart he worked off and called finally 1 year and nine months imprisonment for the singer and six months for his Frau auf drei Jahre Bewährung. Man hatte das Gefühl, alle Verteidigungsargumente sind von diesem Vertreter für den Staatsanwalt Mertig (der selbst erneut nicht erschien) vollkommen vorbeigegangen.

Dann sprach der Hauptverteidiger Dr. Weiler. Seine zweistündige gelungene Vortragsweise, sachliche Auflistung aller Vorwürfe und Stellungnahme dazu waren in Meisterwerk rechtsanwaltlichem Handwerks. Er kam zur Forderung des Freispruchs und legte sogar noch Beweisanträge vor. Herausragend waren ein Antrag auf Einstellung wegen Vorverurteilung des Sängers und seiner Frau durch massive Medienfalschberichte - alles mit Belegen und Beweisen - und der Hinweis auf die falsche Anwedung des § 130.

Am kommenden Freitag wird dann das Schlußwort von Rechtsanwalt Horst Mahler und der Familie Rennicke erwartet. Eine Urteilsverkündung soll dann am siebten Verhandlungstag, Mittwoch, den 9.1002 erfolgen.

Der Freundeskreis


Hier ein typischer Hetzartikel der örtlichen Presse am Tage des fünften Prozeßtages::

Linke Lieder von einem rechten Barden

Der Rechtsextreme Frank Rennicke soll Werke von Zupfgeigenhansel missbraucht haben

STUTTGART. Dem rechtsextremen Barden Frank Rennicke droht neues Ungemach. Nicht nur, dass er wegen Volksverhetzung vor Gericht steht; nun erhebt auch the head of the pacifist band Zupfgeigenhansel serious allegations. Rennicke said to have abused her work.

By Holger Gayer

Erich Schmeckenbecher was quite amazed, as he brooded over his accounts. A man named Frank Rennicke have sung two of his songs and pressed onto CD, the singer learned there - and remembered a message that he had recently received from his colleagues Hannes Wader. Rennicke This is a very extreme and Bard also known that he likes to steal songs from other, alienation and abuse so for his goals. "And now it's even happened to me," complains tasting cup and says: "What I think about it, is not ready for printing. To call this behavior an outrage would certainly be an understatement significantly. "

For indeed there are tasting cup songs with the titles" A proud ship "and" Andre, the country was such an admirer not "in works of the extreme right of Ehningen in Böblingen . Here is the text of "Andre, the country was such an admirer not" just written by the Jewish poet Theodor Kramer, who describes it, with what inner conflict he fled to the rise of the Nazis into exile in England. Schmeckenbecher found the poem so much that he later composed a melody and the song with his group Zupfgeigenhansel spielte. Von 1974 bis 1986 existierte Zupfgeigenhansel als Duo - gemeinsam mit seinem Kollegen Thomas Friz galt Schmeckenbecher als einer der wichtigsten Liedermacher der Friedensbewegung und verkaufte bis heute mehr als eine Million Platten.

Und nun das. "Mir wird schlecht, wenn ich nur daran denke, was dieser Rennicke tut", sagt der Multimusikant, der im Rems-Murr-Kreis lebt und sich maßlos darüber ärgert, dass "so ein Geistessohn der damaligen Nazitäter die künstlerischen Äußerungen des damaligen Opfers nutzt, um seine Weltanschauung, seinen Hass gegen Ausländer, Juden und die Demokratie zu rechtfertigen". Dabei befinden sich Schmeckenbecher und Zupfgeigenhansel durchaus in prominenter Gesellschaft, Rennicke as well as songs by Heinz-Rudolf Kunze, Wolf Biermann or Wolfgang Ambros has alienated for his purposes. "Well, the are happy when they learn that," said Schmeckenbecher bitter as gall.

might also be interested in. Of course, the judges of the Stuttgart District Court for the incident. There must now answer Rennicke at the moment. The action is on sedition - and again it's about a song, this time, however, dates from Rennicke itself. "Expellees song" is the concoction, which promoted the exodus of the extreme right of all foreigners from Germany. Rennicke also is alleged to have distributed pamphlets in which the Holocaust is denied.

Today, the process continues, and Erich Schmeckenbecher is seriously considering to take in the audience space to this man he despises so much to experience in nature. "Maybe," said Schmeckenbecher, "this is a prelude to what Rennicke expected when I sue him." In the moment at least he was checking all possibilities to achieve that "this man can not abuse our songs for his historical falsification."


To clarify:

This "report" (better a typical propaganda) tries to show Frank Rennicke had "copyright infringements" committed and "abusing or even songs of Jewish people left." The fact is quite another. Of course, all the works of other artists billed to the GEMA and it should be better for the character of the songwriter Rennicke cheap to good writing of others, then consent to pay, even if they are in other political connections at home. Intolerance are related to it in this article only when the artist left tasting Berger and journalists Gayer. The intention is clear: to exercise influence over the process and is prejudice!





whole crowd screams.



Theodor Fontane

True words hurt terribly show how the following guidelines for
freedom of speech (partly taken from the magazine PATRIOT No


first Freedom of speech is an offensive freedom.

second Truth hurts, especially when they are lying to the presents.

third The reason why people are silenced is not because they lie
, but because they speak the truth. When lies people can
their own words be used against them, but if they tell the truth, there is no logical argument
, but as the only antidote to violence.

4th A good journalist should be insightful and seditious.

5th You know when you have spoken the truth when one is angry and denounced
visited by the police.

6th Truths are only interesting if they bring controversy and
things are only interesting if they cursed, vilified and wished to hell

7th Speech and freedom of speech is an act of desperation. It is the last
way out, an attack of silent rage, and - in most cases - an insult
and departure from social norms. People kill the
have usually lost their inhibitions only for a moment. But people who speak out their opinions freely and publish
they have forever lost
and therefore so dangerous for the system like a rabid dog.

8th To be taken seriously by the system, you have to be directly offensive
. If you do not, then people say "Oh, yes spins" - and
one is completely ignored in the rule. But when you hit the nerve and arrive
violent reactions, then you know that one on the right track
the brain. The point is that people rarely get new thoughts and ideas
outside without a spiritual thrust. One must therefore brilliantly and violence
penetrate the spirit in people's consciousness
9th Truth has also no manners and morals. No one respects you. It violates
and insulted the nobility as well as hard as the civil. Will bring down the high and
confirmed the worthless of the lowly. She 's probably for formal occasions
fine, but only to then expose themselves
to disclose before the entire society. And as the truth
nobody respects, there are few that respect the truth
. But those who speak the truth, they are understanding,
possibilities, much honor and power and of course the honor of the unknown
shu etter Lichen hatred of the ignorant masses.

10th breed with the truth You also stupid and evil as the enemy approached
and are then usually also those that would anyway your enemies.

11th Where the truth is suppressed, has resistance (defense) are mandatory.
Normally, in any case, because the in-pay
Justice has succeeded in political processes, including legal, law, constitution and human rights
except power to overturn or set.

1930's Mirrored Dressing Tables

The fifth trial,

The fifth day of the political process against Ute and Frank Rennicke was held in the largest hall of the District Court. Before the sentencing hearing of another Volleyball player against a foreign place, who was sentenced to four years for assault resulting in death.

were first etlliche songs of the songs played achers at the request of the defense to make some positive examples of patriotism and Gegenwartskritk to get the bard. The judge was visibly uncomfortable and even the jury could feel emotions as in song about the nursing home.

then the prosecutor kept his closing words: In a simple Justizart he worked off and called finally 1 year and nine months imprisonment for six months for the singer and his wife of three years probation. One had the feeling alle Verteidigungsargumente sind von diesem Vertreter für den Staatsanwalt Mertig (der selbst erneut nicht erschien) vollkommen vorbeigegangen.

Dann sprach der Hauptverteidiger Dr. Weiler. Seine zweistündige gelungene Vortragsweise, sachliche Auflistung aller Vorwürfe und Stellungnahme dazu waren in Meisterwerk rechtsanwaltlichem Handwerks. Er kam zur Forderung des Freispruchs und legte sogar noch Beweisanträge vor. Herausragend waren ein Antrag auf Einstellung wegen Vorverurteilung des Sängers und seiner Frau durch massive Medienfalschberichte - alles mit Belegen und Beweisen - und der Hinweis auf die falsche Anwedung des § 130.

Am kommenden Freitag wird dann das Schlußwort von Rechtsanwalt Horst Mahler and the family Rennicke expected. A verdict will then be on the seventh trial, Wednesday, 9.1002.

The Friends


Here is a typical Hetzartikel the local press on the day of the fifth trial day::

left songs from a right Barden

The right extremists Frank Rennicke has abused works by Zupfgeigenhansel

STUTTGART . The right-wing Frank Barden Rennicke threatens new trouble. Not only that he is on trial for sedition, and now charge you the head of the pacifist band Zupfgeigenhansel serious allegations. Rennicke said to have abused her work.

By Holger Gayer

Erich Schmeckenbecher was quite amazed, as he brooded over his accounts. A man named Frank Rennicke have sung two of his songs and pressed onto CD, the singer learned there - and remembered a message that he had recently received from his colleagues Hannes Wader. Rennicke This is a very extreme and Bard also known that he likes to steal songs from other, alienation and abuse so for his goals. "And now it's even happened to me," complains tasting cup and says: "What I think about it, is not ready for printing this behavior an insult to. would call at least not yet understated significantly. "

For indeed there are tasting cup songs with the titles" A proud ship "and" Andre, the country was such an admirer not "in works of the extreme right of Ehningen in Böblingen. Here is the text of "Andre, the country was such an admirer not" just written by the Jewish poet Theodor Kramer, who describes it, with what inner conflict he fled to the rise of the Nazis into exile in England. Schmeckenbecher found the poem so much . that he later composed a melody and played the song with his group Zupfgeigenhansel Zupfgeigenhansel existed from 1974 to 1986 as a duo - together with his colleague Thomas Friz Schmeckenbecher was considered one of the most important songwriters of the peace movement, and sold to date more than one million copies.

And now this "I feel bad when I think about what this Rennicke does," says the multi-musician, who lives in the Rems-Murr-Kreis and excessively annoyed that "as a spiritual son of the former Nazi perpetrators of the artistic expressions of the former victim uses to justify his belief, his hatred against foreigners, Jews and democracy. " Here, tasting cups and Zupfgeigenhansel are quite prominent in society since Rennicke also has songs by Heinz-Rudolf Kunze, Wolf Biermann or Wolfgang Ambros alienated for his purposes. "Well, the are happy when they learn that," said Schmeckenbecher bitter as gall.

might also be interested in. Of course, the judges of the Stuttgart District Court for the incident. There must now answer Rennicke at the moment. The action is on sedition - and again it's about a song, this time, however, dates from Rennicke itself. "Expellees song" is the concoction, which promoted the exodus of the extreme right of all foreigners from Germany. Rennicke also is alleged to have distributed pamphlets in which the Holocaust is denied.

Today, the process continues, and Erich Schmeckenbecher is seriously considering to take in the audience space to this man he despises so much to experience in nature. "Maybe," said Schmeckenbecher, "this is a prelude to what Rennicke expected when I sue him." In the moment at least he was checking all possibilities to achieve that "this man can not abuse our songs for his historical falsification."


To clarify:

This "report" (better a typical propaganda) tries to show Frank Rennicke had committed "copyright infringement" and "abusing some songs by Jewish or left people ". The fact is quite different. Of course, all the works of other artists billed to the GEMA and it should be better for the character of the songwriter Rennicke values \u200b\u200bfair, good articles from other even to pay support, even if they are in other political connections at home are intolerance here in the article only with the artist left tasting Berger and journalists to find Gayer The intention is clear:..! influence on the process and is prejudice





whole crowd screams.



Theodor Fontane

True words hurt terribly show how the following guidelines for
freedom of speech (partly taken from the magazine PATRIOT No


first Freedom of speech is an offensive freedom.

second Truth hurts, especially when they are lying to the presents.

third The reason why people are silenced is not because they lie
, but because they speak the truth. When lies people can
their own words be used against them, but if they tell the truth, there is no logical argument
, but as the only antidote to violence.

4th A good journalist should be insightful and seditious.

5th You know when you have spoken the truth, when you get angry and denounced
visited by the police.

6th Truths are only interesting if they bring controversy and
things are only interesting if they cursed, vilified and wished to hell

7th Speech and freedom of speech is an act of desperation. It is the last
way out, an attack of silent rage, and - in most cases - an insult
and departure from social norms. People kill the
have usually lost their inhibitions only for a moment. But people who speak out
freely and publish their views, they have forever lost
and therefore so dangerous for the system like a rabid dog.

8th To be taken seriously by the system, you have to be directly offensive
. If you do not, then people say "Oh, yes spins" - and
one is completely ignored in the rule. But when you hit the nerve and arrive
violent reactions, then you know that one on the right track
the brain. The point is that people rarely get new thoughts and ideas
outside without a spiritual thrust. One must therefore brilliantly and violence
penetrate the spirit in people's consciousness
9th Truth has no manners and morals. No one respects you. You
hurt and offended the nobility as well as hard as the civil. Will bring down the high and
confirmed the worthless of the lowly. She 's probably for formal occasions
fine, but only to then expose themselves
to disclose before the entire society. And as the truth
nobody respects, there are few that respect the truth
. But those who speak the truth, they are understanding,
possibilities, much honor and power and of course the honor of the unknown
shu etter Lichen hatred of the ignorant masses.

10th With the truth you can grow the stupid and evil as the enemy approached and
which are then usually those who would in any case your enemies.

11th Where the truth is suppressed, has resistance (defense) are mandatory.
Normally, in any case, because the in-pay
Justice has succeeded in political processes, including legal, law, constitution and human rights
except power to overturn or set.