This alone proves insured and their duplicitous, modernist and liberal language and makes their falsehood and their betrayal clear. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico. makes
The letter to the bishops, it clearly
In his letter to the bishops of 10 Benedict XVI wrote in March 2009. invited to return - in an allusion to the "estate" of the excommunication of a gesture of good will, and his father, the "prodigal son" - the four bishops of the Brotherhood. Then he remembered
clearly and explicitly the fact that the four bishops to "exercise no lawful ministry in the Church" after they have neither a commission nor have a canonical status, and therefore a divinis are suspended, legalized up to their situation through the adoption of the Second Vatican Council as a result of doctrinal discussions is.
deceive oneself and others
Benedict XVI. has expressed this way: "This should be clear that the problems to be addressed now are much more doctrinal in nature, in particular the adoption of the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar Magisterium of the Popes concern. (...) It is not the teaching authority of the Church in 1962 freeze - this must be quite clear of the Brotherhood. "
Here clearly the ambition of modernist and apostate Rome as you say [Bishop Fellay] and the other three bishops to us that you go [four] to Rome to preach the truth, etc. That is to convert themselves and to deceive others and keep everyone stupid and naive [...].
The summit is that you confirm that even this by almost the same words of Benedict XVI. use: "to stop, far from the tradition in 1962 do we want this Second Vatican Council (...)" (letter of 12 March 2009).
Mit diesem Brief antworten Sie prompt der Mitteilung von Benedikt XVI. […]. Das allein versichert und beweist – verzeihen Sie mir, Exzellenz – Ihre doppelzüngige, modernistische und liberale Sprache und macht Ihre Falschheit und Ihren Verrat deutlich.