Monday, May 11, 2009

Theraflex San Francisco

Der verlorene Sohn

This alone proves insured and their duplicitous, modernist and liberal language and makes their falsehood and their betrayal clear. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico. makes

The letter to the bishops, it clearly

In his letter to the bishops of 10 Benedict XVI wrote in March 2009. invited to return - in an allusion to the "estate" of the excommunication of a gesture of good will, and his father, the "prodigal son" - the four bishops of the Brotherhood. Then he remembered

clearly and explicitly the fact that the four bishops to "exercise no lawful ministry in the Church" after they have neither a commission nor have a canonical status, and therefore a divinis are suspended, legalized up to their situation through the adoption of the Second Vatican Council as a result of doctrinal discussions is.

deceive oneself and others

Benedict XVI. has expressed this way: "This should be clear that the problems to be addressed now are much more doctrinal in nature, in particular the adoption of the Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar Magisterium of the Popes concern. (...) It is not the teaching authority of the Church in 1962 freeze - this must be quite clear of the Brotherhood. "

Here clearly the ambition of modernist and apostate Rome as you say [Bishop Fellay] and the other three bishops to us that you go [four] to Rome to preach the truth, etc. That is to convert themselves and to deceive others and keep everyone stupid and naive [...].

The summit is that you confirm that even this by almost the same words of Benedict XVI. use: "to stop, far from the tradition in 1962 do we want this Second Vatican Council (...)" (letter of 12 March 2009).

Mit diesem Brief antworten Sie prompt der Mitteilung von Benedikt XVI. […]. Das allein versichert und beweist – verzeihen Sie mir, Exzellenz – Ihre doppelzüngige, modernistische und liberale Sprache und macht Ihre Falschheit und Ihren Verrat deutlich.


Friday, May 8, 2009

Radeon 9600 128mb Driver ...

Die offizielle Anerkennung

Außerdem machen Sie das Maß voll, wenn Sie sich eine offizielle Anerkennung oder Regulierung der Bruderschaft mit dem modernistischen Rom und mit seinem apostatischen Ökumenismus einbilden. Von P. Basilio Méramo, ehemaliger Distriktoberer der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. für Mexiko.

Archbishop Lefebvre argued that: "All those contributing to the implementation of the changes, accept this new" conciliar church "and connect it to ... They are schismatic." (Ibid. p. 98). Today you aspire to [Bishop Fellay] an agreement with the new schismatic conciliar Church.

to our Lord in schism

You make the last straw, if you are an official recognition or regulation of brotherhood with the modernist Rome and imagine his apostates ecumenism, with Archbishop Lefebvre wrote :

"Those who believe, trivialize these riches have, even to deny it, can do nothing else than to condemn us, but this leads only to that with its secularism and its apostates ecumenism their schism to our Lord and His kingdom . reaffirm "(Spiritual Guide, Prolog)

Yes, apostate ecumenism, because this is the one in the modern usage of the Scriptures is called Great Apostasy" or "universal" or "ecumenical" apostasy.

ecumenical apostasy and apostates Ecumenism

to this ecumenical apostasy or these apostates ecumenism you want to approach is, for then transformed into adulterers and schismatics, such as Archbishop wrote Lefebvre:

"This apostasy makes these members of adulterers to schismatics, who oppose all tradition, have broken with the past of the Church and therefore faithful to the Church today, insofar as it remains the Church of Our Lord.

All that remains faithful to the true Church is the subject of fierce and constant persecution. "(Spiritual Guide, 8th chapter)

Next time: The prodigal son


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Tech Deck Onlline Games

Wie viele Heilswege gibt es?

Archbishop Lefebvre said that this was a schismatic council. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.

why the then Cardinal Ratzinger, today Benedict XVI, went further than the other, false religions, to be called extraordinary ways of salvation, as you can read in this stylistically conservative, but deeply heretical and insidious Text:

"... was reached to put an excessive emphasis on the value of non-Christian religions, so much so that many a theologian has begun to present extraordinary ways of salvation as ordinary ways of salvation. "(Report of the faith. Interview with Vittorio Messori. Madrid 1985th last page).

A new church was given

Archbishop Lefebvre to note: "This council represents, both in the eyes of the Roman authorities as well as in ours, a new church on another site" conciliar church "call." (ibid. p. 97).

said Archbishop Lefebvre that this is a schismatic Council was, if you [Bishop Fellay] assume that 95%, this means that you are schismatic to 95%, an outstanding level.

we cite the text of [the Archbishop]: "We believe by focusing on internal and external criticism of Vatican II hold, then analyze the texts and to study the particularities of this Council to say to that this a schismatic council is, as it turned toward the back of the tradition and breaks with the Church of the past.

a tree known by its fruits. "(Ibid. p. 97).

50, 75 or 95% Council?

So akzeptieren Sie in paradoxer und absurder Weise 95 % der neuen postkonziliaren, häretischen und apostatischen Kirche:

Wie wollen Sie sich, zu 95 % häretisch und apostatisch – kein schlechter Prozentsatz, noch einen treuen und würdigen Nachfolger Erzbischof Lefebvres nennen? Wenn das nicht Falschheit und Verrat ist, wie soll man es dann nennen?

Nächstes Mal: Die offizielle Anerkennung


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Master Lock Ya Abierto

Interview mit Kardinal Castrillòn Hoyos von "Semana"

Kardinal C astrillòn Hoyos hat am 25. April der kolumbianischen Zeitschrift "Semana" ein Interview gegeben. Der Journalist not able to put the questions that interest would be: About the work of the Commission Ecclesia Dei, the future prospects of the infamous, but never published interpretation Decree Motu Proprio, ... Here are still some remarkable statements of the Cardinal:

Semana: You are in the Vatican, the person who is familiar with the Lefebvristen best. Did you know really nothing about the position of Bishop Williamson?

Cardinal Hoyos: No, I did not. I have it only on 5 February from the press felt that when the decree was signed for the lifting of the excommunication already. Neither the Holy Father, who was before his election a member of my Commission decision and perfectly knew what we were doing, nor the other members - we did not. The problem is the interpretations and the impression was that the lifting of the excommunication of an anti-Semitic act, It has nothing to do.

Semana: But that triggered the worldwide controversy.

Cardinal Hoyos: They were only excommunicated because they had been ordained without permission. After all the technical, theological and canonical discussions we came to what the Holy Father - which, we believe, is illuminated by the light of the Holy Spirit - to try. Nevertheless, ist die Situation der lefebvristischen Bischöfe nicht vollständig geregelt: Sie sind nicht mehr exkommuniziert, sie sind aber auch nicht reguliert.

Semana: Zum Glück für Sie hat Williamson widerrufen.

Kardinal Hoyos: Er hat widerrufen, aber es ist nicht genug. Es geht nicht darum, dass er bei den Personen oder bei seiner Gemeinschaft oder bei der Kirche um Verzeihung bittet, sondern darum, dass er seine Behauptungen ändert, die aufgrund der Fakten, der unanfechtbaren Wahrheit und für die Kirche inakzeptabel sind. Er hat sich auf ungenügende Weise entschuldigt.

Semana: Manche sagen, Sie wurden wie eine Sicherung verwendet um das Problem abzumildern.

Kardinal Hoyos: Das ist nicht gewiss. Ich habe mit dem Problem eines Herrn, der ein historisches Faktum leugnet, nichts zu tun. Die Gespräche mit den Lefebvristen haben nicht angefangen. Jesus Christus sagte uns, einig zu sein. Mit Papst Johannes Paul II. und jetzt mit Papst Benedikt haben wir versucht, diese Einheit zu erreichen, und wir haben versucht, das Gewand der Kirche in Einheit mit denen, die sich aufgrund der liturgischen Änderungen und Interpretationen getrennt haben, zu weben. Ich bleibe voller Begeisterung, während ich auf diese Gespräche warte.

Semana: Wurde Ihren Beziehungen zum Papst geschadet?

Cardinal Hoyos: It has never harmed them, and I never had any problems with the Holy Father. The problems were immediately resolved.

Semana: Will you continue in your office?

Cardinal Hoyos: If we the 80th Years to complete, remains to us nothing but resign. We do not see ourselves to stay committed.


Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Minimizer Bra Toronto

Klar häretisch

All this is of course clearly heretical, it is terrible, but it is so. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.

The modernist heresy called eine verwandelnde und heterodoxe Evolution des katholischen Dogmas.

Kein Lehramt?

Eine Evolution, wie sie in etwa von Benedikt XVI. vertreten wird, der noch als Kardinal in Zweifel zog, „dass es ein immerwährendes und definitives Lehramt in der Kirche gebe“, ein Aspekt, über den Erzbischof Lefebvre in einem seiner letzten geistlichen Vorträge am 8. und 9. Februar 1991 in Ecône bemerkte:

„Es existiert jetzt keine bleibende Wahrheit in der Kirche mehr. Die Wahrheit des Glaubens und folglich auch die Dogmen sind verschwunden; es ist etwas Radikales. Dies alles ist natürlich klar häretisch, es ist furchtbar, aber es ist so.“

Rumor Has It ...

Today, however, Benedict XVI. for the [Bishop Fellay] "generous," "courageous," "paternal," he gives you confidence, he is conservative, though he is criticized by the ultra-progressives for his sympathy for the tradition, in short, he is almost a Traditionalist, before you run "fast" to Rome in order to admire him naive, as the smile on some photos showing made during an interview with Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos also was there.

These photos [for me] is a Proof of your unpredictable and willing to compromise approach.

No compromise

lamented Archbishop Lefebvre and the non-aggression pact between the Church and Freemasonry, and you are ready to conclude a compromise.

"A non-aggression pact was signed between the Church and of Freemasonry", hidden behind the concepts of "aggiornamento", "Opening to the world", "Ecumenism".

"From now on, it accepts the Church, not to be the only true religion and the only way to eternal salvation." (A bishop speaks, p. 97)

Next time: How many ways to salvation are there?


Monday, May 4, 2009

Paint Carbon Fiber Fork

Annäherung auf lokaler Ebene

During Holy Week, Cardinal Jean Pierre Ricard, archbishop of Bordeaux, receive all the priests of his diocese for dinner. After the final decisions of the Pope (the repeal so-called "excommunication" against the bishops of the SSPX of last January 21) had made honest note, put Cardinal Ricard importance to all Catholic priests and religious superiors, in the field of the Archdiocese Bordeaux and Bazas hold an office to invite - including the Prior of the Fraternity of St. Pius X, who thus for the first time with his brothers of the diocese and other communities, particularly by the Pontifical Commission Ecclesia Dei dependent, used table fellowship. Obviously, had the Cardinal's words Benedict XVI. recalls that the Pope had expressed during his visit to France last September: "No one is too many in the church, without exception, everyone must be able to feel in their home without having to be sent away.." Welcome to the pantheon of religions!


Friday, May 1, 2009

What Are Pinky's Stats

95 % Revolution

It is clear and evident that anyone who keeps the Second Vatican Council to 95% or believes 95% of the French Revolution in the Church accepts . By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.

How is it possible, without being liberal and modernist to accept that which you own eight years ago (in an interview with the Valais daily newspaper "La Liberté" published on 11 May 2001, in DICI No. 8 of 18 . May 2001) stated: "We recognize the Second Vatican Council to 95%, if recognized, even the liberals and modernists themselves, that the Second Vatican Council, as Cardinal Suenens said" that in 1789 the church ", the French Revolution of 1789 inside the church was, or even, as the then Cardinal Ratzinger and now Pope Benedict XVI. said: "The problem the council has been to assimilate the values \u200b\u200bof two hundred years of liberal culture." (Archbishop Lefebvre, you have dethroned him, Introduction).

The revolution in the church take?

It is clear and evident that anyone who keeps the Second Vatican Council to 95% or believes to 95% of the French Revolution in the Church accepts and inside the values \u200b\u200bof two hundred years liberal culture assimilated. In a statistical and mathematical point of view is 95%, a very high figure.

The big question is therefore: What does he tell us? What he wants us to believe? If it is said that one goes to talk to Rome to be doctrinally or to discuss: What you want to discuss? Perhaps the remaining 5%?

Two speeds

This is all a direct proof of the parody, for fraud, for lying and the objective falsity, which is set in the world, with a course of action in stages, the A false sense of seriousness, while in reality everything is much faster verkommt und ausartet.

Als ob das noch nicht genügen würde, fragt man sich, was von der Bruderschaft und dem Widerstand gegen den Modernismus bleibt, wenn sie sich diese 95 % des unheilvollen und atypischen, undogmatischen und in sich selbst absurden – gleich einem quadratischen Kreis, einem Dreieck mit nur zwei Seiten oder einer lösbaren katholischen Ehe – II. Vatikanischen Konzils zu Eigen macht, schützt oder annimmt.

Nächstes Mal: Klar häretisch