Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Minimizer Bra Toronto

Klar häretisch

All this is of course clearly heretical, it is terrible, but it is so. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.

The modernist heresy called eine verwandelnde und heterodoxe Evolution des katholischen Dogmas.

Kein Lehramt?

Eine Evolution, wie sie in etwa von Benedikt XVI. vertreten wird, der noch als Kardinal in Zweifel zog, „dass es ein immerwährendes und definitives Lehramt in der Kirche gebe“, ein Aspekt, über den Erzbischof Lefebvre in einem seiner letzten geistlichen Vorträge am 8. und 9. Februar 1991 in Ecône bemerkte:

„Es existiert jetzt keine bleibende Wahrheit in der Kirche mehr. Die Wahrheit des Glaubens und folglich auch die Dogmen sind verschwunden; es ist etwas Radikales. Dies alles ist natürlich klar häretisch, es ist furchtbar, aber es ist so.“

Rumor Has It ...

Today, however, Benedict XVI. for the [Bishop Fellay] "generous," "courageous," "paternal," he gives you confidence, he is conservative, though he is criticized by the ultra-progressives for his sympathy for the tradition, in short, he is almost a Traditionalist, before you run "fast" to Rome in order to admire him naive, as the smile on some photos showing made during an interview with Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos also was there.

These photos [for me] is a Proof of your unpredictable and willing to compromise approach.

No compromise

lamented Archbishop Lefebvre and the non-aggression pact between the Church and Freemasonry, and you are ready to conclude a compromise.

"A non-aggression pact was signed between the Church and of Freemasonry", hidden behind the concepts of "aggiornamento", "Opening to the world", "Ecumenism".

"From now on, it accepts the Church, not to be the only true religion and the only way to eternal salvation." (A bishop speaks, p. 97)

Next time: How many ways to salvation are there?



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