It is clear and evident that anyone who keeps the Second Vatican Council to 95% or believes 95% of the French Revolution in the Church accepts . By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.
How is it possible, without being liberal and modernist to accept that which you own eight years ago (in an interview with the Valais daily newspaper "La Liberté" published on 11 May 2001, in DICI No. 8 of 18 . May 2001) stated: "We recognize the Second Vatican Council to 95%, if recognized, even the liberals and modernists themselves, that the Second Vatican Council, as Cardinal Suenens said" that in 1789 the church ", the French Revolution of 1789 inside the church was, or even, as the then Cardinal Ratzinger and now Pope Benedict XVI. said: "The problem the council has been to assimilate the values \u200b\u200bof two hundred years of liberal culture." (Archbishop Lefebvre, you have dethroned him, Introduction).
The revolution in the church take?
It is clear and evident that anyone who keeps the Second Vatican Council to 95% or believes to 95% of the French Revolution in the Church accepts and inside the values \u200b\u200bof two hundred years liberal culture assimilated. In a statistical and mathematical point of view is 95%, a very high figure.
The big question is therefore: What does he tell us? What he wants us to believe? If it is said that one goes to talk to Rome to be doctrinally or to discuss: What you want to discuss? Perhaps the remaining 5%?
Two speeds
This is all a direct proof of the parody, for fraud, for lying and the objective falsity, which is set in the world, with a course of action in stages, the A false sense of seriousness, while in reality everything is much faster verkommt und ausartet.
Als ob das noch nicht genügen würde, fragt man sich, was von der Bruderschaft und dem Widerstand gegen den Modernismus bleibt, wenn sie sich diese 95 % des unheilvollen und atypischen, undogmatischen und in sich selbst absurden – gleich einem quadratischen Kreis, einem Dreieck mit nur zwei Seiten oder einer lösbaren katholischen Ehe – II. Vatikanischen Konzils zu Eigen macht, schützt oder annimmt.
Nächstes Mal: Klar häretisch
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