Friday, May 8, 2009

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Die offizielle Anerkennung

Außerdem machen Sie das Maß voll, wenn Sie sich eine offizielle Anerkennung oder Regulierung der Bruderschaft mit dem modernistischen Rom und mit seinem apostatischen Ökumenismus einbilden. Von P. Basilio Méramo, ehemaliger Distriktoberer der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. für Mexiko.

Archbishop Lefebvre argued that: "All those contributing to the implementation of the changes, accept this new" conciliar church "and connect it to ... They are schismatic." (Ibid. p. 98). Today you aspire to [Bishop Fellay] an agreement with the new schismatic conciliar Church.

to our Lord in schism

You make the last straw, if you are an official recognition or regulation of brotherhood with the modernist Rome and imagine his apostates ecumenism, with Archbishop Lefebvre wrote :

"Those who believe, trivialize these riches have, even to deny it, can do nothing else than to condemn us, but this leads only to that with its secularism and its apostates ecumenism their schism to our Lord and His kingdom . reaffirm "(Spiritual Guide, Prolog)

Yes, apostate ecumenism, because this is the one in the modern usage of the Scriptures is called Great Apostasy" or "universal" or "ecumenical" apostasy.

ecumenical apostasy and apostates Ecumenism

to this ecumenical apostasy or these apostates ecumenism you want to approach is, for then transformed into adulterers and schismatics, such as Archbishop wrote Lefebvre:

"This apostasy makes these members of adulterers to schismatics, who oppose all tradition, have broken with the past of the Church and therefore faithful to the Church today, insofar as it remains the Church of Our Lord.

All that remains faithful to the true Church is the subject of fierce and constant persecution. "(Spiritual Guide, 8th chapter)

Next time: The prodigal son



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