Archbishop Lefebvre said that this was a schismatic council. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.
why the then Cardinal Ratzinger, today Benedict XVI, went further than the other, false religions, to be called extraordinary ways of salvation, as you can read in this stylistically conservative, but deeply heretical and insidious Text:
"... was reached to put an excessive emphasis on the value of non-Christian religions, so much so that many a theologian has begun to present extraordinary ways of salvation as ordinary ways of salvation. "(Report of the faith. Interview with Vittorio Messori. Madrid 1985th last page).
A new church was given
Archbishop Lefebvre to note: "This council represents, both in the eyes of the Roman authorities as well as in ours, a new church on another site" conciliar church "call." (ibid. p. 97).
said Archbishop Lefebvre that this is a schismatic Council was, if you [Bishop Fellay] assume that 95%, this means that you are schismatic to 95%, an outstanding level.
we cite the text of [the Archbishop]: "We believe by focusing on internal and external criticism of Vatican II hold, then analyze the texts and to study the particularities of this Council to say to that this a schismatic council is, as it turned toward the back of the tradition and breaks with the Church of the past.
a tree known by its fruits. "(Ibid. p. 97).
50, 75 or 95% Council?
So akzeptieren Sie in paradoxer und absurder Weise 95 % der neuen postkonziliaren, häretischen und apostatischen Kirche:
Wie wollen Sie sich, zu 95 % häretisch und apostatisch – kein schlechter Prozentsatz, noch einen treuen und würdigen Nachfolger Erzbischof Lefebvres nennen? Wenn das nicht Falschheit und Verrat ist, wie soll man es dann nennen?
Nächstes Mal: Die offizielle Anerkennung
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