Sunday, September 29, 2002

Get A Copy Ofimmunization Record Ontario

The 4th

the trial The trial of Frank and Ute Rennicke front of the Stuttgart Regional Court

- the fourth of the trial - 27.09.2002 -

report and observations of a participant

Last Friday was of this fourth trial, a travesty of justice instead of all those present, provided that in contrast to the journalists themselves thought and with open eyes and ears, would probably long be remembered. I myself had taken me one day leave to attend the trial on the fourth after a long trip. If it had for me were needed as to feel disgust and loathing for this country - here I could have obtained the latest example. After the most accurate search warrant by police and court people who take pictures for the identity card, dressing-down by officials and finding space in the filled courtroom, began the trial of 9:25 clock.

Zimmert The judge and the two Aldermen (all in the 50's) a certain degree of "politeness" realize is palpable behind the serving any hard-hitting wall. The journalists are only partly on the ground - where the press reports are still questionable. At least some hair-raising whose content is well explained by non-participation. Also goes to the lawyers and the family Rennicke aware of the way, after they had questioned the journalists team clearly lies some reports. Ute Rennicke showed real courage here - and also her way to court, as are the dozens of phone conversations that were played in public (according to the LKA top sniffer against "justice" Christopher Schiele - a greasy-set Person - it was only in its examination authority several hundreds of phone calls proved): Here is an innocent and wonderful mother of five children in court, has the humor and kindness, can be represented and in life is. My neighbor told me this: "This woman has more in it than half of all rights". It is therefore understandable that Frank Rennicke has repeatedly attacked in the process people like Schiele massive, spoke of "collective punishment, GDR conditions and wrong, and seriously, when it comes to his family.

be first played recordings of phone LKA Schleswig-Holstein, where it is a trial by Andrew Staehr (of Vicente directories) from Glinde's, which had led to some embarrassing, unprincipled way in discussions as to Marcel Inginoli of catchy delivery. The investigating officer then talks about Staehr. In endless phone calls about nonsense and came to light in Professional: Stähr had with Frank Rennicke changed records, which he then "sold off" within reason. Although Stähr several times at various points told to have no inhibitions against copyright and penal clauses, was his method (and its gossip, which ultimately led to a "watch by Frank Rennicke") is not yet concluded and no charges - this crowd of course, several suspected forcibly. I was, through the Stähr records now clear why a little more with the uptight and unfriendly Andrew Staehr would maintain a contact.

were then hours of phone calls and played to the family Rennicke. The LKA-man Schiele was to play in the family Rennicke was very reasonable on the phone and go constantly by a surveillance by "a DDR-like behavior of the FRG authorities" from. Ultimately, neither Frank nor any Rennicke Ute offense was to elicit over the phone - on the contrary, multiple could be heard, Frank Rennicke sent any indexed records, prohibited goods are at it is not available, Ute Rennicke is not involved in the distribution and writes at a maximum of callers to telephone messages for her husband. The family Rennicke but repression and harassment are constantly exposed - that is to be heard also from the phone-monitoring - and for many years. The witness apparently deliberately conceals Schiele some things and will be "remembered" by interviewing the lawyer Horst Mahler (who in his lawyers' quality of this process is well demonstrated and compared with the prosecutor has a much higher level) and Frank Rennicke it. So well known, the family has already been spied Rennicke several times over the years - and even "house interviews" "Prefix. - While the police are set because of some disgusting occurrence even before the door Some things Schiele as" to neighbors facts "notified that he has only" heard from other agencies "and did this suddenly not so accurate. On the first days of the trial Mr. Schiele has even threatening to shoot dog Rennicke added

were other interesting things.

The first LKA Baden-Wuerttemberg phones monitored by digital recording devices from Reuter GmbH - these are on a kind of CD then stored. In contrast, the LKA Schleswig-Holstein still outdated device as a music cassette recorder. While Mr. Schiele be technisches Überfordertsein bewies, benötigte der Holsteiner LKA-Mann oftmals lange, die Bandstelle der Aufzeichnung zu finden. Interessant auch der Umstand, Telefongespräche werden schon während der Wahl bzw. des Aufhebens vom Hörer bei abgehenden Gesprächen aufgezeichnet. Bei Schwätzern wie Stähr haben es die Ermittler sehr leicht, auch andere "Opfer" zu finden - bei "behutsamen Fernsprech-Teilnehmern" wie Familie Rennicke ist man selbst nach Monaten im Leeren.

2. Gegen die Familie Rennicke wurde ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen angeblicher "Geldwäsche" eingeleitet, welches dieser nicht bekannt war. Der Grund dafür: Die Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands benötigte vor ca. vier Jahren in an emergency financial support. Frank Rennicke then immediately jumped on and gave the party a loan in five-figure (the money was confiscated by the state later in the course of the current investigation). Indicator was the Postbank, in which Rennicke had an account and that was from this post bank then dismissed because of "political hygiene". Conclusion: Who will help the NPD, a process gets! Note: the absence of any money laundering, the case was closed. It was the family fortune of the family Rennicke.

It was then the witness of the Federal Review Board fonts too. This says that recorded music from Rennicke and which are not indexed. He had come into office for the Chair and opened not quite in the topic of Rennicke music. His testimony regarding the alleged seizure of two nationwide Rennicke-recordings are not correct. Frank Rennicke corrected. Nevertheless, the newspapers wrote the wrong message.

Whether LKA whether federal inspection if account termination, whether threats - the family is exposed to for years Rennicke massive harassment and Frank Rennicke experienced years of persecution, as it does not get any. However, this family it is not broken, and even in the process of "their man". But this trial, and even these three witnesses were alone for me, I'm sometimes so bad it is indeed not be, a realization that I do not want to miss. This is not a liberal rule of law!

The biggest blow in my conscience, but should follow. Frank Rennicke by the Lord Mayor of Marburg - an avowed "anti-Nazi" and fraternity enemy named Egon Vaupel - alleged he had sent with misdirected post, two revisionist publications to another Marburger. While Frank Rennicke to this document so far not expressed ("How should I also - I would have to first read once"), presented the request for attorney Horst Mahler, to read this document public. If Frank Rennicke the "allegation of denial" is made, it must first be clarified whether "would geleugent" with this document at all. The judge then has to protest the publication of about 38 pages presented in two sections. This A4-sized booklet entitled "arguments of the defense to ask questions and facts about the so-called concentration camps of the Third Reich in the room. In objectivity and critical questioning of the political Zwitgeschichtsschreibung able to experience the well 40 people and police, which today is in Guido Knopp concealed. The document ends with useful terms of the claim not to give up the fight for truth and justice among nations by honesty and help. For me, who assesses the evidence about genocide in the Third Reich so far as a given, and apparently, my view of history is now made entirely in question. If Frank Rennicke, who previously stated in the brochure made theses on its own and this just announced that they have not sent this script, there are still condemned, the contents of this document is to be classified then at least for me as correct. It is therefore awaited the final word of defense to be expected at this point. Horst Mahler angekündgt comprehensive opinion!

A paradox of time on the side: During the morning the phone calls from Ute Rennicke in the hall LG 5 in Stuttgart could be heard (with the newborn child's cry in the background), was in Room 6 against the child molester next door negotiating S. Benzinger. In this trial, a witness and, in probably six process Rennicke days and several "witnesses" - where a sexual degenerate, an expression of opinion here! The newspapers write extensively about the case Rennicks in the regional area, the television reports - including details - no word on the child molester. The media of the FRG to prove once more, "wants to eligible full-plug" to be. Horst Mahler returned to this already so sharp at the trial started.

The process is starting this Wednesday, 2:10:02 in the hall 1 of the District Court of Stuttgart continued - a larger room for the expected large number of visitors. Probably still is Friday, 4:10:02 become necessary as the trial, if not more.

Finally: The weak compliance with the national journalism - by YOUNG FREEDOM to the central organ - the process of this scandal is embarrassing and sobering for me. Frank Rennicke sitting here on behalf of the entire national camp in the dock, the pathetic allegations against him could happen to anyone Pariot (and there are probably even after a landmark ruling), his wife Ute is representative of all women of national activists in Sippenhaftart accused of ridiculous phone notes, the confiscation of a large amount of the assets of many children extended family (who himself has to "right side" now have five children?) Is unique and will certainly find the future more imitation, to concerns expressed by Frank Rennicke criticism of a "alienation" (where he is not even the word used) a future muzzle means in the question of being and not our people - and will report a brochure on the "greatest crimes of history", the disclosure of which in one case, the songwriter, is for all process participants clearly identified as questioning the time and not history as "Denial" to be considered.

All in all, this process is a pity for our people and the "rule of law" BRD - the inability of many "national" to a recognition of the importance of this process and support the family Rennicke and their great lawyers make just sad and speechless. Here is fighting an exemplary married couple and the most famous national singer for existence, the expression and artistic freedom, the right to life of their own species and our own children. Here is revealed the judicial and police system of the Federal Republic of bureaucracy and oppression in all its form, here is the school of history accused of lying and the re-education method apparently - and hardly anyone takes notice. When I personally after the trial of Frank Rennicke adopted, this says with bitter irony: "My faith in the rule of law and national solidarity are unshakable!"

Stefan Müller 09.29.2002

Press reports:

Ehningen / Stuttgart: Federal Review indexed Rennicke song

a.. "A call for expulsion"
From our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn

Not all versions of the "expellees song" Ehninger the electrician and right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke are currently on the list of federal inspection station for youth at risk border fonts. The employee said yesterday that Hartmut Hollinski the district court of Stuttgart.

indexed as 1996, the testing the first version of this song on the CD "selection." The lines "Americans, Russians, foreign nations out, at last master in his own house" would call for the expulsion and to express the rejection of other nations. This reprinted saw the three-body testing of a youth risk and put the piece on the ban list as well as a song book, the text in this form.

Rennicke subsequently published two further versions: without even the forbidden line and once with a spot or spots. Thus, the song appeared on the "early works and Edition II Edition I". But a process started by the laboratory in May 1998. "Since we learned that will be sought from the district court Winsen / Luhe a nationwide seizure decision, we have closed the case," said Hartmut Hollinski yesterday in Stuttgart.

on request Rennicke Frank was therefore told that the CDs should not stand on the index. Left open the Bonn auditor, whether the content is checked again after the nationwide seizure forthcoming.

Undercover on the phone

"Stasi-Methoden", "Wie bei James Bond" für Unmut unter den rund 30 Besuchern sorgten gestern die Tonbandprotokolle der Telefonüberwachung Rennickes. In den Gesprächen ging es überwiegend um Bestellungen. "Hier spricht ein Undercover-Agent des Verfassungsschutzes", erkannte Verteidiger Horst Mahler einen Anrufer. Bei einem anderen Anruf wollte ein Kunde beharrlich indizierte Produkte kaufen Rennicke und sein Anwalt sehen darin ebenfalls einen getürkten Anruf. Der ehemalige Linksterrorist Mahler, der die NPD im Verbotsverfahren vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vertritt, hat Frank Rennicke als Mandanten. Dessen Ehefrau Ute verteidigt sich selbst.

Zu hören ist auf den Bändern auch ein Gespräch, dass Rennicke with his client Marc Rieger stated Marburg. The two discussed during a raid Rieger. The Ehninger felt like "a dictatorship of the GDR in no way inferior. They want to lead us through harassment attacks." The "birds left in the parliaments" were to blame for police officers to bludgeon against law and would receive a raise or promotion. "

The process will be on Wednesday, October 2, continued at 9:15 clock.

a newspaper, 28.09. 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Rennicke woman apparently knew very little use

Ehningen / STUTTGART - The interrogation of several witnesses on Friday the trial of the extreme right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke continued. Moreover, the court heard on recordings of the telephone surveillance against Rennicke.

By Steffen owner

court ruling on the criminal police had tapped the phone of five years living in Ehningen Rennicke family for months and recorded all conversations and evaluated. A similar monitoring a suspected infringement of the copyright CDHändlers in Lübeck had the Investigators previously placed on Rennicke track. But defenders Horst Mahler hoped the literal recordings would bring relief to the benefit Rennicks and his wife to light that the aid is accused of sedition. Therefore, he had insisted on playing the tapes. This request may prove a boomerang now.

the statements of the two detectives Matthias Horn from the State Criminal Office (LKA) Keel and Christoph Schiele from LKA Stuttgart, according to Ute Rennicke had indeed never performed on its own business calls for her husband. In the absence of her husband she had received numerous calls but with orders and inquiries. Some of the telephone recordings revealed that they seem about the business practices of her husband knew very little use. Although she had little knowledge of what Frank Post Rennicke had received or sent, but could always give the callers information on which CD-expenses he had in stock, which stood on the index or the quantity discounts it grants to its customers. Whether the court will evaluate it as aid is still open. The witness also

Hartmut Hollinski of the Federal Review Board documents was heard. This had Rennicke CD "selection'', where the first version of the expellees song was included, in July 1996 indicated as inciting, on the grounds that the text line" Friends, Russians, foreign nations''was out, a call to expel those who do not fit into the concept.

The two CD's "early works I''and" early works II'', on which in the expellees song said line is missing, had examined the Authority also Rennicke but in May 1999 announced that they would not indexed.

Leonberger local paper, 9/28/2002

protection of young people in trouble

protocols give further insight into Frank Rennicke

STUTTGART. In the trial of right-wing extremists Frank Rennicke, an official of the Review Board Writings "unclear procedures for the seizure of records," laments. There have been problems with the indexing.

By Günter Scheinpflug

The fourth of hearings before the Stuttgart Regional Court against the right-wing singer-songwriter from Ehningen dedicated to the further evidence has been standing. With great power which observers expected in Room 5, which until the last seat was filled, the witnesses from the Federal Review Board documents. Caused problems for the investigators apparently different versions of the so-called "expellees song" by Rennicke, which had been published in several versions on different recordings is. The rhyme "Americans, Russians and foreigners out, at last master in his own house" sealed Rennicke mid-80s, later he ran it again.

As the officers testified that service, the verse in 1996 on the CD "elite" because of the refusal of other nations had been classified as harmful to minors. After that his agency had received phone calls, according to the forbidden version will still common on other CDs and cassettes. 1998, a request was made to further indexing. The treatment had been delayed because of "a work of earnings," said the official. In September 1999, would then come up with the other recording ban list, one month later but was deleted again be. And because of the "unclear process of seizure" as well as the "early works" edition.

Rennicke brought in the appeal hearing before the district court repeatedly stated that he did not have the indexing and their rationale was in the picture. However, given the replayed tapes of telephone surveillance clearly exclude the fact that the right singer obviously, two years before the first conviction in November 2000 by the District Court was aware, the target of the Protection of the Constitution to be. In one of the many recordings of telephone conversations Rennicke complained to a caller: "I have a feeling that we live in a dictatorship wie in der DDR."

Die Beweisaufnahme zielt zudem auf die Rolle von Ehefrau Ute Rennicke beim Vertrieb der Schriften, in denen die Judenvergasung in den Konzentrationslagern der Nazis verharmlost und abgestritten wird. Den Protokollen zufolge hat sie häufiger Bestellungen über CDs, Kassetten und Pamphlete ihres Mannes entgegengenommen. Im wesentlichen geht es um die Verbreitung der so genannten "Dokumente der Verteidigung - Unterdrückte Tatsachen über Auschwitz und den Holocaust". Der Prozess wird kommenden Mittwoch fortgesetzt.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 28.09.2002

Thursday, September 26, 2002

How To Wrap Stuffed Animals

Auch Verteidiger Mahler muss in den Zeugenstand

Ehningen/Stuttgart - In the trial of right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Ehninger Rennicke before the District Court judges will now hear the original lyrics of the Bard as evidence. These numerous invoices, purchase orders and written orders by customers of the alleged CDs are read publicly.

By Bernd S. Winckler

In the ongoing since last week's proceedings before the 38th Trial Chamber against Rennicke and his wife, it is primarily about hate speech. The prosecution wants the text content of the CD to be distributed by Rennicke expellees song ban and prohibit the songwriter further public appearances. In addition to the penalty imposed by the District Court Böblingen Imprisonment may be increased (reported RRC). Rennicke is represented by NPD lawyer Horst Mahler.

The 38th Trial Chamber has now accepted the request of defense counsel, to prove the innocence or guilt to listen to the songs and read the lyrics. Likewise, the content of invoices and orders that the Court has already taken numerous phone logs by playing a look. Without knowledge of the defendant's private telephone had been tapped by the state police. As then by Mahler but still during the playing of the tape logs protested and now listen to the songs of the bards no longer wanted the court refused. Thus, the Stuttgart court becomes a concert hall.

Jurist Mahler wird sich übrigens demnächst auch im Zeugenstand wiederfinden. Er soll in diesem Verfahren aussagen, weil er möglicherweise Texte von Rennickes Lieder redigiert habe. Der Prozess, der zunächst auf nur drei Tage terminiert war, verzögert sich deshalb. Jedoch soll am nächsten Mittwoch ein Urteil gefällt werden, falls die Verteidigung nicht weitere Anträge stellt, so ein Gerichtssprecher.

Böblinger Kreiszeitung 26.09.2002

Der dritte Prozeßtag - Anmerkungen eines Prozeßbeobachters

Am gestrigen Tage hatte ich Gelegenheit, mit einem Begleiter, diesen poltischen Prozeß gegen Ute und Frank Rennicke to follow. The long journey from Lübeck was worth it to get confirmation that political processes are always the same stitch.

First of hours "evidence" - in this case, several orders in the details - read, are generally not in dispute. Apparently, even the jurors were partially overwhelmed at this time-consuming evidence, because to see for all observers, this fell temporarily in the sleeping beauty - just as the police officers present and newspaper people, if at all present. were questions of jurors, in spite of many points not so far - one must ask at the end of the process, as it at the sentencing have been involved.

The one-sided biased reporting on the Rennicke - process can still be very desirable. Is that our free report, find a duck hunt the other?

to correcting the authorities "newspaper report" of the Böblingen district newspaper of 26/09/2002:

first There are not "judge", but a judge along with two lay judges.

second The lyrics have been read since de first hearing days from the judges - one was the song so far.

third It is all about during this political process only to the so-called "hate speech".

4th The Rechtsanwal Horst Mahler is not a "NPD lawyer, attorney sonern represents as well as the National Democratic Party.

5th It has so far heard no recorded phone conversation. A "phone log" can not be heard because this is an "evaluation" is a review of a police officer - "Protocol"!

6th The lawyer Horst Mahler has not been able to "protest" during the play, as yet nothing has been heard.

7th The songs of singer-songwriter has not been heard so far - and the lawyers of the singer-songwriter have gstellt the request to hear more songs of the bard - and not "against" spoken.

7. Der "Jurist Mahler" wird sich auch nicht im Zeugenstand wiederfinden, da er gar keine Texte des Liedermachers "redigiert" hatte. Gutachter von Liedttexten war der Hamburger Anwalt Jürgen Rieger, der am 25.09.02 als Zeuge auftrat (was vom obrigen Zeitungsschreiber überhaupt nicht erwähnt wird).

8. Der Prozeß war vom Gericht von Beginn an auf fünf Tage festgelegt - nicht auf drei.

9. Das aufschlußreiche Verlesen einer Broschüre mit dem Titel "Dokumente der Verteidigung" zu zeitschichtlichen Dingen im Dritten Reich wird vollkommen verschwiegen - gerade dieser Punkt ist aber geradezu typisch für das Thema "Offenkundigkeit" und Medienberichterstattung bzw. Totschweigen.

10.The death threats against the couple and their lawyer will Rennicke excluded completely!

11th The journalist Bernard S. Winckler must presumably have been in a different process, since almost all the information content represented by him as false and were content with the reality now almost nothing in common. As an employee of a newspaper, he should perceive better the position of a caretaker.

I invite all national forces who live in the Stuttgart area, on, in the process, on Friday, 27 September and on Wednesday, 02 is fortgestzt October 2002, to attend to learn the polti between processes the required public will, yet so as to "independent and impartial" coverage of the newspapers, you can not count. Everyone should be beweußt slowly, here it is not a processes crossing paths with many, but a fundamental decision, to take the other tomorrow.

Dieter Kern / Alliance RIGHT



Rennicke Frank sees himself as a victim

Ehningen / STUTTGART - The third trial for the appeal trial for sedition before the

Stuttgart Regional Court against the right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke took advantage of the accused on Wednesday for the first time zu einer ausführlichen Stellungnahme. Angeblich hatte die Bundesprüfstelle für jugendgefährdende Schriften sein "Heimatvertriebenenlied'' genehmigt.

Von Steffen Eigner

Mit dem fraglichen "Heimatvertriebenenlied'' wolle er zum Ausdruck bringen, das Deutschland das Land der Deutschen bleiben solle. Er habe nie zu Hass oder Verleumdung aufstacheln wollen. Der Text des von ihm vertonten und gesungenen Liedes stamme von einem österreichischen Dichter, die beanstandete Passage sei eigentlich auf das seit dem Ersten Weltkrieg italienischen Südtirol gemünzt. Er selbst habe das Lied nur auf seine eigene Heimat uminterpretiert, so der 38-jährige Frank Rennicke vor Gericht.

In his defense, he stated that he had let the song prior to its publication examine several legal, then sold in 1986 and sung. Only in 1994 it had been indexed by the Federal Review Board documents, without having had time to sufficiently may comment. "They just indexed all of my text, without differentiating which passages were actually objected''to the presiding judge complained Rennicke Zimmert. For his CD's" early works and I'''II''early works, which are now the subject of criminal proceedings , is a new version of the song expellees after negotiations with the Review and its orally granted Approval arose. He invoked his right to expression.

To his national sentiments he had come because he had grown up near Brunswick on the German-German border. When asked why the limit was there, and he simply could not visit his grandparents on the other side with the bike, he would have said his teacher, "it was the just punishment for Hitler's war.''" These responses were for me unsatisfactory and the more critical then my questions were, the more I was labeled''so Rennicke.

had previously been a judge Zimmert read years ago in the far-right scene interview posted Rennicke where Rennicke had himself described as "national bard''and" father of a growing group of young German.'' At the interview, the defendant took no position.

Leonberger local paper, 26.09.2002

Ehningen / Stuttgart: Third day in the trial of Frank Rennicke

defense witness from Hamburg

From our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn

"I think the song is legally safe ' , for the Hamburg lawyer Juergen Rieger is not understandable why the Ehninger electricians and songwriter Frank Rennicke is on trial for sedition.

Ten months on probation Rennicke had received before the District Court and his wife Ute had to pay 500 euros for aid. The couple also went in appeal as the prosecution, which requires a higher penalty. Now decide the Stuttgart Regional Court.

There invited Rennicke lawyer Horst Mahler, former terrorist and now links the Star Bar-right scene, his colleague Jürgen Rieger as a witness. Rieger, who describes himself as a "set national" peer-reviewed, indicated that more than 100 pamphlets, writings and lyrics. He stood in the reputation of being more critical than colleagues: "I do not want anyone running into the knife."

For the now 37-year-old Frank Rennicke he had already been repeatedly active: "I know him for 20 years.". At the of the Federal Review Board objected writings "expellees song" of the Hamburg Ehninger remembered, however, not initially.

When he had it but read in the courtroom, he stated: "That's what I actually checked and found to be harmless." He did not see that by the text children and young people socially or ethically disoriented or would even endangered, like the Federal Review Board had established.

On the third trial for not only the indexed song was at the center, but it was also about material that should have sent Frank Rennicke in its mail order to customers. Here are the undisputed Order brochures that advertise in those for CDs, cassettes, songbooks, magazines with talk about the former Republican chief Franz Schonhuber, cups, T-shirts or posters.

a forbidden

of criminal crucial are the so-called "Documents of the defense," the judges Zimmert leaving. Allegedly suppressed facts about the Holocaust are written in it. The reports and testimony about the killing of millions of Jews are presented in this paper as untrustworthy.

It is listed on the list of inflammatory and thus forbidden writings, a confiscation order is available. Frank Rennicke is suspected that he had settled the issue in shipments to its customers.

On Friday, the process continues at 9.15 clock. Among other things, then a member of the Federal inspection station for youth at risk the writing to speak.

a newspaper, 26.09.2002

Sunday, September 22, 2002

Diagnose Swollen Knee

Here is a brief press release about the second day of talks before the District Court against Ute and Frank Rennick.

Ehningen / Stuttgart: Trial of Frank Rennicke continued

Die Abhörprotokolle der Polizei

Von unserem Redakteur Hans-Jörg Zürn

Volksverhetzung zehn Monate auf Bewährung erhielt der Ehninger Frank Rennicke vor dem Amtsgericht Böblingen, weil er sein "Heimatvertriebenenlied" verbreitete, obwohl es als verfassungsfeindlich eingestuft ist. Ehefrau Ute Rennicke wurde wegen Beihilfe verurteilt. Beide legten Berufung ein wie auch die Staatsanwaltschaft (die SZ/BZ berichtete).

Am zweiten Tag der Berufungsverhandlung vor dem Landgericht Stuttgart ging es vor allem darum zu belegen, dass Frank Rennicke die Produktion von CDs, Musikassetten und Liederbücher mit dem idizierten Liedtext in Auftrag gegeben und die Produkte had sold. For, as the detective, who had led three years ago, the investigation into Rennicke: "We have recorded music during a house search not found and no packing material." It concluded the police officer, "that the shipment was operated from a remote location and even there the material was stored."

prevailed in the courtroom yesterday but no doubt that the electrician and right-wing singer-songwriter and his music was copied by mail order and sold directly to concerts. Such was bills before a record company. Judges also cited Zimmert since many of the intercepts of the police. The monitored the phone to the family and the Rennicke Connecting a mail order Kiel, who had ordered several times Rennicke indexed products.

Since the records referred to again and again Ute Rennicke had written orders, provides for the prosecution where the facts of the aid. understandable for the accused: "We have a connection for the whole family and it is but have understood that I write for my husband to call the appropriate information." It also had the self-protection: "If everyone is calling several times, I have come to nothing Finally, we have five children.."

Even Frank Rennicke outraged: "It is scandalous that my wife presented as accomplice . Is. "Furthermore, he complained as he did before the district court on the progress of the search as" interrupted Judge Zimmert because the are not relevant, grabbed a defender Horst Mahler: "It's about the attitude of the officers in relation to my client. The police officer was biased approach to the task. "
The process is on Wednesday 25 September, continued at 9:15 clock. Then a lawyer is from Hamburg, revised the Rennicks lyrics. Moreover, Elke Monssen loaded, chairman of the Federal Review Board writings. There was the "expellees song" classified as hate speech.

a newspaper, 09/21/2002

Where Can I Get Trendy Boho Clothes

The second trial, is as calm and orderly as the first one passed. Lengthy lectures of the presiding judge shadowing the course of the process. The witness of Schiele LKA BaWü reported on the legally questionable surveillance and search methods of the authorities. In contrast, however, is rather different for the next Wednesday, is part of the two other well-known and witnesses should be. In addition, the reading of a comprehensive piece of evidence was placed explosive contents. This coming Wednesday will therefore probably be very informative - who can, should make this deadline.

Friday, September 20, 2002

Lindsey Dawn Mc Kenzy


Im Berufungsverfahren gegen den Liedermacher Frank Rennicke wegen des

"Heimatvertriebenenliedes" am Landgericht Stuttgart hat der Rechtsanwalt

Horst Mahler am 18. September zahlreiche Beweisanträge vorgelegt.

Sie sind im elektronischen Schaufenster von Horst Mahler unter


Die Verhandlung gegen Frank Rennicke wird am Freitag, den 20. September, ab

09:15 Uhr im Saal E des Landgerichts Stuttgart (38. Strafkammer)


Für Rückfragen wenden Sie sich an RA Horst Mahler (

Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Pokèmon Battle Revolution Rom

Sindelfingen, Boeblingen Local Newspapers 18/09/2002 12:16

Ehningen / Stuttgart: right-wing extremists songwriter Rennicke

charges of sedition
From our employees Oliver Schmale
If today before the appeal hearing against the right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from the Ehningen Stuttgart Regional Court held, prevail increased security precautions. For days, the internet, a call is distributed to come to the process. A first date in June did not take place.

Rennicke is by the Amtsgericht Böblingen in 2000 convicted of incitement to a ten-month suspended sentence. It was to be "displaced persons song." The prosecutor had then demanded a prison sentence without parole.

Both the prosecution and then the singer had gone to appeal. The confiscated in criminal proceedings in Rennicke 70 450 Mark, the court had confiscated. The court found as fact that this money was the profit from the sale of inciting music. According to the Stuttgart state prosecutor Rennicke in Böblingen District Court on yet another case is pending. It's all about hate speech.

The right music is also regularly in the reports of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Constitutional protection. Let him at events nationwide der rechtsextremistischen Szene auf, hieß es im Bericht der Verfassungsschützer aus dem Jahr 1999. Schon damals hatte bei ihm eine Hausdurchsuchung stattgefunden. Rennicke stellt sich laut der Behörde bei seinen Auftritten als "Systemverfolgter" und "Märtyrer" dar, um sein Publikum zu Spendenzahlungen zu animieren. Er habe bundesweit eine generationsübergreifende Anhängerschaft. Neben seiner eigenen Musik vertreibe er auch anderes rechtsextremistisches Material, hieß es im Bericht für das Jahr 2001.

Horst Mahler als Verteidiger

Der Anhänger der rechten Szene unterstützte laut Verfassungsschutz die NPD im Oktober 2001 im Wahlkampf zum Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus. In Stuttgart will er occur now, according to information from the prosecutor in the appeal hearing with Horst Mahler as a lawyer. Former Terrorist Links Mahler, who is now a figurehead of the right represents the NPD ban proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

The right scene had as a result of the Judgement in Böblingen also tried to intimidate with a planned demonstration of the then acting Attorney. That was on the relevant websites at the time the address of the man was called. His colleagues had reported that the lawyer and his family were subjected to a veritable witch-hunt.

Heavy White Discharge At 38 Wks

security measures make right Harassing fire destroyed


Ehningen / Stuttgart - In the appeal proceedings against the singer and his wife, Ute Frank Rennicke read sedition and violation of the law for distribution of obscene materials before the Stuttgart Regional Court, the defenders for hours requests.

Extensive security measures and in the courthouse in the Olgastraße made yesterday for the start of the appeal hearing against the singer-songwriter from Ehningen and his wife from the 38th Trial Chamber all Störversuche from the scene right naught. The entire audience remained obediently sit in their chairs, appeared as the two accused. The 37-year-old Frank Rennicke, father of five children, busy with his own song for years displaced the Protection of the Constitution and the Public Prosecutor remains silent in this process. Not even to his resume and his background, he wants to say something before the Appeals Chamber. He was convicted in the first instance to ten months in prison. Silently, his 38-year-old wife, who was from Boeblingen jury court for aiding and abetting the sedition to the fined 1000 marks.

The presiding judge of the 38th Chamber reading at the beginning of the trial the verdict of his colleagues in Boeblingen. And also the text of the controversial song good. In it are found passages like ... Americans, Russians, Foreign nations out, at last own boss at the German House ... Thus, the reasoning of the district court in November 2000, had Rennicke the one called for violence against foreigners, the other is the National Socialist doctrine adopted by the forcible expulsion of the Sudeten Germans. This is not art anymore, but an offense and liable to disturb the peace of mind. Likewise, the brochures and songbooks, the Rennicke and his wife had sold by mail order. By the alleged

eight offenses of sedition

CDs to 3000 had been sold. Den Verkauf habe Rennickes Ehefrau Ute organisiert und über ein eigens eröffnetes Konto abgewickelt.

Acht Tatbestände der Volksverhetzung waren somit nachweisbar. Nicht nachweisbar war dagegen, dass der Liedermacher seine Texte auch im Internet verbreitete. Sein Verteidiger, Rechtsanwalt Horst Mahler, von vielen Zuhörern als Terrorist begrüßt, verlas an diesem ersten Prozesstag mehrere stundenlange Beweisanträge. Anträge auf neue Gutachter, mit denen er nachweisen will, dass dieser Prozess politisch sei und dass die Sache wegen Verjährung eigentlich eingestellt werden müsse.

Die Verteidigung greift auch die Staatsanwaltschaft massiv an. Diese Behörde habe may be an indictment written which would so never allowed. Mahler criticizes lack of access to the file and requested to have examined the entire complex by the Federal Constitutional Court for the first time.

described in an earlier letter to the court, Rennicke wife Ute innocent. Attorney Mahler goes one better by asking the application to hear an expert on contemporary history to the question that the war aim of the U.S. and the Russians had been from 1933 to 1945, to practice the ethnic mix of the German people.

Diagram Of The Parts Of A Digital Slr Camera

Ehningen / Stuttgart: right-wing extremists songwriter Rennicke

charges of sedition
From our employees Oliver Schmale

If today held the appeal hearing against the right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from Ehningen front of the Stuttgart District Court, rule increased security precautions. For days, the internet, a call is distributed to come to the process. A first date in June did not take place.

Rennicke is by the Amtsgericht Böblingen in 2000 convicted of incitement to a ten-month suspended sentence. It was to be "displaced persons song." Der Staatsanwalt hatte damals eine Haftstrafe ohne Bewährung gefordert.

Sowohl die Anklagebehörde und auch der Liedermacher waren daraufhin in Berufung gegangen. Die im Strafverfahren bei Rennicke beschlagnahmten 70 450 Mark hatte das Gericht eingezogen. Das Gericht sah es als erwiesen an, dass dieses Geld der Profit aus dem Verkauf der volksverhetzenden Musik sei. Nach Auskunft der Stuttgarter Staatsanwaltschaft ist gegen Rennicke in Böblingen am Amtsgericht noch ein weiteres Verfahren anhängig. Es geht wieder um Volksverhetzung.

Der rechte Musiker kommt auch regelmäßig in den Berichten des baden-württembergischen Verfassungschutzes vor. Er trete bundesweit bei Veranstaltungen der rechtsextremistischen Szene auf, hieß es im Bericht der Verfassungsschützer aus dem Jahr 1999. Schon damals hatte bei ihm eine Hausdurchsuchung stattgefunden. Rennicke stellt sich laut der Behörde bei seinen Auftritten als "Systemverfolgter" und "Märtyrer" dar, um sein Publikum zu Spendenzahlungen zu animieren. Er habe bundesweit eine generationsübergreifende Anhängerschaft. Neben seiner eigenen Musik vertreibe er auch anderes rechtsextremistisches Material, hieß es im Bericht für das Jahr 2001.

Horst Mahler als Verteidiger

Der Anhänger der rechten Szene unterstützte According to NPD, the constitutional protection in October 2001 during the election campaign to the Berlin House of Representatives. In Stuttgart, he now wants to occur, according to information from the prosecutor in the appeal hearing with Horst Mahler as a lawyer. Former Terrorist Links Mahler, who is now a figurehead of the right represents the NPD ban proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

The right scene was as a result of the Judgement in Böblingen also tried to intimidate with a planned demonstration of the then acting Attorney. That was on the relevant websites at the time the address of the man was called. His colleagues had reported that the lawyer and his family were subjected to a veritable witch-hunt.

a newspaper 09/18/2002

Mastarbation With Objects

A true musician makes himself a martyr


Stuttgart - The Land Court is gearing up with a hundred riot police to the second edition of the appeal hearing against the Ehninger Rennicke songwriter Frank and his wife Ute. The first event of this process of sedition had burst in July, because the judiciary feared rioting right-wing supporters.

is but the Stuttgart court house tomorrow, Wednesday prepared, as a Justice spokesman confirmed. Constitution guards and police officers sealed off the area in the Olgastraße sealed.

listener must be examined for weapons. The passes will be copied. Riots and applause will prevent the judicial order.

Ehninger The songwriter and singer Frank Rennicke was convicted in November 2000 by the Böblingen district court for spreading his anti-Sudeten German song to ten months imprisonment. Ute wife had then been spoken for aiding and abetting the sedition also guilty. Both the prosecutor as well as the offender had gone to appeal. At that time, attracted the judges, 70 450 marks in the defendant, perhaps because they thought it proved that this is the profit from the sale of inciting music.

According to information from the prosecution against the Ehninger Barden still under investigation in another case. It should go back to sedition. The Ehninger musician is also regularly in the reports of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Constitutional protection: Due to its popularity in the entire right wing, he still acts as a unifying figure for the scene.

Rennicke was raised according to the indictment is in his nationwide appearances as a systems victim of persecution and martyrdom to incite his audience to donate payments. Besides his own music it sells well right extremist materials means that the intelligence report of 2001. And he had in October last year, even the NPD supports the campaign for the House of Representatives. In his appeal process, he will appear with former left-wing terrorist Horst Mahler as a lawyer. Mahler, now a figurehead of the right represents the NPD ban proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court. The extensive security arrangements for this process have their basis: following the first-instance ruling was the right scene trying to intimidate a prosecutor. His address and name appeared on relevant websites, followed by a chase began at about the lawyer and his family.

Böblinger local paper - 17/09/2002

- Note the Bard:

first It was not a "antisudendeutsches, but a per-song Sudeten German

second The process was not at that time was postponed due to "threat of radical right-wing excesses," but also because of the death threats against family and lawyer Rennicke exposed.

third A hunt was not a prosecutor, but family Rennicke related to harassment, threats and guilt by association.

Conclusion: This article is a good Beispiekl for a journalism lies. The editorial is only incidentally over 7 km as the crow flies from the Bard - a request to the editorial judgments for a factual report was not natural.

Blueprints For Sand Rail Frames

admission of evidence of the lawyer Horst Mahler in the opening of the appellate process

Landgericht Stuttgart 09.18.2002

request for evidence a)
In the criminal case against the singer Frank Rennicke on suspicion of sedition pp. - LG Stuttgart 38 Js 88181/98 NS 6 -

I, as an alternative,

obtain a time-history reports to confirm the thesis that "war Objective 1" of both the U.S. and the Soviet Union was the ethnic mix of the German people to "balkanize" Central Europe, that is destabilizing permanently as a power factor.

As a reviewer, the historian Dirk Bavendamm to load on the archive Bismark proposed. The person named explores the motives and objectives of the enemies of the Reich. He is director of the Bismarck archive. His particular expertise is through the book he wrote, "Roosevelt's War - American Policy and Strategy 1937-1945", Herbig Verlag, 2nd Edition, Munich 1998; occupied.

The court may the experts ask, in the execution of the report order the book by the policy adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski, The Grand Chessboard - American strategy of domination, Berlin 1997 and the contemporaneous work of the U.S. foreign politician and historian, Hamilton Fish, "The Broken Myth - Roosevelt's war policy 1933 - 1945, Grabert Verlag, Tübingen include 1982 and, in particular, show the historical background and context for the classification of the following statements by figures in public life:

Wendell Willkie, Special Representative of U.S. President Franklin D. Roosevelt, on his negotiations with Joseph Stalin, formulate the maxim of coordinated action with regard to Germany, that have considered war Objective 1, the "abolition folkish exclusivity" to ("Abolition of racial exclusiveness"). (Source: WL Willkie: "One World, Simon & Schuster, New York, 1943 - Note in the FAZ, 14.2.1992). Earnest A. Hooton

on 4 January 1943 published in the New York newspaper "PM" article "Breed was strain out of Germans" on the way towards this war aim. Thereafter, during the occupation of Germany by the victors "the immigration and settlement of non-Germans, . Be especially encouraged by men in the German states, "[In the world network showcase of Harvard University will Hooton following presented:

Hooton was a leading authority of the time on the issues of" racial anthropology, "body build and behavior, criminal anthropology, human evolution and the methods and statistics of physical anthropology. (Http://

His considerations are also relevant in a note to Phillips: "What Shall We Do With Germany and Japan" mentioned. See PAPERS OF THE EARNEST A. Hooton, CORRESPONDENCE OF EARNEST A. Hooton BOX 21 (PR)]

Harry S Truman, xx. President of the United States had, in the context of German-Russian war in July 1941 - he was then Senator - said in a public speech:

"win if Russia would, we should help Germany and vice versa Russia to win if Germany should - and they so give opportunity to as many as possible to kill. "

(Quote Schüßlburner)

This request is submitted in the event that the court considering the evidence and the final presentations without the collection of evidence in the application described in greater detail with respect to a guilty verdict des Vorwurfs der Volksverhetzung kommen würde.

Stuttgart am 18. September 2002

Rechtsanwalt Horst Mahler

Beweisantrag b)

In der Strafsache gegen den Sänger Frank Rennicke wegen des Verdachts der Volksverhetzung pp. - LG Stuttgart 38 Ns 6 Js 88181/98 –

beantrage ich hilfsweise,

den Altbundeskanzler Helmut Schmidt, zu laden über das Bundeskanzleramt, als Zeugen zu hören.

Der Genannte wird als Zeuge bekunden, daß er in einem Gespräch mit einem Mitarbeiter der in Frankfurt/Main erscheinenden Tageszeitung Frankfurter Rundschau zwecks Veröffentlichung interview was designed as:

I think it was a mistake that we in the days of Ludwig Erhard with hard work and all kinds of instruments of foreign workers have drawn into the Federal Republic. ..... the idea that a modern society should be able to establish itself as a multicultural society, with as many cultural groups, I think is absurd. One can from Germany with at least a thousand years of history since Otto I not subsequently make a melting pot .:... Neither France nor in England nor in Germany, you must make immigration countries. This can not stand those companies. Then degenerate society: If it's trouble somewhere, for example, on de facto forty percent unemployment in Eastern Germany, the frustration breaks somewhere railway and ends in violence. ..... Everything has its limits. The idea of \u200b\u200ba multicultural society may be ethically justified, practically it is a democracy where every citizen can have and do what he wants, be difficult to achieve. ..... the idea, as it has about Heiner Geissler spread for years that we could have multiple cultures together, I have always considered absurd. She is idealistic, but totally beyond what the company is willing to accept. Since we are in a Living Democracy, we need a little, please, judge by what society wants, not just by what professors have devised.


Just look up the situation in these two States in art that have been created in the Paris suburb of contracts 1919th One is called Czechoslovakia, Yugoslavia and the other. do in the moment that no longer holds the power bracket breaks apart this Yugoslav state, as the Bosnians and the Serbs do not get along with each other. Why today is breaking apart Czechoslovakia, the state? Because the Slovaks believe they are disadvantaged by the Czechs. They do not say capitalism, communism, dictatorship, fascism. They say that the Czechs penalize us, we want them off. These are deep-rooted instincts! make

From Germany an immigrant country, is absurd. It may happen that we will be flooded. At the beginning of this century was humanity of 1.6 billion people, today it is 5.6. At the end of this decade there will be over 6 billion people. That is a quadrupling of humanity within a single century. Previously, we have used tens of thousands of years to bring humanity to 1.6 billion. Now doubled in humanity every 43 years. Every year, mankind is growing by slightly more than the entire Population of the Federal Republic of Germany, by more than 80 million. This explosion will be far held more than 90% in the south, in the developing countries and the Least Develloped Countries. The people there are not enough to eat, yet they find enough water, enough air and jobs. You want to go to North America to Central Europe.


The process of this global population explosion must be stopped, otherwise there are disasters ..... These are the big problems that will come. If we, mankind cope not have this problem, we need in thirty years no longer argue about Germany as an immigration country. We will de facto be flooded and are not prepared. If we were to try today to prepare ourselves for it, you have every two years, a change of government. Then the stability of democracy is lost.


must stop but I am absolutely no one to build for the asylum seeker camp with running water and toilet and a decent supply to them there only once to accommodate the application has been tested. Why should the whole country will be distributed on school grounds in the city? What are these absurd consequences!


It's better to do (to accommodate them in camps), as they put the families in the apartment. That's about it tomorrow when it goes on. No one is preventing the federal government or state governments to build stock. There are indeed barracks built. It must

the one that comes from Bosnia and from Romania to know: He comes to camp, possibly until his case is decided. But when his case was decided negative, then the man must be deported. But the will to do, I do not see it.

(Frankfurter Rundschau, 12.9.1992, p. 8)

The witness will continue to express,

that in a conversation with an employee of appearing in Hamburg reported weekly Die Zeit for publication as an interview about his first meeting with then Prime Minister of Turkey, Demirel, stating:

"I can remember well when I met him the first time. This must be one and a half decades ago. We met in Ankara. He was head of government and has said to me: You know, Mr. Schmidt, to the end of the century, we must export fifteen million Turks in Germany '. And I said to him: This will not happen, we will not allow '. Then he said: Wait a minute off. We produce the children and you will take them. "Supplement to TIME," TIME-points " (1/1993

und im November 1981 auf einer DGB-Veranstaltung gewarnt hatte:

"Wir können nicht mehr Ausländer verdauen, das gibt Mord und Totschlag."

schließlich im Februar 1982 - kurz vor dem Ende seiner Regierungszeit - gegenüber der Wochenzeitung DIE ZEIT ( vom 5.2.1982) verkündete:

"Mir kommt kein Türke mehr über die Grenze."

Zur Erläuterung und Ergänzung dieser Aussagen wird der Zeuge bekunden,

daß er während seiner Zeit als Bundeskanzler der Bundesrepublik Deutschland fortgesetzt das Problem der Einwanderung von Millionen fremdkulturell geprägter Ausländer – mostly Turks - studied and discussed this with many experts and politicians of all parties have;

was that he discovered in the course of time the seriousness of the situation and the resulting action;

that the most dangerous aspect of the problem, the expected been defensive reaction of the ethnic German inhabitants of the Federal Republic of Germany was, which could be in his opinion in the political system of Germany is no longer used constructively as a political force;

that the root is this dilemma in his opinion the power of the press;

that he as Chancellor of political Forces across the Atlantic, the hopelessness of the attempt to counter the alienation of Germany, was bedeuted was;

was that here by these forces pointed to the possibilities of influencing the development of the political landscape in the Federal Republic;

that these instructions should contain the key message that public opinion in the Federal Republic - and the fate of political parties - from Washington is determined;

that revisit his experiences that influence quietly and without violence by the media of any kind, either directly in the hands of U.S. American money prince are, or will need to take their prescriptions to be not niederkonkurrenziert;

that for non-public, particularly by the federal government controlled demoscopic investigations during his reign throughout 80% of the voting population in the Federal Republic of Germany, the expulsion of foreigners, the Turks, in their home countries and a consequent "foreigners stop" called for it, "Germany remains the land of the Germans";

that were taken as an inevitable consequence of this dilemma during his reign of party bans in the eye;

that these prohibitions should be directed against all parties who would not leave the question of foreigners integrate into the "consensus of the democratic parties";

should that prohibition proceedings be initiated early, as soon as would emerge a turn of voters to the consensus unwilling parties ;

that security should be taken to move that date to as far into the future, should that

be created for this purpose, a social-psychological climate of condemnation of the "extreme right" as alleged reviver of the historical National Socialism;

that should be created for this purpose by covert intelligence operations sufficient Horrifizierungs and infiltration potential that could be used at any time to discredit German loyal electoral parties;

that cause the infiltration of the consensus unwilling parties, both the discrediting of the electorate, put and prohibited grounds should;

that he had been threatened by officious American side with a military intervention against the Federal Republic;

that there was this threat in the event of a failure of been pronounced against the German forces loyal directed containment;

that he in the observance of these guidelines much the elimination of the free democratic basic order of the Basic Law have recognized;

had he chosen to follow power in order to counteract the threat of U.S. military action against the Federal Republic of Germany at the first attempt.


The statements of witnesses will give the court the conviction that considered by the Federal Government of the Federal Republic of Germany about 80% of the local voting population for a return - especially the foreign-culturally - strangers. The German people but by foreign powers, with threats of military force in public policy statement which is addressed to the Entausländerung Germany, is prevented. That consequently the interpretation of Article 1 GG, after living in the Federal Republic of foreigners is not by denial of their alleged right to stay and should not be disturbed by the demand for their repatriation to their home countries, at odds with the autonomy of the German people.

This request is submitted in the event that the court considering the evidence and the final presentations without the collection of evidence in the application described in more detail come to a verdict regarding the charge of sedition would.

Stuttgart on 18 September 2002 pp

lawyer Horst Mahler

request proof c)
In the criminal case against the singer Frank Rennicke on suspicion of sedition. - LG Stuttgart 38 Js 88181/98 NS 6 -

I, as an alternative to load

the former Chancellor Helmut Kohl of the Federal Chancellery, Berlin, witnesses heard.

If that show that he, as Chancellor before his first policy speech had stated in an interview that was on 3/10/1982 on ZDF been brilliant,:

"We have a critical development in the country. We have a development that is also spoken in the course of xenophobia. I think not. It's no problem at all in fact the foreigners, but it really is a problem of large numbers, to the large number of Turkish citizens in Germany. And these people came here, brought in many cases from us, and they must now come together in a humane manner and honest with us. It may not mean the Moor has done his duty, the Moor has to. But it is also true that we die jetzige vorhandene Zahl der Türken in der Bundesrepublik nicht halten können, daß das unser Sozialsystem, die allgemeine Arbeitsmarktlage, nicht hergibt. Wir müssen jetzt sehr rasch vernünftige, menschlich sozial gerechte Schritte einleiten, um hier eine Rückführung zu ermöglichen. Das ist einfach ein Gebot der Fairneß untereinander, das offen auszusprechen.“

(lt. Sendeprotokoll des ZDF vom 03.10.82)

ferner, daß die Meldung der Nachrichtenagentur Associated Press (AP) vom 26. Januar 1983, die folgenden Wortlaut hat:

"Bundeskanzler Helmut Kohl hat darauf hingewiesen, daß der Zuzugsstopp für ausländische Arbeitnehmer not enough. Moreover, according to the words of the Chancellor to return a significant portion of the approximately two million in de Federal Republic of Turks living in their homes. "

authentic and that he thus to repatriate the intention of his government, a substantial part of the Turkish minority, expressed I

of explanation and supplement these statements, the witness will express,

a) that during his time as Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany continued the problem of immigration of millions of foreign cultural nature foreigners -. mostly Turks - studied and also with a Many experts and politicians of all parties have consulted;

b) that he had discovered in the course of time the seriousness of the situation and the resulting action;

c) that for him the most dangerous aspect of the problem, the expected immune response of the German-born been residents of the Federal Republic of Germany was, which could be in his opinion in the political system of Germany is no longer used constructively as a political force;

d) that the root is this dilemma in his opinion the power of the press;

e) that he as Chancellor of political forces beyond the Atlantic, the hopelessness of the attempt to counter the alienation of Germany, was bedeuted was;

f) that was supported by these forces pointed to the possibilities of influencing the development of the political landscape in the Federal Republic;

g) that the instructions should be the key message contained in that public opinion in the Federal Republic - and the fate of political parties - from Washington is determined;

h) that after his experience this influence quietly and nonviolently take place through the media of any kind, either directly in the hands of U.S. Money princes are, or will need to take their prescriptions to be not niederkonkurrenziert;

i) that for non-public by the Federal Government controlled demoscopic investigations during his reign throughout 80% of the voting population in the Federal Republic of Germany, the return of the resident, in particular the Turks, in their home countries and a consequent "foreigners stop" called for it, "Germany remains the land of the Germans";


The requested evidence, the conviction of the Gerichts begründen, daß durch die Einflußnahme ausländischer Mächte die Regierung Kohl gehindert worden ist, als notwendig erkannte Maßnahmen zur Reduzierung des Ausländeranteils an der Bevölkerung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zu realisieren, und daß von diesen Kräften eine erhebliche Steigerung der ethnischen Durchmischung des Deutschen Volkes erzwungen worden ist.

Dieser Antrag wird für den Fall gestellt, daß das Gericht unter Berücksichtigung der Beweisaufnahme sowie der Schlußvorträge ohne die Erhebung der im Antrag näher bezeichneten Beweise zu einem Schuldspruch bezüglich des Vorwurfs der Volksverhetzung kommen würde.

Stuttgart am 18. September 2002

lawyer Horst Mahler

request proof d) pp
In the criminal case against the singer Frank Rennicke on suspicion of sedition. - LG Stuttgart 38 Js 88181/98 NS 6 -

I, as an alternative to load

the Professor of Constitutional Law, Dr. Josef Isensee, on the University of Bonn, as witnesses, expert witnesses as well as listen to experts. The show is named

as a witness and possibly as an expert witness, first

that in a conversation with einem Mitarbeiter der in Berlin erscheinenden Tageszeitung DIE WELT im Hinblick der Bestrebungen der Regierungskoalition zur Reformation des Staatsangehörigkeitsgesetzes zwecks Veröffentlichung als Interview ausgeführt habe: „die Verfassung (gerate) völlig aus dem Blick... wenn es um die Fundamente des Staates geht und damit die nationale Einheit planmäßig aufgesprengt wird und nationale Minderheiten hier geschaffen werden. ...Die externen Spannungen zwischen Deutschen und Ausländern werden nun in den Kreis der Deutschen hineingenommen. .. Es werden politische Sprengsätze geschaffen. Zugleich werden Rede- und Denkverbote aufgerichtet und es wird mit moralischen Einschüchterungen gearbeitet, während es in Wahrheit um ein politisches Large maneuvers is to keep out the most important issue since the reunification of the public discussion. "(The World from 01/06/1998)

second that he had evaluated the project of the government parties in the same interview law as follows: "Articles 16 and 116 of the Basic Law guarantees the institution of citizenship in their traditional structures. They deny such a measure. Therefore, an authoritative redefinition of the German people something of a coup by the Parliament. "(The World from 06/01/1998)

third that these statements qualified by its laws, and legal knowledge as a belief in constitutional law

4th; correspond that he was convinced that the positive constitutional law would link to his circumstances, the cause was a positive legal rules may be but are not subject to the statutory design;

5th that, in its purified convinced the German people · by


· common language,

· a unique culture,

· a historically embossed Gemeinsamkeitsbewußtsein (historical-cultural sense of "us")

consciousness · , essential to the overall fiduciary and eternal possession involved in the country as property to be

• A unique "collective unconscious"

specific communities and as such to the exclusion of other nations, the subject of constitutional settlement was the claim on the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany application can;

6th that after his claim of professional interest in constitutional law as observations of the constitutional authorities of uncontrollable social forces that can not be equated with the German people continued a social-psychological climate - including the effect the media - produced, which hinders the development of high-handedness of the German people in a way that a free political will and to act in regard to the presence of foreigners - mainly from culturally foreign communities - not in the tens of millions in the traditional homeland of the German people was possible;

7th that under these circumstances he saw as a constitutional lawyer sufficient reason to seriously think about how the resistance right under Article 20, paragraph 4 of the Constitution might be thought, when to remove the company, the constitutional order within the meaning of Article 20 of the Basic Law, not in the first Line of authorities, but by social side of power (especially in the media) run.

as an expert will present Prof. Dr. Isenberg to the satisfaction of the court,

that the constitutional reality in the Federal Republic of Germany in any way the type of a free democratic basic order is equivalent, in keeping with the "Basic Law for the Federal Republic,"

a) because the case law of the Federal Constitutional Court of Article 1 and Article 20 of the Basic Law as Leitnormen for the designation and protection of the community-building value systems were put out of force (in particular on the appropriate examinations of the Federal Constitutional Court judge retired Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Ernst Böckenförde "From the change of the human image in the law," Rhema-Verlag, 2001) and to the evaluation of the same in the signed written, the Federal Constitutional Court, submitted a document dated 30 August 2002 p. 100 et seq by reference (see Appendix to this application);

b) because the political parties represented in parliament involved in violation of article 20, paragraph 2 GG neither the will of the German people, yet this will in the legislative bodies give, but - on the contrary - under the decisive influence of powerful social sub-groups, a freie politische Willensbildung zugunsten privater Interessen durch Meinungsmanipulation („Bewußtseinskontrolle“) nachhaltig verhindern, mit der Folge, daß das Deutsche Volk keine Möglichkeit hat, seine Selbstherrlichkeit durch Wahlen zur Geltung zu bringen ().

c) weil die von den im Bundestag vertretenen Parteien (nachfolgend „Parteienkartell“ genannt) bestimmten staatlichen Institutionen in einem Klima manifester Volksverhetzung gegen die Deutschen, die noch Deutsche sein wollen, die deutschtreuen Parteien und die sich als Reichsdeutsche bekennenden Persönlichkeiten durch Rechtsentwährung (willkürliche Nichtanwendung bzw. vorsätzliche Fehlanwendung der Gesetze) strangulation;

d) because the party cartel - supported by the media and educational institutions of any kind - continue a propaganda campaign "against the right" out (now called "revolt of the decent" disguised) and thereby causes the members and professing followers German loyal parties as are "Nazis" stigmatized and socially marginalized;

e) because an ever-present race mixing propaganda can appear in the light-induced guilt complex, the commitment to the Germans as a moral wrongdoing, and thereby the self-esteem of the Germans destroyed;

f) because the disclosure of the German national spirit at the young generation does not occur anymore because they supposedly take place no longer permitted (ibid., see von Böckenförde), and is thereby dissolved the German people in his heart (mental).

g) because every year hundreds of thousands of expectant people are killed in the Federal Republic, with governmental approval. ("Even the one nasciturus' is human dignity. Human life begins with conception. In the moment of conception" created a new character and personality of that will change no more. In him all the essentials and essentially, the entire essential component dieses Menschen beschlossen. Er treibt zur Entfaltung dessen, was keimhaft in ihm liegt und bewirkt, daß der Mensch, mag er wachsen oder vergehen, stets er selber bleibt". Das vom Staat geduldete oder gar legalisierte Töten des Kindes im Mutterleib wäre bereits nach Art. 1 Verfassungsunrecht.“ (Dürig in Maunz/Dürig, Grundgesetzkommentar Art. 1 Abs. 1 Rdnr. 24)

Das Gericht möge den Sachverständigen ersuchen, sein Gutachten unter Beachtung der Stellungnahmen des Unterzeichneten vom 20. April 2001 (zum NPD-Verbotsantrag der Bundesregierung) vom 31. Mai 2001 (zum Antrag des Bundestages) und vom 30. August 2002 (zur V-Mannproblematik) sowie unter Einbeziehung folgender to report literature:

(1) Arndt, Hans-Joachim, "The losers of 1945 - Trial politics of German, including assessment of political science in the Federal Republic of Germany," Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1978

(2) Arnim, Hans Herbert von, "The system - the machinations of power," Droemer Verlag, 2001, "From the beautiful illusion of democracy, politics without responsibility to the people over," Droemer Verlag 2000),

(3) Bavendamm, Dirk "Roosevelt's War - American Policy and Strategy 1937-1945 ", 2nd Edition, Berlin 1998,

(4) Brzezinski, Zbigniew, "The only superpower - America's strategy of domination", BeltzQuadriga Verlag Berlin 1997.

(5) Bülow, Andreas von, "On behalf of the State - CIA, BND, and the criminal activities of the intelligence services", Piper Verlag 1998,

(6) Chomsky, Noam "Profit Over People" and "War against People" both Europe Verlag 2001

(7) Clark, Ramsey "Desert Storm", LANUV Publisher 1998,

(8) Fish, Hamilton, "The Broken Myth - Roosevelt's war policy, 1933-1945", Grabert Verlag , Tübingen 1982;

(9) Goldmann, Nachum „Der Geist des Militarismus“ und „Von der weltkulturellen Bedeutung und Aufgabe des Judentums, Roland Faksimile Verlag,

(10) Hayek , Friedrich August von, „Recht, Gesetzgebung und Freiheit, Bd. 3: Die Verfassung einer Gesellschaft freier Menschen“, Verlag moderne Industrie, Landsberg am Lech, 1981.

(11) Heitmeyer u.a., „Verlockender Fundamentalismus“, edition suhrkamp Neue Folge Nr. 767, Frankfurt/M 1997

(12) Schacht, Hjalmar, „Das Ende der Reparationen“, Gerhard Stalling Verlag, Oldenburg iO 1931;

(13) Scholl-Latour, Peter, "African dirge - The sellout of a continent", Bertelsmann Verlag 2001,

(14) Schrenck Notzing, Caspar von, "character laundering - The policy of the American re-education in Germany, Ullstein-Buch No. 33 214, Berlin 1996

(15) Shahak, Israel, "Jewish History, Jewish Religion", Lühe Publisher

(16) Soros, George, "The Crisis of Global Capitalism," Alexander's Feast Verlag), August

(17) Uhlitz, State Secretary Dr. Otto, "German People, or multi-cultural society "in Ed Herbert Fischer," aspects of sovereignty ", Kiel 1987:

(18) Savoy, Giselher," The boundless continent - Roosevelt's struggle for world domination, "Eugene Diederik Verlag, Jena 1942;


The charge against the accused criminal accusation is a behavior that is located in the political. The legal assessment will vary depending on whether the will directed at the behavior of the expressed will of the effect on public peace or to its defense and recovery. It is therefore the subject zu bestimmen, auf den sich der vermeintlich strafwürdige Wille bezieht. Ist dieser Gegenstand ein Augiasstall, darf vermutet werden, daß es dem Angeklagten um dessen Ausmistung ging. Wäre dagegen der Gegenstand die „Heile Welt“ im Sinne einer dem Idealtyp eines freiheitlichen Gemeinwesens nahekommende Realität, müßten Angriffe darauf eher als Äußerung eines bösen Willens angesehen werden.

Der Unterschied zwischen Verfassungsideal und Verfassungswirklichkeit ist als Möglichkeit jedem Bürger eines konkreten Gemeinwesens geläufig. Allerdings schienen deutsche Richter stets dem Hang verfallen zu sein, den Blick auf die politischen Zustände, wie sie in Wahrheit sind, zu vermeiden and unswervingly keep instead the law in the Constitution erected Ideal for reality. Christian Morgenstern has aptly captured this mentality in the verse: "And so Palmström concluded pointedly, it may not be what should not be." This attitude has Böckenförde broken. He characterizes him knowledgeable perceived constitutional reality in a way that forces even for laymen to conclude that from it the spirit of freedom has escaped.

For the user of the political crimes stemming from this finding, the task, in this case those herauszupräparieren partial view of the constitutional reality that for the accused had to act determines.

has unmistakably accused of responding with the offending "expellees Song" on exactly those maladministration, which the witness Prof. Dr. Isensee cited in the world has sharply castigated interview. Now, if - as the defense says - this deplorable state of affairs, the result of the disposal - but in any case a general and serious harm - is the "free democratic basic order of the Basic Law" by the non-or quasi-governmental consensus machine will fall in favor of the accused the right of resistance of Art . 20 Section 4 of the Constitution against the political institutions of the Federal Republic of Germany. Because these are both a cause the elimination or impairment of the basic order at least by omission. The crudest and most obvious omission here is that the competent institutions - primarily the legislature was called - did nothing to ensure the freedom of the press (Article 5 paragraph 1 sentence 2 Basic Law). This is constitutive of a liberal political system in general. Where freedom of the press by the freedom of big money to stick to a press that is replaced, inevitably the dictatorship established in the most insidious form: the controlled by private interests consciousness industry is capable of political freedom the "beautiful illusion of democracy" (von Arnim) zu verschaffen und dadurch den Widerstandswillen der Bürger zu lähmen.

Die Feststellung der Verfassungswirklichkeit ist keine Rechtsfrage. Sie hat einen geistigen Sachverhalt zum Gegenstand, der nicht als Rechtsfolge aus der Anwendung unstreitigen Rechts auf einen gegebenen Sachverhalt erfließt. Vielmehr betrifft die Feststellung den Bereich der rechtlich bedeutsamen Tatsachen selbst, auf die sich der nachfolgende richterliche Subsumtionsakt bezieht. Hier ist auch daran zu erinnern, daß ungeachtet des Grundsatzes iura novit curia u.U. sogar die Feststellung des für den Einzelfall in Betracht kommenden Normenmaterials (Gewohnheitsrecht, Völkerrecht, ausländisches Recht) Gegenstand einer Beweiserhebung sein kann. Mehr noch als die Entdeckung abgelegener Rechtsquellen ist die Erforschung der Verfassungswirklichkeit nicht das übliche Tagesgeschäft eines aktiven Richters. Dieser ist auch nicht für die Lösung dieser Aufgabe ausgebildet. Er bedarf dazu der Hilfe eines Wissenschaftlers, der sich durch besondere Sachkunde auf dem Gebiete des Staatsrechts, der Staatsphilosophie und im Bereich der verfassungsrelevanten Tatsachenforschung auszeichnet. Diese Voraussetzungen sind in der Person des Prof. Dr. Isensee gegeben. Dieser ist Staatsrechtsleher an einer deutschen Hochschule und Mitherausgeber des „Handbuch des Staatsrechts“.

Das Sachverständigengutachten wird insbesondere die Grundlage für die Beantwortung der Frage hergeben, whether the defendant in the exercise of its right of resistance has complied with the principle of proportionality limits.

This request is submitted in the event that the court would be considering the taking of evidence and the final presentations without the collection of evidence in the application described in greater detail with respect to a conviction of charges of sedition.

Stuttgart on 18 September 2002 because of

lawyer Horst Mahler

request for evidence e)
In the criminal case against the singer Frank Rennicke of Suspicion of sedition pp. - LG Stuttgart 38 Js 88181/98 NS 6 -

I, as an alternative,

first Professor Dr. Wilhelm Heitmeyer, Institute for Interdisciplinary Conflict and Violence Research at the University of Bielefeld,

second Professor Herwig Birg, University of Bielefeld,

as witnesses, expert witnesses, and to listen as experts.

to 1):

Prof. Dr. Wilhelm Heitmeyer has been engaged for decades in the study of youth violence, especially in terms of voltage potential caused by the presence of a large number of foreign cultural nature of young people in Germany are limited. Based on empirical surveys over a long period of time he can expertly be helpful to uncover long-term trends in the development of political worldviews among young people.

(see the "Heitmeyer study - Tempting fundamentalism" in paperback in the "edition Suhrkamp" New Series No. 767 appeared.)

His particular expertise puts him in the position to explain to the court convincingly

- that is thanks to drives in the youth scene observed violence, regardless urge the political thought and also independent from the national political parties and independent of programmatic work supposedly xenophobic youth groups to explosive expression;

To 2): Prof. Dr. Herwig Birg

regarded as the leading demographer. He is president of the German Society for Demography. He is in the daily newspaper "Die Welt" and by the "Berliner Morgenpost" 2 January 2002 p. 2 in interviews have spoken. The scientist has on this occasion pointed out the dangers that arise from the fact that the Germans have in their home bald eine Minderheit sein werden. Wörtlich heißt es in dem Interview in der „Berliner Morgenpost“:

„Wir denken immer, wenn wir von Integration sprechen, an eine ‚deutsche’ Mehrheitsgesellschaft, in die eine Minderheit zu integrieren ist. Es kommt aber genau umgekehrt. In den Großstädten kippen bei den unter 40-Jährigen schon ab 2010 das Mehrheitsverhältnis Deutscher zu Zugewanderten. Integration bedeutet dann: Wie integriere ich mich als Deutscher in eine neue Mehrheitsgesellschaft aus Zuwanderern?“


„Seriöse Studien zeigen, daß Zuwanderer den Staat schon jetzt mehr kosten, als sie den Sozialsystemen Einnahmen bring "

(Berliner Morgenpost, 2 January 2002, p. 2)

Prof. Dr. Birg is manifest as a witness, that he has done

reproduced the above statement to his interview partner;

that the aforementioned statement through his careful research reflects reasoned conviction.

such experts will explain the professors Dr. Heitmeyer and Dr. Birg to the satisfaction of the court,

first that culturally alien races in a strange environment to promote the binding partners within their own ethnic group or force through social pressure and simultaneously discriminate against cross-cultural connections;

second that the internal choice of partners increases greatly when the ethnic consciousness is awake to the strange environment may soon grow into a decisive factor in politics and society;


fourth, that this expectation of the Turkish ethnic group is clearly distinguishable that a peaceful inverse integration of indigenous people in a group of immigration from foreign cultures is unlikely given society;

5th that predicted by Prof. Dr. Birg demographic development in the German cities likely lead to a substantial rise in segregation of different ethnic groups is,

6th that cause most likely the increasing segregation of strong social tensions;

7th be expected that the social tensions and stresses are periodic with high probability in collective violence;

8th that the increasing segregation of multiple ethnic groups will likely provide the state's monopoly in question;

9th that the weakening of state power would encourage the emergence of ethno-centric replacement forces;

10th that the emergence of ethno-centric replacement rule of the traffic of different ethnic groups most likely will make increasingly violent;

11th that conflicts between other cultures of foreign ethnicities within a destabilized political system tends to resonance-like Aufschaukelung in itself deceptive;

12th that the presence of ethnic groups on German soil, whose culture dictates that blood revenge, cause the risk of an endless cycle of violence;

13th that amount to have in the past few years, the net impact of staying on the territory of the Federal Republic of foreigners about DM 250 billion per annum and observed here is a growing trend;

14th that, having regard to the first numbers - 13 the facts proved the outbreak of open hostilities between the settled on the territories of the Federal Republic of ethnic groups is more likely than not.


The importance of the experts to the court to be imparted insights into the demographic development in Germany and the consequent opening up resulting social psychological crisis for the criminal proceedings against the accused Frank Rennicke particularly in Hinblich to the bloody fighting in the ethnic ghettos of Oldham, Burnley and Bradford (Großbritannien) im Sommer letzten Jahres. Diese sind Gegenstand eines Untersuchungsberichts („Cantle-Report“), über den „Die Welt“ über mehrere Tage hinweg wie folgt berichtete:

Die Welt, 12.12. 2001, Seite 6

Großbritannien stellt sich seinem Rassenproblem


Roter Faden in allen Analysen ist, was der "Cantle-Report" - genannt nach seinem Leiter Ted Cantle, dem früheren Stadtdirektor von Nottingham "schockierend getrennte Stadteile" in manchen britischen Kommunen calls. The inhabitants lived almost "parallel lives", there were literally at cross-purposes. It has, so the authors concerned, formed in recent decades, a practice of "voluntary segregation" in urban areas of the British Isles out a wall, behind which some ethnic groups and isolate religious groups from each other.

the world - 13.12.2001, page 5
The debate over the future of multiculturalism in Britain after the publication of several government reports on the causes of race riots last summer in full swing. That is totally the intention of the government that makes a longstanding worry that has "political correctness" bound citizens the tongue and prevented from speaking freely in a matter of national concern and the first rank ....

Home Secretary David Blunkett: "But is the word of the multicultural society is now so devalued and misinterpretations exposed - is expected almost from us that we perform ourselves as if each multi-cultural of us this is not the. case. We have different origins and different interests. " ... His populism and his popularity among ordinary citizens make David Blunkett, the more suspicious in the liberal camp. There, you fight him not only because to let his willingness to discuss racial issues in Britain mercilessly as the "Cantle Report" from earlier this week (see THE WORLD, 11 December) in turn affirmed. ... But Blunkett is undeterred. He wants to return to the ancient custom of his countrymen, delicate things under the carpet, back to his body, and the ring of silence - break - a version of political correctness. Nowhere is this Usance demolished more than in the race question on their sensitive content no one makes illusions, but the sensitive because of this nature are often kept silent. ...

For Blunkett result of this success open discussion climate in which no one makes the implications of the racial problem to his heels. But it usually looks in the country? O-Ton Blunkett: "It's become downright dangerous for white middle-aged, difficult problems and to address just my opinion, though it has the world tired of politicians can range from condescending platitudes.."

At least that is doing the "Cantle Review on the cohesion of our communities," no more. He describes unsparingly, as in many urban areas white and colored people now something like "parallel lives" lead, a practice of "voluntary segregation", behind the build up fear and mistrust and other potential inflammable substances, particularly social exclusion, which is certainly promoted by many leading figures within these ghettos due misunderstood cultural self-definition is. ...

could do, since the leaders of the large ethnic communities in their ability to have persuaded the central government in London to ever greater subsidies. But that only further deepened the differences instead of bridging them. ... All that now flows into a large debate to which the country, released by political correctness, seem ready to find. The flames of turmoil in the summer, in Oldham, Burnley and Bradford permit no escape anymore.


The cooperation of the scientists to 1) and 2) the hearing is imparted evaluation of the Cantle Report "to the court the conviction

- that the popular resistance against the mass absorption of strangers is elementary,

- that has an ethnic infiltration highly experimental nature of this scale and success in the sense of mutual acceptance of different ethnic groups seems more problematic

- that the development of this leads resulting social stress on a racist charge of the political climate and

- that already to be apparent rejection of institutionally mediated - violent - conflict resolution to back "exterminators" concepts of the free democratic basic order in the consciousness beyond the public the floor is because the jurisdiction under these circumstances will not live as a mediator of a just balance of interests, but as a coercive order, which causes the slow and the national death Chaotisierung society. .

It will be borne in mind that this development in violation of the International law of war (Art. 43 Hague Convention) is enforced and the German people, however self-defense is entitled to a right which must be exercised with regard to the incapacity of the German Empire from any citizen of the Reich on their own responsibility.

This request is submitted in the event that the court would be considering the taking of evidence and the final presentations without the collection of evidence in the application described in greater detail with respect to a conviction of charges of sedition.

Stuttgart on 18 September 2002

lawyer Horst Mahler

How Long Refund Irs Direct Deposit

to note the summary record of a process observer on 1
the trial:

Short Report 1 The trial (18/09/2002):

Large police presence caused a secure process. No
counter-demonstrators, many trial observers in
up to the packed courtroom

9:40 to 10:00: Personalienverlesung. Reading of the Judgement of the 1st

10:25 to 12 clock:
number of applications in defense, including

- Stay of proceedings to the prosecutor be given an opportunity to eliminate

many formal errors

- terminated in wg. Limitation

- Stay of proceedings pending the decision of Constitutional Court on
of § 130 of the Criminal Code in respect of the Basic Law and Human Rights Article

- summons the witness Elke Monssen (Review Board)

- Hearing of witnesses Helmut Schmidt (ex-Chancellor)

- Hearing of witnesses Helmut Kohl (former Chancellor)

- Hearing of witnesses Jürgen Rieger

- summons the witness Prof. Isenberg

- subpoena the expert Prof. Dr. Birk

- subpoena the expert Dr. Heitmeyer

12-14 Clock

14:10 to 14:20
reasoning of the court to reject the first 3 applications

14:20 to 16:20
examination of the witnesses Jacobi (Police Inspector), Egon Vaupel
Marburg), (10
minutes!) Cordis, M. Rieger.

Vaupel confirmed it deliberately committed the breach of the confidentiality of correspondence

by him, which neither prosecutors nor the judge in any form

continuation of the process on Friday, 20.09.2002, am.