Sunday, September 29, 2002

Get A Copy Ofimmunization Record Ontario

The 4th

the trial The trial of Frank and Ute Rennicke front of the Stuttgart Regional Court

- the fourth of the trial - 27.09.2002 -

report and observations of a participant

Last Friday was of this fourth trial, a travesty of justice instead of all those present, provided that in contrast to the journalists themselves thought and with open eyes and ears, would probably long be remembered. I myself had taken me one day leave to attend the trial on the fourth after a long trip. If it had for me were needed as to feel disgust and loathing for this country - here I could have obtained the latest example. After the most accurate search warrant by police and court people who take pictures for the identity card, dressing-down by officials and finding space in the filled courtroom, began the trial of 9:25 clock.

Zimmert The judge and the two Aldermen (all in the 50's) a certain degree of "politeness" realize is palpable behind the serving any hard-hitting wall. The journalists are only partly on the ground - where the press reports are still questionable. At least some hair-raising whose content is well explained by non-participation. Also goes to the lawyers and the family Rennicke aware of the way, after they had questioned the journalists team clearly lies some reports. Ute Rennicke showed real courage here - and also her way to court, as are the dozens of phone conversations that were played in public (according to the LKA top sniffer against "justice" Christopher Schiele - a greasy-set Person - it was only in its examination authority several hundreds of phone calls proved): Here is an innocent and wonderful mother of five children in court, has the humor and kindness, can be represented and in life is. My neighbor told me this: "This woman has more in it than half of all rights". It is therefore understandable that Frank Rennicke has repeatedly attacked in the process people like Schiele massive, spoke of "collective punishment, GDR conditions and wrong, and seriously, when it comes to his family.

be first played recordings of phone LKA Schleswig-Holstein, where it is a trial by Andrew Staehr (of Vicente directories) from Glinde's, which had led to some embarrassing, unprincipled way in discussions as to Marcel Inginoli of catchy delivery. The investigating officer then talks about Staehr. In endless phone calls about nonsense and came to light in Professional: Stähr had with Frank Rennicke changed records, which he then "sold off" within reason. Although Stähr several times at various points told to have no inhibitions against copyright and penal clauses, was his method (and its gossip, which ultimately led to a "watch by Frank Rennicke") is not yet concluded and no charges - this crowd of course, several suspected forcibly. I was, through the Stähr records now clear why a little more with the uptight and unfriendly Andrew Staehr would maintain a contact.

were then hours of phone calls and played to the family Rennicke. The LKA-man Schiele was to play in the family Rennicke was very reasonable on the phone and go constantly by a surveillance by "a DDR-like behavior of the FRG authorities" from. Ultimately, neither Frank nor any Rennicke Ute offense was to elicit over the phone - on the contrary, multiple could be heard, Frank Rennicke sent any indexed records, prohibited goods are at it is not available, Ute Rennicke is not involved in the distribution and writes at a maximum of callers to telephone messages for her husband. The family Rennicke but repression and harassment are constantly exposed - that is to be heard also from the phone-monitoring - and for many years. The witness apparently deliberately conceals Schiele some things and will be "remembered" by interviewing the lawyer Horst Mahler (who in his lawyers' quality of this process is well demonstrated and compared with the prosecutor has a much higher level) and Frank Rennicke it. So well known, the family has already been spied Rennicke several times over the years - and even "house interviews" "Prefix. - While the police are set because of some disgusting occurrence even before the door Some things Schiele as" to neighbors facts "notified that he has only" heard from other agencies "and did this suddenly not so accurate. On the first days of the trial Mr. Schiele has even threatening to shoot dog Rennicke added

were other interesting things.

The first LKA Baden-Wuerttemberg phones monitored by digital recording devices from Reuter GmbH - these are on a kind of CD then stored. In contrast, the LKA Schleswig-Holstein still outdated device as a music cassette recorder. While Mr. Schiele be technisches Überfordertsein bewies, benötigte der Holsteiner LKA-Mann oftmals lange, die Bandstelle der Aufzeichnung zu finden. Interessant auch der Umstand, Telefongespräche werden schon während der Wahl bzw. des Aufhebens vom Hörer bei abgehenden Gesprächen aufgezeichnet. Bei Schwätzern wie Stähr haben es die Ermittler sehr leicht, auch andere "Opfer" zu finden - bei "behutsamen Fernsprech-Teilnehmern" wie Familie Rennicke ist man selbst nach Monaten im Leeren.

2. Gegen die Familie Rennicke wurde ein Ermittlungsverfahren wegen angeblicher "Geldwäsche" eingeleitet, welches dieser nicht bekannt war. Der Grund dafür: Die Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands benötigte vor ca. vier Jahren in an emergency financial support. Frank Rennicke then immediately jumped on and gave the party a loan in five-figure (the money was confiscated by the state later in the course of the current investigation). Indicator was the Postbank, in which Rennicke had an account and that was from this post bank then dismissed because of "political hygiene". Conclusion: Who will help the NPD, a process gets! Note: the absence of any money laundering, the case was closed. It was the family fortune of the family Rennicke.

It was then the witness of the Federal Review Board fonts too. This says that recorded music from Rennicke and which are not indexed. He had come into office for the Chair and opened not quite in the topic of Rennicke music. His testimony regarding the alleged seizure of two nationwide Rennicke-recordings are not correct. Frank Rennicke corrected. Nevertheless, the newspapers wrote the wrong message.

Whether LKA whether federal inspection if account termination, whether threats - the family is exposed to for years Rennicke massive harassment and Frank Rennicke experienced years of persecution, as it does not get any. However, this family it is not broken, and even in the process of "their man". But this trial, and even these three witnesses were alone for me, I'm sometimes so bad it is indeed not be, a realization that I do not want to miss. This is not a liberal rule of law!

The biggest blow in my conscience, but should follow. Frank Rennicke by the Lord Mayor of Marburg - an avowed "anti-Nazi" and fraternity enemy named Egon Vaupel - alleged he had sent with misdirected post, two revisionist publications to another Marburger. While Frank Rennicke to this document so far not expressed ("How should I also - I would have to first read once"), presented the request for attorney Horst Mahler, to read this document public. If Frank Rennicke the "allegation of denial" is made, it must first be clarified whether "would geleugent" with this document at all. The judge then has to protest the publication of about 38 pages presented in two sections. This A4-sized booklet entitled "arguments of the defense to ask questions and facts about the so-called concentration camps of the Third Reich in the room. In objectivity and critical questioning of the political Zwitgeschichtsschreibung able to experience the well 40 people and police, which today is in Guido Knopp concealed. The document ends with useful terms of the claim not to give up the fight for truth and justice among nations by honesty and help. For me, who assesses the evidence about genocide in the Third Reich so far as a given, and apparently, my view of history is now made entirely in question. If Frank Rennicke, who previously stated in the brochure made theses on its own and this just announced that they have not sent this script, there are still condemned, the contents of this document is to be classified then at least for me as correct. It is therefore awaited the final word of defense to be expected at this point. Horst Mahler angekündgt comprehensive opinion!

A paradox of time on the side: During the morning the phone calls from Ute Rennicke in the hall LG 5 in Stuttgart could be heard (with the newborn child's cry in the background), was in Room 6 against the child molester next door negotiating S. Benzinger. In this trial, a witness and, in probably six process Rennicke days and several "witnesses" - where a sexual degenerate, an expression of opinion here! The newspapers write extensively about the case Rennicks in the regional area, the television reports - including details - no word on the child molester. The media of the FRG to prove once more, "wants to eligible full-plug" to be. Horst Mahler returned to this already so sharp at the trial started.

The process is starting this Wednesday, 2:10:02 in the hall 1 of the District Court of Stuttgart continued - a larger room for the expected large number of visitors. Probably still is Friday, 4:10:02 become necessary as the trial, if not more.

Finally: The weak compliance with the national journalism - by YOUNG FREEDOM to the central organ - the process of this scandal is embarrassing and sobering for me. Frank Rennicke sitting here on behalf of the entire national camp in the dock, the pathetic allegations against him could happen to anyone Pariot (and there are probably even after a landmark ruling), his wife Ute is representative of all women of national activists in Sippenhaftart accused of ridiculous phone notes, the confiscation of a large amount of the assets of many children extended family (who himself has to "right side" now have five children?) Is unique and will certainly find the future more imitation, to concerns expressed by Frank Rennicke criticism of a "alienation" (where he is not even the word used) a future muzzle means in the question of being and not our people - and will report a brochure on the "greatest crimes of history", the disclosure of which in one case, the songwriter, is for all process participants clearly identified as questioning the time and not history as "Denial" to be considered.

All in all, this process is a pity for our people and the "rule of law" BRD - the inability of many "national" to a recognition of the importance of this process and support the family Rennicke and their great lawyers make just sad and speechless. Here is fighting an exemplary married couple and the most famous national singer for existence, the expression and artistic freedom, the right to life of their own species and our own children. Here is revealed the judicial and police system of the Federal Republic of bureaucracy and oppression in all its form, here is the school of history accused of lying and the re-education method apparently - and hardly anyone takes notice. When I personally after the trial of Frank Rennicke adopted, this says with bitter irony: "My faith in the rule of law and national solidarity are unshakable!"

Stefan Müller 09.29.2002

Press reports:

Ehningen / Stuttgart: Federal Review indexed Rennicke song

a.. "A call for expulsion"
From our editor Hans-Jörg Zürn

Not all versions of the "expellees song" Ehninger the electrician and right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke are currently on the list of federal inspection station for youth at risk border fonts. The employee said yesterday that Hartmut Hollinski the district court of Stuttgart.

indexed as 1996, the testing the first version of this song on the CD "selection." The lines "Americans, Russians, foreign nations out, at last master in his own house" would call for the expulsion and to express the rejection of other nations. This reprinted saw the three-body testing of a youth risk and put the piece on the ban list as well as a song book, the text in this form.

Rennicke subsequently published two further versions: without even the forbidden line and once with a spot or spots. Thus, the song appeared on the "early works and Edition II Edition I". But a process started by the laboratory in May 1998. "Since we learned that will be sought from the district court Winsen / Luhe a nationwide seizure decision, we have closed the case," said Hartmut Hollinski yesterday in Stuttgart.

on request Rennicke Frank was therefore told that the CDs should not stand on the index. Left open the Bonn auditor, whether the content is checked again after the nationwide seizure forthcoming.

Undercover on the phone

"Stasi-Methoden", "Wie bei James Bond" für Unmut unter den rund 30 Besuchern sorgten gestern die Tonbandprotokolle der Telefonüberwachung Rennickes. In den Gesprächen ging es überwiegend um Bestellungen. "Hier spricht ein Undercover-Agent des Verfassungsschutzes", erkannte Verteidiger Horst Mahler einen Anrufer. Bei einem anderen Anruf wollte ein Kunde beharrlich indizierte Produkte kaufen Rennicke und sein Anwalt sehen darin ebenfalls einen getürkten Anruf. Der ehemalige Linksterrorist Mahler, der die NPD im Verbotsverfahren vor dem Bundesverfassungsgericht vertritt, hat Frank Rennicke als Mandanten. Dessen Ehefrau Ute verteidigt sich selbst.

Zu hören ist auf den Bändern auch ein Gespräch, dass Rennicke with his client Marc Rieger stated Marburg. The two discussed during a raid Rieger. The Ehninger felt like "a dictatorship of the GDR in no way inferior. They want to lead us through harassment attacks." The "birds left in the parliaments" were to blame for police officers to bludgeon against law and would receive a raise or promotion. "

The process will be on Wednesday, October 2, continued at 9:15 clock.

a newspaper, 28.09. 2002

Sep 28, 2002

Rennicke woman apparently knew very little use

Ehningen / STUTTGART - The interrogation of several witnesses on Friday the trial of the extreme right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke continued. Moreover, the court heard on recordings of the telephone surveillance against Rennicke.

By Steffen owner

court ruling on the criminal police had tapped the phone of five years living in Ehningen Rennicke family for months and recorded all conversations and evaluated. A similar monitoring a suspected infringement of the copyright CDHändlers in Lübeck had the Investigators previously placed on Rennicke track. But defenders Horst Mahler hoped the literal recordings would bring relief to the benefit Rennicks and his wife to light that the aid is accused of sedition. Therefore, he had insisted on playing the tapes. This request may prove a boomerang now.

the statements of the two detectives Matthias Horn from the State Criminal Office (LKA) Keel and Christoph Schiele from LKA Stuttgart, according to Ute Rennicke had indeed never performed on its own business calls for her husband. In the absence of her husband she had received numerous calls but with orders and inquiries. Some of the telephone recordings revealed that they seem about the business practices of her husband knew very little use. Although she had little knowledge of what Frank Post Rennicke had received or sent, but could always give the callers information on which CD-expenses he had in stock, which stood on the index or the quantity discounts it grants to its customers. Whether the court will evaluate it as aid is still open. The witness also

Hartmut Hollinski of the Federal Review Board documents was heard. This had Rennicke CD "selection'', where the first version of the expellees song was included, in July 1996 indicated as inciting, on the grounds that the text line" Friends, Russians, foreign nations''was out, a call to expel those who do not fit into the concept.

The two CD's "early works I''and" early works II'', on which in the expellees song said line is missing, had examined the Authority also Rennicke but in May 1999 announced that they would not indexed.

Leonberger local paper, 9/28/2002

protection of young people in trouble

protocols give further insight into Frank Rennicke

STUTTGART. In the trial of right-wing extremists Frank Rennicke, an official of the Review Board Writings "unclear procedures for the seizure of records," laments. There have been problems with the indexing.

By Günter Scheinpflug

The fourth of hearings before the Stuttgart Regional Court against the right-wing singer-songwriter from Ehningen dedicated to the further evidence has been standing. With great power which observers expected in Room 5, which until the last seat was filled, the witnesses from the Federal Review Board documents. Caused problems for the investigators apparently different versions of the so-called "expellees song" by Rennicke, which had been published in several versions on different recordings is. The rhyme "Americans, Russians and foreigners out, at last master in his own house" sealed Rennicke mid-80s, later he ran it again.

As the officers testified that service, the verse in 1996 on the CD "elite" because of the refusal of other nations had been classified as harmful to minors. After that his agency had received phone calls, according to the forbidden version will still common on other CDs and cassettes. 1998, a request was made to further indexing. The treatment had been delayed because of "a work of earnings," said the official. In September 1999, would then come up with the other recording ban list, one month later but was deleted again be. And because of the "unclear process of seizure" as well as the "early works" edition.

Rennicke brought in the appeal hearing before the district court repeatedly stated that he did not have the indexing and their rationale was in the picture. However, given the replayed tapes of telephone surveillance clearly exclude the fact that the right singer obviously, two years before the first conviction in November 2000 by the District Court was aware, the target of the Protection of the Constitution to be. In one of the many recordings of telephone conversations Rennicke complained to a caller: "I have a feeling that we live in a dictatorship wie in der DDR."

Die Beweisaufnahme zielt zudem auf die Rolle von Ehefrau Ute Rennicke beim Vertrieb der Schriften, in denen die Judenvergasung in den Konzentrationslagern der Nazis verharmlost und abgestritten wird. Den Protokollen zufolge hat sie häufiger Bestellungen über CDs, Kassetten und Pamphlete ihres Mannes entgegengenommen. Im wesentlichen geht es um die Verbreitung der so genannten "Dokumente der Verteidigung - Unterdrückte Tatsachen über Auschwitz und den Holocaust". Der Prozess wird kommenden Mittwoch fortgesetzt.

Stuttgarter Zeitung, 28.09.2002


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