Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Pokèmon Battle Revolution Rom

Sindelfingen, Boeblingen Local Newspapers 18/09/2002 12:16

Ehningen / Stuttgart: right-wing extremists songwriter Rennicke

charges of sedition
From our employees Oliver Schmale
If today before the appeal hearing against the right-wing singer-songwriter Frank Rennicke from the Ehningen Stuttgart Regional Court held, prevail increased security precautions. For days, the internet, a call is distributed to come to the process. A first date in June did not take place.

Rennicke is by the Amtsgericht Böblingen in 2000 convicted of incitement to a ten-month suspended sentence. It was to be "displaced persons song." The prosecutor had then demanded a prison sentence without parole.

Both the prosecution and then the singer had gone to appeal. The confiscated in criminal proceedings in Rennicke 70 450 Mark, the court had confiscated. The court found as fact that this money was the profit from the sale of inciting music. According to the Stuttgart state prosecutor Rennicke in Böblingen District Court on yet another case is pending. It's all about hate speech.

The right music is also regularly in the reports of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Constitutional protection. Let him at events nationwide der rechtsextremistischen Szene auf, hieß es im Bericht der Verfassungsschützer aus dem Jahr 1999. Schon damals hatte bei ihm eine Hausdurchsuchung stattgefunden. Rennicke stellt sich laut der Behörde bei seinen Auftritten als "Systemverfolgter" und "Märtyrer" dar, um sein Publikum zu Spendenzahlungen zu animieren. Er habe bundesweit eine generationsübergreifende Anhängerschaft. Neben seiner eigenen Musik vertreibe er auch anderes rechtsextremistisches Material, hieß es im Bericht für das Jahr 2001.

Horst Mahler als Verteidiger

Der Anhänger der rechten Szene unterstützte laut Verfassungsschutz die NPD im Oktober 2001 im Wahlkampf zum Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus. In Stuttgart will er occur now, according to information from the prosecutor in the appeal hearing with Horst Mahler as a lawyer. Former Terrorist Links Mahler, who is now a figurehead of the right represents the NPD ban proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court in Karlsruhe.

The right scene had as a result of the Judgement in Böblingen also tried to intimidate with a planned demonstration of the then acting Attorney. That was on the relevant websites at the time the address of the man was called. His colleagues had reported that the lawyer and his family were subjected to a veritable witch-hunt.


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