Sunday, September 22, 2002

Diagnose Swollen Knee

Here is a brief press release about the second day of talks before the District Court against Ute and Frank Rennick.

Ehningen / Stuttgart: Trial of Frank Rennicke continued

Die Abhörprotokolle der Polizei

Von unserem Redakteur Hans-Jörg Zürn

Volksverhetzung zehn Monate auf Bewährung erhielt der Ehninger Frank Rennicke vor dem Amtsgericht Böblingen, weil er sein "Heimatvertriebenenlied" verbreitete, obwohl es als verfassungsfeindlich eingestuft ist. Ehefrau Ute Rennicke wurde wegen Beihilfe verurteilt. Beide legten Berufung ein wie auch die Staatsanwaltschaft (die SZ/BZ berichtete).

Am zweiten Tag der Berufungsverhandlung vor dem Landgericht Stuttgart ging es vor allem darum zu belegen, dass Frank Rennicke die Produktion von CDs, Musikassetten und Liederbücher mit dem idizierten Liedtext in Auftrag gegeben und die Produkte had sold. For, as the detective, who had led three years ago, the investigation into Rennicke: "We have recorded music during a house search not found and no packing material." It concluded the police officer, "that the shipment was operated from a remote location and even there the material was stored."

prevailed in the courtroom yesterday but no doubt that the electrician and right-wing singer-songwriter and his music was copied by mail order and sold directly to concerts. Such was bills before a record company. Judges also cited Zimmert since many of the intercepts of the police. The monitored the phone to the family and the Rennicke Connecting a mail order Kiel, who had ordered several times Rennicke indexed products.

Since the records referred to again and again Ute Rennicke had written orders, provides for the prosecution where the facts of the aid. understandable for the accused: "We have a connection for the whole family and it is but have understood that I write for my husband to call the appropriate information." It also had the self-protection: "If everyone is calling several times, I have come to nothing Finally, we have five children.."

Even Frank Rennicke outraged: "It is scandalous that my wife presented as accomplice . Is. "Furthermore, he complained as he did before the district court on the progress of the search as" interrupted Judge Zimmert because the are not relevant, grabbed a defender Horst Mahler: "It's about the attitude of the officers in relation to my client. The police officer was biased approach to the task. "
The process is on Wednesday 25 September, continued at 9:15 clock. Then a lawyer is from Hamburg, revised the Rennicks lyrics. Moreover, Elke Monssen loaded, chairman of the Federal Review Board writings. There was the "expellees song" classified as hate speech.

a newspaper, 09/21/2002


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