Wednesday, September 18, 2002

Mastarbation With Objects

A true musician makes himself a martyr


Stuttgart - The Land Court is gearing up with a hundred riot police to the second edition of the appeal hearing against the Ehninger Rennicke songwriter Frank and his wife Ute. The first event of this process of sedition had burst in July, because the judiciary feared rioting right-wing supporters.

is but the Stuttgart court house tomorrow, Wednesday prepared, as a Justice spokesman confirmed. Constitution guards and police officers sealed off the area in the Olgastraße sealed.

listener must be examined for weapons. The passes will be copied. Riots and applause will prevent the judicial order.

Ehninger The songwriter and singer Frank Rennicke was convicted in November 2000 by the Böblingen district court for spreading his anti-Sudeten German song to ten months imprisonment. Ute wife had then been spoken for aiding and abetting the sedition also guilty. Both the prosecutor as well as the offender had gone to appeal. At that time, attracted the judges, 70 450 marks in the defendant, perhaps because they thought it proved that this is the profit from the sale of inciting music.

According to information from the prosecution against the Ehninger Barden still under investigation in another case. It should go back to sedition. The Ehninger musician is also regularly in the reports of the Baden-Wuerttemberg Constitutional protection: Due to its popularity in the entire right wing, he still acts as a unifying figure for the scene.

Rennicke was raised according to the indictment is in his nationwide appearances as a systems victim of persecution and martyrdom to incite his audience to donate payments. Besides his own music it sells well right extremist materials means that the intelligence report of 2001. And he had in October last year, even the NPD supports the campaign for the House of Representatives. In his appeal process, he will appear with former left-wing terrorist Horst Mahler as a lawyer. Mahler, now a figurehead of the right represents the NPD ban proceedings before the Federal Constitutional Court. The extensive security arrangements for this process have their basis: following the first-instance ruling was the right scene trying to intimidate a prosecutor. His address and name appeared on relevant websites, followed by a chase began at about the lawyer and his family.

Böblinger local paper - 17/09/2002

- Note the Bard:

first It was not a "antisudendeutsches, but a per-song Sudeten German

second The process was not at that time was postponed due to "threat of radical right-wing excesses," but also because of the death threats against family and lawyer Rennicke exposed.

third A hunt was not a prosecutor, but family Rennicke related to harassment, threats and guilt by association.

Conclusion: This article is a good Beispiekl for a journalism lies. The editorial is only incidentally over 7 km as the crow flies from the Bard - a request to the editorial judgments for a factual report was not natural.


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