Thursday, April 30, 2009
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Im Glauben Benedikt XVI im Rücken zu haben, greifen Bischof Fellay und Pater Schmidberger die deutschen Bischöfe unentwegt mit scharfem Geschütz an. Spätestens bei den nächsten für Ende Juni in Zaitzkofen angesagten Weihen dürfte jedoch für sie die Stunde der Wahrheit läuten, den Bischof Müller hat Rom zu einer klaren Stellungnahme aufgefordert und auch Bischof Brunner von Sitten doppelt nach.
Es ist kaum anzunehmen, dass Benedikt XVI gegen seine Bischöfe entscheiden wird und es könnte geschehen, dass er Bischof Fellay um Aufschub bittet. Wie wird Bischof Fellay entscheiden? Auf alle Fälle lässt die Zukunft nichts Gutes für die Piusbruderschaft erahnen.
Dank seiner meisterhaften Strategie ist es Kardinal Hoyos gelungen, jenen Traditionalisten, die die Communion with Rome want a place in the church council. Thus, the SSPX for him no longer indispensable.
from a reader on published opinion of readers' Przybislav Iamesseblo "
Wednesday, April 29, 2009
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I remain steadfast against the modernism of the anti-Christian Rome, in the footsteps of Archbishop Lefebvre and his aforementioned statement of the modernist and liberal Rome, which tracks the holy and infallible Catholic tradition to the death. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico. If I
auch mit Geduld und Integrität das erlittene Unrecht ertragen muss, bleibe ich standhaft gegenüber jedem, der mich als katholischen, apostolischen und römischen Priester anfeindet.
Ich bleibe standhaft gegen den Modernismus des antichristlichen Rom, in den Fußstapfen von Erzbischof Lefebvre mit seiner erwähnten Erklärung über das modernistische und liberale Rom, das die heilige und unfehlbare Katholische Tradition verfolgt bis aufs Blut.
Nicht feige nachgeben!
Gegenüber diesem liberalen Rom scheinen Sie [Bischof Fellay], gemeinsam mit der gesamten Leitung der Bruderschaft und den anderen drei Bischöfen, ungestraft und feige nachzugeben, wodurch Sie uns unter Anschein des Guten in die Arme des „großzügigen und väterlichen“ Benedikt XVI. ausliefern, dem es gelungen ist, uns mit geschickter und subtiler Manipulation zu verführen und uns in die Falle tappen zu lassen.
Mit Ihrem Einverständnis retourniere ich nun Ihre vernichtenden und absurden Anschuldigungen, jedenfalls die bedeutendsten und schwersten theologisch-doktrineller Natur.
Ich wurde falscher und schwerwiegende Anklagen gegen den Generaloberen, großen Schadens für das Einnehmen einer gegenteiligen Position, der Verstocktheit, der Rebellion gegen die Autorität, des Anstoßes etc. beschuldigt.
Duplicitous and bilingual Excellencies
If falsehood is so just not on my side (if they do, I beg your pardon), but on yours, and has been for a long time since you have adopted a duplicitous language, not because you are bilingual, but because of your big dilemma on how to bring us to an agreement with Rome, without having noticed the betrayal that you hide under the false impression of good.
Next time: 95% revolution
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
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Monday, April 27, 2009
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An expelled priests of the Society defends itself against Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General and responsibility for the decisions in Menzingen. The open letter to Bishop Fellay in response to the expulsion from the Fraternity. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.
Today I received the message about my exclusion, which was predictable and a logical consequence after two canonical admonitions.
These are but a both legally and theologically unjust and illegal exclusion, since the warnings themselves were unfounded and were therefore rejected from me immediately, as my show two response letters.
unworthy prelates
any case, I appeal to the eternal Rome and put under Canon Law, Can. 647 § 2 No. 4 filed an appeal against the decree that has my exclusion. This effect has lifted so that the exclusion is not legally valid, and until the decision is without legal consequence.
[This decision] will remain suspended because today's eternal Rome is occupied by unworthy prelates who ex officio not fulfill their duties and not encourage the believers in faith, but do all counter-part by the faith and with it the cult and corrupt the morals and degrade by violating the truth, whose rule they abhor the same anti-Christian.
you God trample
they do all this as if they were God or the holy name of God and obedience to authority and the hierarchy of the church acted.
You never saw more of abomination and desolation in the holy place, having let the prelates worship as if they were God and the divine call of God, but they pervert and trample.
So said Archbishop Lefebvre in his statement dated 30th June 1988: "Rome is occupied by anti-Christians." Even though it may seem ironic, the theme remains, as they say, until the return of Christ suspended.
Next time, I remain faithful to him
Friday, April 24, 2009
Free Church Condolence Letter
increase In fact, the voices against "sucked" are warned in a monstrous one-world church under Ratzinger'scher aegis. A comment. According to Bishop Bernard Tissier
de Mallerais was the approach adopted for the talks, between the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. and take place the church authorities in Rome. The discussions will be conducted in writing hidden from the public.
Whether that actually happens to be a „Auftrumpfen der Parteien vor dem Publikum“ zu vermeiden, wie Bischof Richard Williamson auf seinem Blog vermutete, darf bezweifelt werden.
Ein für Menzingen eminent wichtiger Grund, die Verhandlungen geheim zu halten, sind gewiss auch die internen Kritiker, welche einer Einigung mit dem „Rom der neo-modernistischen und neo-protestantischen Tendenz“ – um ein Zitat des Erzbischofs zu bemühen – unverhohlen ablehnend gegenüberstehen.
In der Tat mehren sich die Stimmen, die vor einem „Aufgesaugt werden“ in eine monströse Eine-Welt-Kirche unter Ratzinger’scher Ägide warnen, in der eine der unzähligen Since the bands reserved for unrepentant and appears to be diehards Lefebvristen that then - and toothless regulation - their existence there any fristend modernists longer be harmful.
to achieve this goal, You take into account to release the traditional Rite of Mass pro forma, fully aware that the implementation of which is considered by all officials from the Pope down torpedoed open and energetic. Or you can call right away 10 Motu proprio-measuring centers in your neighborhood, where every Sunday is the "traditional form" practiced?
You take into account, to "rehabilitate" four bishops - They remain suspended anyway - four bishops with whom you have so little in common, that they prefer to shoot at the moon would. Or you can call even a bishop, who showed solidarity with those whose "excommunication" was canceled?
You take yourself to admit into account, a "regulated" and restructured SSPX the right to have to "serious and constructive criticism of the decisions of the Second Vatican Council and their implementation" present may be - as you would know, without much effect already the Institut Pasteur Bon "conceded.
Only: If the purpose of an action is bad, they can also still so many seemingly good accidents that would write itself also only brought about, not to be turned in to the good.
The media insurrection of the first weeks of February to condemn the already because of the many, then spreading falsehood no one should hesitate seems, by accidens to have brought out something good: whether from Rome to hear that the swing to an understanding between Rome and the Brotherhood was tempered by the suspicion that led to the uprising media, said Bishop Williamson.
He continues: "Objectively speaking besteht das Problem der Diskussionen darin, dass es auf beiden Seiten eine gewisse Zurückhaltung geben könnte, anzuerkennen, dass wir vor einem unversöhnlichen Aufeinanderprallen der Religion Gottes mit der Religion des Menschen stehen. Das Zweite Vatikanum mischte beide zusammen.
Dadurch gab es um eine Hälfte zu viel Religion des Menschen. Nehmen wir einmal an, dass Benedikt XVI. wünscht, das Zweite Vatikanum mit der katholischen Tradition zu kombinieren: Dann gäbe es immer noch um ein Viertel zu viel Menschenreligion. […]
Wie eine winzige Menge Wasser in einem vollen Benzintank genügt, um den Motor eines Wagens zum Stillstand zu bringen, so braucht es nur eine kleine Beimischung von Götzendienst, to be bogged down to the true religion of God. The Lord God himself tells us that he is a jealous God, for example, in Ex 20.5.
He will not bear false god by his side. Each member of the SSPX, which is trying to worship God together with the Neo-Modernist, and each of Neo-Modernist who wants to do the same with the Catholics would have responded to the Old Testament prophet Elijah as the hesitant Israelites
"hinket How long have you on both sides? the Lord is God, follow him. Is it but if Baal, follow him. "Then the Scripture says:" The people answered him not a word "(3 Kings 18:21). Subjectively speaking, wanted the Israelites to dance at two weddings. But objectively it was impossible. The same is true for us. "
Thursday, April 23, 2009
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Why of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. the acceptance of its demand, which it has already accepted?
all the rest already [on conciliar innovations] was adopted potential. In fact, Archbishop Lefebvre on 5 May 1988 at the beginning of a "Protocol on an agreement" is a "doctrinal declaration" signed, which he has never called into question. In it he declared that the teaching of number 25 of "Lumen Gentium" to accept the due consent to the Magisterium in its various debt levels (someone asked him not to testify enjoy this or that passage of the Second Vatican Council's solemn or ordinary infallibility, what would have been clarified by the Holy See before). He also recognized the validity of the liturgy in its new form, if they are celebrated according to the Holy See approved texts. Finally, he undertook (as a third of the five points): "With regard to certain of the Second Vatican Council, learned of certain points or after the Council, reform of the liturgy and worship, which are difficult to reconcile with the tradition Appear we undertake in their studies and the Holy See have a positive attitude and avoid any controversy. " The commitment was based on the "absence of controversy" and not on an absurd "zero criticism", which incidentally, is only required by the traditionalists.
When the recent interview, Bishop Fellay on 25 February 2009 Rachad Armanios granted, close reading, is not so much the recognition of the Council, the Bishop Fellay rejects , rather he denies that the Holy See is not of him that tangible "recognition" is required have. [...] The problem up to the generous decision of the Pope with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. had passed, was the result of the decision of its founder , the bishop ordained for his institution to anticipate and without papal mandate to carry out, with the explanation he gave an "emergency". The external adversaries, however, have subtle doctrinal obstacle to the preamble raised again and set this to "objective allies" both certain elements and certain malicious and spiteful habits within the community. In reality, there is a wall that was built solely immediately to prevent it coming to a unity of all true Catholics and in the future to a fruitful relationship in the swing of the theology of the church to the world.
Why would you want the living tradition of the Church would stop , not the Vatican II itself - that in itself would be absurd - but at a certain Vatican II ?
P. Claude Barthe SSPX
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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the other hand, modified the decree of 21 January, when it opted for "discussions" about the "outstanding issues" responsive at all. On several occasions already have with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. Discussions on the difficulties raised place, including under the auspices of the GREC, the "Groupe de Rencontre entre Catholiques" . In a public meeting of 21 February 2008 on the theme: "revision and / or interpretation of certain passages of Vatican II" has resulted in a match which can be derived simply from common sense. The representative of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. this postulated the admissibility of a healthy and constructive criticism in the new doctrinal points of Vatican II, with the aim of future development of clear text to offer suggestions . The Roman theologian in turn meant that it must have a reception of Vatican II, which is based heavily on the previous teacher, their place in the church. It would be unrealistic to (take what seems to be primarily pursues the objective of the problems in attack - and not just for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X) from the result of this kind of conversation is a prerequisite for the canonical re-make. The common sense – der sich mit dem „sentire cum Ecclesia“ vereint – fordert im Gegenteil, dass die kanonische Wiedereingliederung das Abhalten dieser und anderer Gespräche ermöglicht, die zur theologischen Überlegung beitragen, in den Grenzen, in denen sie nützlicherweise ad intra den Ausdruck eines entschieden traditionellen Gedankens erlauben werden.
Nächstes Mal: Notizen von P. Claude Barthe FSSPX - 3. und letzter Teil
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
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Monday, April 20, 2009
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Father Claude Barthe said that the doctrinal discussions already taking place within the club "GREC". So he wondered why was required by the Brotherhood now accepting what it has already been adopted. On the subject of the 1988 Protocol, signed by Archbishop Lefebvre Father Barthe shoots but a huge buck, if that were the case, he says, the Archbishop had neither the bishop ordinations carried out, nor the statements made in the expenditure von Fideliter der Jahre 1988 und 1989 abgegeben. Hier der Text von P. Barthe:
Das „Nicht-Akzeptieren des Konzils“ von Seiten der Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. ist eine Verschleierung
Notizen von P. Claude Barthe FSSPX
Nach der Instrumentalisierung der bedauerlichen „Affäre Williamson“, instrumentalisieren jene, die sich einer Annäherung Roms an die Gemeinschaft Erzbischof Lefebvres entgegenstellen, einige ungeschickte Erklärungen, um sie erneut und für alle Ewigkeit zu Exkommunizieren. Doch ihr Argument ist eine fehlerhafte Construction.
first The fundamental question: What Vatican II to accept or reject?
Whether we like it or not, "Adoption of the Council" has become an ideological issue, to let go by for forty years, the most serious abuses. The Pope's address to the Curia of 22 December 2005, again reminded the council that since the two competing interpretations of it are: a the "break" and a "continuity". In short, the first interpretation was that of Rahner and Congar, and the second that of the Nota Preavia that Paul VI. appends at Lumen Gentium. The Act of the current pontificate (Summorum Pontificum, Decree of 21 January 2009) also consider a third interpretation: That the Council minority, which was continued by the opposition and today lefebvristischen transformed and revitalized in the context of the Pope a "New Roman School" forms.
To mention here an example of what I call the No. 3 of "Unitatis Redintegratio" which seems to testify that the divided Christian communities may be in the ways of salvation. It would be unjust and a paradox to transform the following into a crime against the unity of the Church:
a.) the opinion, in conscience, that the Aussagen von „Unitatis Redintegratio“ Nr. 3 nicht als Lehramt der Kirche angenommen werden können;
b.) die Aussage, dass es die katholischen Elemente in den getrennten Gemeinschaften sind, die Instrumente der Einheit im Bekenntnis mit der Kirche Christi darstellen.
Ist es allgemein möglich, zu behaupten, die lebendige Tradition der Kirche im offensichtlich korrekturbedürftigen Zustand von vor 40 Jahren für immer einzufrieren? Müsste man sich von vorneherein davor fürchten, Theologie zu betreiben (und morgen das Lehramt auszuüben), indem man neue Voraussetzungen zulässt und nicht nur die Beiträge des II. Vatikanums, sondern auch Antworten auf die "Open questions" de Council considered?
On this point it has in any case already theological discussions with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. given.
Next time: notes from P. Claude Barthe SSPX - Part 2
Friday, April 17, 2009
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After the media propaganda in the wake of the repeal of the pseudo-excommunications of the four bishops of the SSPX and Pope Benedict XVI after the letter. about the brotherhood of the allegations "lack of communication" to the Vatican authorities is followed, has returned a certain amount of media silence. The SSPX-WATCH-editors will nevertheless continue, albeit at a leisurely pace (as we are generally not released Saturday), continue on the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. to report. It will be noted as a line, which pretended Archbishop Lefebvre: . Any negotiation with the conciliar church before it has returned to the integrity of the faith of their fathers, would be a childish illusion " The letter Pope Benedict to the Bishops confirmed this direction and is even gone one better: he states unequivocally that there is no will of the Pope, the depart Vatican II and the following reforms even if in open contradiction to the tradition and are available to the deposit of faith. Ratzinger is stubborn and arrogant manner conciliar and Hegelian - an expression of what he enjoyed in early years education. He speaks of hermeneutic of continuity, and attempted to bring contradictory propositions in line. He tried the impossible for the logic, the sound of the doctrine confirmed anathema. A Modernist in thought and in practice. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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Yesterday it was announced that Bishop Bernard Fellay on 7 April P. Basilio Méramo from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. was excluded. P. Méramo seemed beneficial in the Mexican district and is considered a harsh critic of the new course of the Brotherhood against Rome. In this sense, he was active in publishing. He wrote the following open letter to Bishop Fellay, we document here:
On 2 March, I got from the district headquarters, a second summons to the oral acceptance of a second canonical warning latter was presented to me after I -. at least in the form - had refused to revoke Also, I was asked to apologize for my letter of 26 January 2009 without any deeper analysis of its contents. would.
In view of what happened, I ask you to take notice of that first
The way how to throw the SSPX at the feet of the apostate Roman - the name should be the vocabulary of the archbishop removed - is so serious, because this, the heroic resistance of the Archbishop and Bishop Castro Mayer in the fight against modernism and the self-destruction the church to the flag and brought the same process of self-destruction was carried into the SSPX.
second They have with their new Rome to withdraw the application of the four bishops consecrated by Archbishop imposed excommunication and its approval of the then carried Rücknahme wenigstens die Gültigkeit der Exkommunikation anerkannt . Dies geht aus dem von Kardinal Giovanni Battista Re unterzeichneten Dekret der Kongregation für die Bischöfe eindeutig hervor und dies obschon Erzbischof Lefebvre und Piusbruderschaft sie stets für null und nichtig gehalten haben. Die Tradition lässt sich nämlich niemals exkommunizieren. Damit ist ihre Straftat erwiesen. Sie haben sich auf das Spiel des ehebrecherischen Roms eingelassen, während Letzteres dem ökumenischen Geist von Vatikanum II die Treue hält.
3. Ihre Kapitulation versuchen Sie dadurch zu verbergen, dass sie sich auf das Spiel des modernistischen Roms einlassen . Dadurch dass sie die Freigiebigkeit, die väterliche Güte und den Mut Benedikt XVI über alle Maße loben, geraten Sie so weit in seine Maschen, dass sie sich mit den Tatsachen abfinden. Bald werden Sie ihn, dessen Geist in Wirklichkeit von der Dialektik und vom tief in der Gnosis verwurzelten modernen Denken vollständig verunstaltet ist, geradezu zum Traditionalisten abzustempeln.
4. Mit Ihrer Werbung für eine friedliche Koexistenz bringen Sie bewusst oder unbewusst den entschlossenen und kämpferischen Widerstand gegen das protestantisierende Rom zum Stillstand. Damit hoffen Sie einen Altar mit der tridentinischen Messe im ökumenischen Pantheon der falschen Religionen zu erhalten. Auch geben Sie sich damit zufrieden, dass der katholischen Messe das Existenzrecht zugebilligt is to be maintained during the New Mass as an ordinary ritual, and both for legitimate and valid rites must be held. One of the sky and screaming farce Imposture from you.
5th With its authority and power to try any challenge and any legitimate resistance against your thoughtless action nip in the bud. help you destroy the work of Archbishop Lefebvre.
6th They do not believe in a conspiracy against the Church or to a member of the Church (Popes, cardinals) in full compliance with modernism, and the Second Vatican Council, launched anti-Christian revolution. The council even recognize You to 95% and do according to your letter to the faithful of 24 January 2009 not only allow erroneous interpretation and apply accordingly certain reservations.
7th You think I'm a simple and impoverished priest who tells you frankly what he thinks, for someone who is about to a "conspiracy against the SSPX" forge . Other hand, I want you to become only the bad situation under close review to which you have plunged the SSPX.
8th You try, in complete disregard of historical facts and the theological interpretation, which may be relevant only in understanding the crisis of faith, the course of the crisis - the revolution in the interior of the church - to return. Even a holy Pope as St. Pius X would given the all around pervasive rot eliminate today are hardly in a position to which this crisis wrought by evil. Such evil is therefore not correct to talk with, not even theological. Ultimately there is nothing else than the faith is at stake and this challenges us to an unconditional yes. Everything else is the devil.
9th The lifting of the excommunication you have received with great joy and praised the generosity, the fatherly attitude and the courage of Benedict XVI high. They have even gone so far and have Abbé de Cacqueray instructed to put his signature on a of different faithful priests on the initiative of some of your letter written to Benedict XVI. You want to see it as a preserved through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin godsend. In truth, on 11 February with the deaths of three seminarians and the injury of a fourth seminarian misfortune struck on Ecône. Something never before seen and calculated on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes as if it could be pure coincidence. The Rosary campaign was arranged during the international pilgrimage to Lourdes. As if by chance it was also the day that I received my first warning, on pain of exclusion. I honestly believe said and before God the Almighty, Monseigneur, that you, although you say it, neither are in possession of the heavenly counsel nor that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but quite the contrary ... you are not aware that with your commitment and zeal for the modernist Rome have gone too far.
10th For them, the excommunication is no longer an honor and a sign of orthodoxy against the Newchurch , as they did for the Archbishop, but was a challenge, a dishonorable designation and a scar. They become indistinguishable, as did the Archbishop, between official and visible church. Enter with confidence while the archbishop was more wary. Keep your conversation partner for men of honor during the disposition of bad faith ... is to write them a paternal and generous spirit, while the Archbishop of them saw an adulterous spirit.
In light of your second warning will remain without effect, worthless and without basis as it was the first. Your second and secretly provided orally warning may order not dismiss me because it lacks any legal basis. It is namely a theological-religious and not a legally-disciplinary matter (disobedience, sedition, pride, protagonism) at stake. you want but stifle the public proclamation of their error or fraud and the truth in the bud. is now aware of each one, where her statement, "if the Pope whistles, then I'm rushed" out. Today we are witnessing the logical consequence of the march plan that they have established in 2001 after the famous jubilee of 2000. Perhaps you are not entirely to blame, because - because of their choice - they do nothing else but the follow up of Father Schmidberger, her predecessor and friend of the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Benedict XVI today, fixed line. During his lifetime, became the Archbishop of his predecessor den Gesprächen mit Kardinal Ratzinger ferngehalten. Ich lüge nicht, wenn ich erkläre, dass der Erzbischof als ich noch als junger Seminarist mit der Frage über die Beziehungen zum modernistischen Rom an ihn herantrat, mir zur Antwort gab: „Was wollen Sie, seit mehr als einem Jahr werde ich nicht mehr auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Jedes Mal wenn Pater Schmidberger nach Rom fährt, trifft er Kardinal Ratzinger und unter sich unterhalten sie sich in Deutsch und ich weiß nicht wovon sie sprechen“. Sollte ich lügen, dann soll es Pater Schmidberger in aller Öffentlichkeit erklären. So wurde das Komplott bereits zu Lebezeiten des Erzbischofs geschmiedet und heute ernten wir seine Früchte. Wie die Zerstörung der Kirche durch die eigene Hierarchie erfolgte, so erleben wir heute, wie die eigene Hierarchie den Verfall der Piusbruderschaft einleitet. Zwar lassen sich die Folgen noch nicht feststellen, denn die Piusbruderschaft gleicht einem Tanker, dessen Turbinen ausgefallen sind und der aufgrund der eigenen Schwerkraft erst nach vielen Kilometern zum Stillstand kommen wird.
Ich habe deshalb nicht geschwiegen, weil ich damit den Erzbischof, die Kirche und die Wahrheit verraten hätte. Wenigstens ein Mitglied der Piusbruderschaft muss die Dinge so nennen wie sie in Wirklichkeit sind. Dies ohne Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen, ohne durch ein Gesetz des Schweigens und unter der Last eines falsch verstandenen Gehorsams von der Obrigkeit erstickt zu werden.
I constantly get the words of the Archbishop in memory. When he was about to be interrogated in order to subject themselves against the modernist Rome brought against him charges of arrogance, sedition, pride and schism to defend, he said: "I, the defendant, should hold over you justice." May you enlighten
P. Basilio Méramo SSPX
Orizaba, on 9 March 2009.
How occasion of my first letter, so I decided this time for its release. What I wish from a warning made by means of a canonical exclusion the SSPX anticipate. The believers in the many countries where I have exercised my pastoral ministry, have a right to know the truth. Things must be clear and transparent. It is not permitted, an affiliated for twenty-five years, the community priest unjustly, as it ruled out by the back door and go unpunished. If you want to exclude me, then let the believers know that this action was done against me because of my disapproval of the disastrous action, and any resistance veiled except force of the capitulation to a perverted and corrupt Rome, and from the latter of the great prostitute the disclosure is not unlike. "
Sanct MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS is!Tuesday, April 14, 2009
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Thus the title of a chapter in the book" you have him dethroned "of Archbishop Lefebvre. Here are some passages from it to the consideration for the present.
The revolution in tiara and gown
"In any case, a reflection of an old friend of Cardinal Roncalli, the future John XXIII, illuminating on this issue.. The news of the death of Pius XII entrusted the old Dom Lambert Beauduin, a friend of Roncalli, P. Bouyer on: "If they Roncalli . Choose is saved everything: It would be able to convene a council and to give the ecumenism consecrated in "Dom Lambert Beauduin Cardinal Roncalli knew well, he already knew in 1958 that became Roncalli, Pope, and this would achieve ecumenism - a safe very well-providing opportunity - by a council. If, however, says ecumenism, says religious freedom and liberalism. The "revolution in tiara and gown" was not improvised. (P. 160)
The revolutionary tactics at the Council
"allegation of error or ambiguity or a dangerous orientation, . Immediately after or before assertion in the opposite direction, destined to the conservative Council Fathers to weigh in safety "(p. 170)
Two examples:
first The Latin: "So it was with the Constitution on the Liturgy Sacrosanctum Concilium : by writing in No. 36 § 2:" A larger space is the vernacular may be granted "entrusted to the Episcopal Conferences to decide whether they People did not want to take language or (No. 36 § 3), the author of the text opened the door to the abolition of Latin in the liturgy. To this demand to weaken, they were concerned about to write to No. 36 § 1. "The purpose of the use of the Latin language, without prejudice to particular law, be preserved in the Latin rites' made safe by the claim that fathers swallowed without problems, the other two . '(p. 170)
second Freedom of religion: "Just let the Declaration on Religious Freedom Dignitatis Humanae , the last scheme of many fathers had been rejected, Paul VI. even add a paragraph that essentially said the following: "This declaration contains nothing that is contrary to the tradition." But all that is therein, is contrary to the tradition! Now someone will say: "But you read it! As it is written: There is nothing in it, which is contrary to the tradition "- Yes, that is written ... But it does not prevent all the tradition is contrary! And this sentence was added at the last minute by the Pope, to force - especially the English bishops - who were in opposition to this scheme. It is easy, retrospectively, a label, stick a paper on safety! ! An incredible action "(p. 170)
Conclusion: A Catholic reading of Vatican II" is practically impossible "
"I must confess that it is not able to clean the Council of the liberal and modernist spirit that imbued most of the schemes. The authors were calculated namely the infected by this spirit experts and fathers. . What they want - if a document is written entirely in the wrong spirit, it is virtually impossible to clean it with this spirit, we would have to write it from scratch, to give it a Catholic spirit "(p. 168), Sanct MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
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But we will boast in the cross
us of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Him is our salvation and resurrection and life become
redeemed by Him and we are free.
God have mercy on us and bless us:
He let His face shine upon us
and have mercy on us.
(Introit of the High Thursday)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
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We document the text of the editorial of P. Régis de Cacqueray, District Superior in France, in Fidelite No. 188 of March-April 2009: Talking
From the "strategy" to the Βruderschaft, can surprise no doubt. The military significance of this word, he suggested the tactical side, which fits into an eminently religious and supernatural struggle, like ours? Not enough, the term "faith" as the sole name of A and Ω of our action plan? But the dispute to justify the existence of a strategy.
Who will deny that the small army of the Brotherhood with a tremendous struggle is charged with the fight of faith? Well, in this as in any other Battle, there are several objectives to be achieved, and we must therefore seek the most appropriate means and ways to get at them. First we fight for the faith there to get anywhere and pass, where he is still there. This is the most visible work of the fraternity and at the same time, with the members usually occupy. But we also try with all my heart to have further grow by missionary preaching the faith to all souls, for how can we not be concerned about the state of neglect, in which the Church has fallen corroded to the core of the heresy? As we could not turn as the most expensive destination have to do our best to the ecclesiastical authorities of the wheel track of the errors and heresies of the extract, in which they have controlled more or less into it? To you is this duty so compelling as mysteriously, the Brotherhood is almost the last able to describe the main events of the general loss of faith clear.
What is the modern humanism
is Nevertheless, although it is clear that the Brotherhood is guilty of working towards the eradication of errors within the church and the return of their hierarchy to the totality of the Catholic faith, is It, like all clear that such work is extremely dangerous ist. Verlöre die Brüderschaft diesen Kampf, ließe sie sich ihrerseits von den Irrlehren kontaminieren, so schiene es keine Hoffnung mehr zu geben, aus der Kirchenkrise herauszukommen. Sicherlich glauben wir, daß der liebe Gott allmächtig ist und unser nicht bedarf, um dorthin zu kommen, wo Er hin will. Aber Er will trotzdem nicht, daß wir uns unseren Pflichten entziehen, indem wir mit dem Vorwand, Er dürfe auf außerordentliche Mittel zurückgreifen, es unterlassen, unsere eigenen Mittel und Kräfte auszuschöpfen.
Drei Treppenstufen
Das Nachdenken über die Notwendigkeit dieses Glaubensbekenntnisses gegenüber den Autoritäten der „konziliaren“ Kirche brachten die Oberen der Bruderschaft 2001 dazu, die Grundrisse des Plans zu definieren, nach welchem sie sich auf lange Frist in ihrem Verkehr mit Rom orientieren würden. Der Plan schloß drei Etappen ein. Die erste bestand darin, Rom um „zwei Vorbedingungen“ zu bitten: Die erste Vorbedingung war, allen Priestern das Recht anzuerkennen, die Messe von St. Pius V. frei zu zelebrieren; die zweite, die Rücknahme des Exkommunikationsdekretes von 1988 auszusprechen. In einer weiteren Etappe, nach Zugeständnis der Vorbedingungen, befürwortete die Bruderschaft dogmatische Diskussionen, in deren Verlauf die neuen liberalen, schwer fehlerhaften Hauptthesen des II. Vatikanischen Konzils angeschnitten would be the origin of the disease that eats away the church from within. Finally, in the third and final stage before and after these doctrinal debates were once come to a happy end, it came to the canonical normalization of the Brotherhood and the friend of their communities.
The Brotherhood made the choice to publish this three-step plan, so all get to know him, the priests and faithful of the Brotherhood and the authorities of the Church. When he was known he was interested in neither the one nor the other, much as his tenor seemed remote and impossible. One could not imagine reasons, from which in Rom in seinem traditionsfeindlichen Zustand zu den Bitten dieser kleinen, amtlich aus der Kirche ausgeschlossenen Bruderschaft herabließe. Man warf der Bruderschaft vor, sie dränge zur Tarnung eines Selbstisolierungswillens unerhörte Zumutungen auf. In Wahrheit, wer von uns hätte 2001 gedacht, der Papst würde weniger als acht Jahre danach zwei entscheidende Gesten vollbracht haben, um diesen Vorbedingungen entgegenzukommen?
Eine nötig gewordene Strategie
Rom hätte, als die Bruderschaft ihren Plan bekanntgab, entweder sich überhaupt nicht für sie interessieren, oder aber ihr seine Ablehnung mitteilen und einen Gegenvorschlag machen können. Obwohl dieser Plan einen auf 5. April 2002 datierten Protestbrief von Kardinal Castrillón Hoyos an Bischof Fellay hervorrief, hat sich die von der Bruderschaft vorgeschlagene Roadmap zu Erreichung des Ziels in den Beziehungen zwischen dem Heligen Stuhl und der Bruderschaft tatsächlich durchgesetzt. Die Pontifikatsjahre von Johannes Paul II. gingen ohne jedes sichtbare Resultat zu Ende. Sein Nachfolger Papst Benedikt XVI. ist es, der seine Entscheidung gezeigt hat, die Roadmap der Bruderschaft zu eigen zu machen.
Jeder erinnert sich des noch neuen Ereignisses des Motu proprio des 7. Juli 2007, welches infolge des von unserem Generaloberen ausgerufenen Rosenkranzkreuzzuges erkannte, daß die von Erzbischof Lefebvre defended fair was never banned. The text contained numerous, sometimes serious imperfections, made it none the less a crucial step in the progressive Desenklavierung the fair dar. It was at least conceivable that this gesture of the pope, whose interest in the liturgy is famous, but with the first request of the Brotherhood coincided to have been approved but not at her request.
After the decree of 21st January 1009 it is no longer possible to think so. This second gesture corresponds to the second condition of the Brotherhood, even if they addressed this condition continues to incomplete and inadequate manner. According to her wir nur noch feststellen, daß die zum Zeitpunkt deren Veröffentlichung nie amtlich von Rom angefochtene Strategie von 2001 nunmehr vom Heiligen Stuhl übernommen worden ist und fast buchstäblich befolgt wird. Wir könnten mehrere Gründe anführen, um diese Tatsache zu erklären. Allerdings ist uns bewußt, daß all diese ungenügend bleiben, wenn wir die Macht des Rosenkranzgebetes unerwähnt lassen.
Nicht nur hat sich das Dekret vom 21. Januar wieder in die von der Bruderschaft befürwortete Strategie eingefügt, sondern es hat uns vor allem die Gewähr dafür gebracht, daß Rom akzeptiert, diese Strategie in dem von uns gewünscht gewesenen Sinne zukünftig . Pursue The decree of 21 January acknowledges namely, that to take place between Rome and the Brotherhood "necessary Mitgespräche" over "outstanding issues". Well, that's exactly what we asked in our second stage. We said that we wanted so dogmatic discussions, because we consider essential to such seemingly, to work on resolving the church crisis. We can not help but look forward, that Cardinal Re, who has signed the document on behalf of the Pope, this debate assumes, as deemed necessary next step and questions raised as "still open" look.
change the strategy?
different voices, from Rome or elsewhere, however, find that it would be visible in the current stage of the struggle of benefit to change our strategy. They advise us to reverse the order of the remaining two stages and the third to go before the second leave, so the canonical regulation of the Brotherhood against the dogmatic discussions . Among the arguments put forward by them they have the good will of the pope to come to us with respect to their own: One must take advantage of this, because his years are numbered and we do not know what will happen in the future! They say also to pursue the doctrinal discussions are bound to fail, and we were stuck with certainty in it, and the canonical regulation of the Brotherhood would never take place. Or we are told, the situation of the Society once placed on order, it would be so conferred official status of their greater weight to Rome to bring their positions to advantage.
Certainly, the choice of this or that strategy is not subject to the faith and we deny the opportunity to discuss not starting. By the way, the best strategists not just those who demonstrate the ability to install, depending on the situation develops the necessary adjustment to reality? In our Sorge, nicht aus Unfähigkeit, uns in Frage zu stellen, oder gar aus Sturheit auf irgendeiner strategischen Linie zu bleiben, untersuchen wir näher die Einwendungen derer, die unsere kanonische Regulierung ohne Verzögerung befürworten.
Nach Benedikt XVI
Gewiß, der Papst bezeigt uns gegenüber eine unleugbare Besorgnis. Soll man befürchten, daß es bei seinen Nachfolgern anders wäre? Es scheint mir, ohne die Veränderungen mit der Lupe zu verfolgen, die sich in der Kurie und unter den Kardinälen vollziehen, daß der Papst schon einer seinen Wünschen entsprechenden Bewegung sein Imprimatur gegeben hat. Der progressistische Flügel is gradually replaced by a more serious trend, which, frightened and perplexed by the crisis, in which the church is to provide solutions studied to extract them there, but still is unable to risk the essential challenge of the council. It seems in truth, that the more time passes, the less our lot is from mere personal benevolence of the Pope dependent.
How heavy weighs the gratitude?
If we had after the regulation of the Brotherhood more weight in discussions? It is about an often heard argument. However, when the history of the struggle for tradition Looking back, it is obvious that all those who have accepted the canonical regulations, has failed to come to these discussions. Once regularized, their cases were considered to be done and these discussions have never happened. Significant intimidating them written before then, to say if they tried to maintain a critical discourse on the council. We think so - given that we are almost the last to know point the finger at fault - that we can not take the infinite risk to accept any canonical status without the moral certainty of dogmatic Sanierung Roms erhalten zu haben.
Salziges und Süßes
Man muss zugestehen, daß es uns anwidert, uns in einem kanonischen Umschlag zu befinden, welcher von einem Rom angeboten würde, das zu seiner Tradition nicht zurückgefunden hätte und in seiner unmöglichen Suche nach einer Hermeneutik der Kontinuität des II. Vatikanums steckenbliebe. Wir sähen dies als Wahrheitsverschmähung und als weiteres Risiko der Vermehrung der Verwirrung der Seelen.
Später oder nie?
Werden die Diskussionen zwangsweise steckenbleiben? Wir wissen gut, daß sie vom bloßen human point of view are very difficult for that which divides us is not just in some theological conclusions, but from the start in real, insurmountable philosophical depths (see the article by the HH Morvan [in Fidelite ]). However, what is it not for nuances among men! In addition, there are really in the dense undergrowth of modern thought lost intelligences healthier, the timeless philosophy of aspiring minds. The accuracy of Thomism and the need for scholastic here or there, their noble letters again. Forget it not: Many of us thought that the two first petition of the Brotherhood never heard of. The latest events have shown us the opposite in mind. The hope of the following is therefore not give up.
Rome confirmed
other hand, we should believe that it was not the profound will of the Pope that this canonical regulation already takes place. In this decree of the 21 January, namely the Pope signed the repeal of the alleged excommunications and he seems to have indicated what he wants now. Well, he does not speak of the canonical regulation of the Brotherhood. He could have done it but he has not done it. He said the contrary, that the information requested by us dogmatic discussions unbedingt nötig sind. Zweifelsohne könnte er in Zukunft ganz anderes ausdrücken. Aber was uns betrifft, wir sehen zufrieden zu, wie er die Notwendigkeit der dogmatischen Gespräche anerkennt, bevor man sich mit den kanonischen Fragen beschäftigt.
Schließlich wollen wir sagen, daß man eine Strategie nicht ändert, welche inzwischen ihren Adelsbrief erlangt hat. Nach dieser Erreichung gibt es weniger als je Gründe, sie zu variieren, denn sie ist wirksam: Erstens, allen unser Ziel zur Kenntnis geben; zweitens, das Gelände mit der schweren Artillerie der Rosenkränze bombardieren; drittens und letztens, mit dem Glauben Unseres Herrn Jesu Christi in Richtung der neuen zu erobernden Make proceed.
This text was published on 6 April in the newspaper readers of The translation from French is from reader "Pamino. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Laptop Screen Dead Spot
In 1988, the year of episcopal ordinations are held the position of the Brotherhood after 20-year battle against the conciliar church stabilized. While it is certainly true that Archbishop strode Lefebvre in the first 20 years of struggle to preserve the faith, the sacraments, especially the Catholic priesthood, times in which he is more restrictive or less restrictive to the Second Vatican Council, the role of the Pope , etc. expressed. But ultimately, saved as the continued existence of the priesthood by the bishop ordinations, he did not solve the problems of the council, the Pope and the Vatican II church, but gave clear guidelines about how one should behave towards the Council, the Pope and the Vatican II Church. This is the position set forth in the future must continue. The will is also the position of the ruler of the Fraternity in danger of abandonment, and, as evidenced by numerous comments.
Is this planned change of course has been a long time?
How sich aus dem offenen Brief von P. Jean, Novizenmeister der Kapuziner von Aurenque in Frankreich, an Bischof Fellay entnehmen lässt, existiert seit längerem ein „Club“ namens G.R.E.C . („Gruppe für Überlegungen unter Katholiken“). Diese Gruppe umfasst Priester und Laien verschiedener „traditionalistischer“ Strömungen und arbeitet seit 1997 für die „Rekonziliation in juristischer und institutioneller Form“ mit dem modernistischen Rom. Diese Initiative genießt außerdem die Billigung des Nuntius Mgr. Balzelli und des Bischofs von Aire und Dax, Mgr. Breton, der an diesen Versammlungen selbst teilnimmt und dort represents the French bishops. The only participants in the meetings of the GREC that are not yet merged into the conciliar church, priests of the Fraternity of St. Pius X.
So far, does not consider the existence of this group many times. Recently, she put her hand out but the fact that the petition for Pope Benedict XVI. actively promoted, which was most recently the French district of the Upper P. Regis de Cacqueray recommended. What is certain is that there is a group of "conspirators" within the Brotherhood. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Where Can I Order Katydids Candy?
A year after the episcopal ordinations published "Fidelite" in the No. 70 (July-August 1989) an interview with Archbishop Lefebvre. It quotes some of the Archbishop:
set "into the interior of the church, what does that mean And above all? From what church we speak, if it is the conciliar church, so we should, we twenty years with you have struggled, because we want the Catholic Church, are now entering the conciliar church to say it again to make a Catholic. This is a complete illusion! "Especially in the current situation of the Brotherhood, it is helpful to read these passages again and - in the face of Holy Week, together with the suffering Christ -.! to consider Sanct MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS
" This talk of the visible church, as Dom Gérard and Jean Madiran lead are childish . It is incredible that one can talk about the conciliar church of a visible Church as opposed to the Catholic Church, to represent us and continue to try. "
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Lymphoma And Bone Pain
Jesse Gomez Jr., a Catholic from English-speaking world, recently led an initiative with the goal of a "Rosary Crusade to lead to the exclusion of Bishop Bernard Fellay "in the way. Bishop Fellay, allegedly started lately habe, die Priesterbruderschaft St. Pius X. zu säubern, solle aus der Bruderschaft entfernt werden. Zu den Opfern der „Liquidierung“ zählt Gomez nicht nur berühmt-berüchtigte „Krypto-Sedisvakantisten“, sondern auch Priester, die für die angeblich vorsichtige Vorgangsweise von Erzbischof Lefebvre zur Bekämpfung des neomodernistischen und neoprotestantischen Rom waren. Nicht nur Bischof Richard Williamson wurde zum Schweigen verurteilt und willkürlich von seinem Amt als Rektor des Priesterseminars in La Reja abgesetzt, sondern auch der Italiener P. Floriano Abrahamowicz aus der Bruderschaft ausgeschlossen. Von Sanktionen bedroht sei Gomez zufolge auch der ehemalige Rektor des Priesterseminars in Australien und nunmehrige Schulleiter im kanadischen Distrikt, P. Peter Scott.
Jesse Gomez Jr. hält es für sehr wahrscheinlich, dass sowohl Bischof de Galarreta als auch Bischof Tisser de Mallerais ein Schweigegebot auferlegt worden sei.
Viele Gläubige der Bruderschaft fühlten sich beleidigt von der autoritären Führung des gegenwärtigen Generaloberen Bischof Bernard Fellay, und beteten darum zur Muttergottes um dessen Entfernung aus dem Amt. Ihre Gebete erflehten auch einen neuen, dem katholischen Widerstand treuen Generaloberen, wie der Blog „Sursum Corda“ meldete.
Alle Katholiken, – ob Kleriker oder Laien, ob mit der Priesterbruderschaft verbunden oder nicht – by open or covert suggestion Fellays Bishop, an agreement between the SSPX and Rome of the Novus Ordo Missae [the new exhibition, editor R.], to conclude disapprove, were asked to report to Gomez. Such an agreement would betray the principles of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre. He was by e-mail with the subject "Rosary Crusade at SSPX Members' Rosary Crusade to Expel Fellay" to - preferably in English or English - accessible, the Jesse Gomez Jr. concluded.
Our comment: We consider this action to completely exaggerated, especially as an "exclusion" of Bishop Bernard Fellay would solve none of the current problems and difficulties lasting and permanent. The problem is that is not primarily Bishop Fellay, such as various Sedisvakantisten would have us believe, but the slow spread of a spirit within the fraternity - a spirit that of an unconditional "ceasefire" with the conciliar Rome calls against his opponents and with the fear of going in the long run resulting schism. There are, interestingly, exactly the same people who now intrigue as it were with a sledgehammer shooting against Bishop Fellay below a certain level, the then Archbishop of attested too lenient stance towards Rome, as from der obigen Meldung hervorgeht. Es ist lediglich von Nöten, das Werk des Erzbischofs fortzuführen und das lückenlos fortzusetzen, was dieser in seinen unzähligen Predigten immer wieder aufs Neue deutlich machte.
Darum unterbreiten wir einen Gegenvorschlag: Einen Rosenkranzkreuzzug zur Stärkung des Rückgrates von Bischof Fellay in den Verhandlungen mit Rom und für den Erhalt aller lehrmäßigen Positionen der Priesterbruderschaft . Außerdem wünschen wir dem Generaloberen eine profunde Einsicht in die schwerwiegenden Probleme der konziliaren Kirche und in den blanken Hass gegen die Tradition der Kirche aller Zeiten, von dem ein großer Teil der Stellungnahmen heutiger Kirchenvertreter resounds to the Brotherhood. It's not about creating the basis of ambiguous wording in a premature agreement between Menzingen and Rome, the "problem SSPX for Rome from the world, but rather due to the men of the church in a longer term process to the way of truth. The scepter, which can point you in the right direction, is already long been unused in Rome. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
Friday, April 3, 2009
Specialist Who Treats Bursitis
On 3 February 2009 published a published P. Ceriani SSPX SSPX WATCH call, among other things, he had sent to the authority of the Brotherhood. This publication earned him a first a "warning" , which was reported to him personally by Bishop Fellay, such as the "Courrier de Tychique" of 22 Announced in March 2004. The fact that a "warning" was issued, would have to be really secretive and would be so even if Bishop Fellay had not talked about it himself with a group of nuns, of which he subsequently demanded silence.
Unfortunately, or - depending on your view - fortunately, the message is still leaked. The author of the article, Max Barrett, who as a chauffeur for Archbishop Lefebvre had worked, also confirmed that he had verified the information through a telephone conversation with P. Ceriani.
would clean the circumstance of a "warning" to P. Ceriani not so much as raising awareness, Barrett writes in his article, if not Bishop Fellay in the course of a lecture in front of about 50 priests a given problem statement would: Bishop Fellay was in the process of the failure to differentiate between the terms "conciliar church" and "official church" been seriously annoyed. Obviously he was in the process, the modern language to accept, then Barret.
was a result of this blunder of the Superior General at the above-mentioned priests meeting in view of current threats to exclude some fraternity members a climate ruled the eloquent silence which itself had recognized the bravest and most learned clerics.
Only one had got up to make an objection in law: The "incorrigible" P. Ceriani ! He asked for the floor and was limited to a portion of the lead article written by Archbishop Lefebvre of Fidelite, No. 66 (November-December 1988) to read - in a sober and respectful tone. Nothing else. Then he sat down in peace. Then said Bishop Fellay were silent and not even the other priests. "A painful silence lay dead at the meeting," said one of the priests present.
Here are some passages from the editorial said, "Where is the visible church? The visible church is known by their properties, which they had always made their visibility: It is agreed, holy, catholic and apostolic . I ask you: Where are the true characteristics of the Church? Are they more in the official church (it is not the visible church, but the official Church) at or us, in what we represent and in what we are? It is clear that we are the ones who maintain the unity of faith, who disappeared in the official Church. A bishop believes this, not someone else, is the faith and contain their vile heresies catechisms. Where in Rome is the unity of the faith? Where is the unity of faith in the world? There are well we the ones they have maintained. "" I noticed the will of Rome to impose us their ideas and think their way . Cardinal Ratzinger told me one day: "But, Monseigneur, there is only one church, one can not create a parallel church!" What church was it for? The conciliar church, that's clear! He has said explicitly: "If we accept this protocol, your page must also do something for us: I think it would be good if it in Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet in addition to measuring the Brotherhood every Sunday a new show for the parish there, the church is a "They clearly see that he wanted to lead us to the conciliar church..
acting for the Archbishop, it is an evidence: The official church is the conciliar church! And he added: " It is clear that they are want to impose these new products to eradicate the tradition. you do not confess to something, because they value the traditional Mass, but simply a matter for us to cheat and to reduce our resistance. They break destroy an edge of the block of the tradition to him. That is their strategy, their tactics. "