Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Starting Combo Of A Garrison Combo Lock

Quousque tandem ...

Yesterday it was announced that Bishop Bernard Fellay on 7 April P. Basilio Méramo from the Priestly Fraternity of Saint Pius X. was excluded. P. Méramo seemed beneficial in the Mexican district and is considered a harsh critic of the new course of the Brotherhood against Rome. In this sense, he was active in publishing. He wrote the following open letter to Bishop Fellay, we document here:


On 2 March, I got from the district headquarters, a second summons to the oral acceptance of a second canonical warning latter was presented to me after I -. at least in the form - had refused to revoke Also, I was asked to apologize for my letter of 26 January 2009 without any deeper analysis of its contents. would.
In view of what happened, I ask you to take notice of that first
The way how to throw the SSPX at the feet of the apostate Roman - the name should be the vocabulary of the archbishop removed - is so serious, because this, the heroic resistance of the Archbishop and Bishop Castro Mayer in the fight against modernism and the self-destruction the church to the flag and brought the same process of self-destruction was carried into the SSPX.
second They have with their new Rome to withdraw the application of the four bishops consecrated by Archbishop imposed excommunication and its approval of the then carried Rücknahme wenigstens die Gültigkeit der Exkommunikation anerkannt . Dies geht aus dem von Kardinal Giovanni Battista Re unterzeichneten Dekret der Kongregation für die Bischöfe eindeutig hervor und dies obschon Erzbischof Lefebvre und Piusbruderschaft sie stets für null und nichtig gehalten haben. Die Tradition lässt sich nämlich niemals exkommunizieren. Damit ist ihre Straftat erwiesen. Sie haben sich auf das Spiel des ehebrecherischen Roms eingelassen, während Letzteres dem ökumenischen Geist von Vatikanum II die Treue hält.
3. Ihre Kapitulation versuchen Sie dadurch zu verbergen, dass sie sich auf das Spiel des modernistischen Roms einlassen . Dadurch dass sie die Freigiebigkeit, die väterliche Güte und den Mut Benedikt XVI über alle Maße loben, geraten Sie so weit in seine Maschen, dass sie sich mit den Tatsachen abfinden. Bald werden Sie ihn, dessen Geist in Wirklichkeit von der Dialektik und vom tief in der Gnosis verwurzelten modernen Denken vollständig verunstaltet ist, geradezu zum Traditionalisten abzustempeln.
4. Mit Ihrer Werbung für eine friedliche Koexistenz bringen Sie bewusst oder unbewusst den entschlossenen und kämpferischen Widerstand gegen das protestantisierende Rom zum Stillstand. Damit hoffen Sie einen Altar mit der tridentinischen Messe im ökumenischen Pantheon der falschen Religionen zu erhalten. Auch geben Sie sich damit zufrieden, dass der katholischen Messe das Existenzrecht zugebilligt is to be maintained during the New Mass as an ordinary ritual, and both for legitimate and valid rites must be held. One of the sky and screaming farce Imposture from you.
5th With its authority and power to try any challenge and any legitimate resistance against your thoughtless action nip in the bud. help you destroy the work of Archbishop Lefebvre.
6th They do not believe in a conspiracy against the Church or to a member of the Church (Popes, cardinals) in full compliance with modernism, and the Second Vatican Council, launched anti-Christian revolution. The council even recognize You to 95% and do according to your letter to the faithful of 24 January 2009 not only allow erroneous interpretation and apply accordingly certain reservations.
7th You think I'm a simple and impoverished priest who tells you frankly what he thinks, for someone who is about to a "conspiracy against the SSPX" forge . Other hand, I want you to become only the bad situation under close review to which you have plunged the SSPX.
8th You try, in complete disregard of historical facts and the theological interpretation, which may be relevant only in understanding the crisis of faith, the course of the crisis - the revolution in the interior of the church - to return. Even a holy Pope as St. Pius X would given the all around pervasive rot eliminate today are hardly in a position to which this crisis wrought by evil. Such evil is therefore not correct to talk with, not even theological. Ultimately there is nothing else than the faith is at stake and this challenges us to an unconditional yes. Everything else is the devil.
9th The lifting of the excommunication you have received with great joy and praised the generosity, the fatherly attitude and the courage of Benedict XVI high. They have even gone so far and have Abbé de Cacqueray instructed to put his signature on a of different faithful priests on the initiative of some of your letter written to Benedict XVI. You want to see it as a preserved through the mediation of the Blessed Virgin godsend. In truth, on 11 February with the deaths of three seminarians and the injury of a fourth seminarian misfortune struck on Ecône. Something never before seen and calculated on the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes as if it could be pure coincidence. The Rosary campaign was arranged during the international pilgrimage to Lourdes. As if by chance it was also the day that I received my first warning, on pain of exclusion. I honestly believe said and before God the Almighty, Monseigneur, that you, although you say it, neither are in possession of the heavenly counsel nor that of the Blessed Virgin Mary, but quite the contrary ... you are not aware that with your commitment and zeal for the modernist Rome have gone too far.
10th For them, the excommunication is no longer an honor and a sign of orthodoxy against the Newchurch , as they did for the Archbishop, but was a challenge, a dishonorable designation and a scar. They become indistinguishable, as did the Archbishop, between official and visible church. Enter with confidence while the archbishop was more wary. Keep your conversation partner for men of honor during the disposition of bad faith ... is to write them a paternal and generous spirit, while the Archbishop of them saw an adulterous spirit.
In light of your second warning will remain without effect, worthless and without basis as it was the first. Your second and secretly provided orally warning may order not dismiss me because it lacks any legal basis. It is namely a theological-religious and not a legally-disciplinary matter (disobedience, sedition, pride, protagonism) at stake. you want but stifle the public proclamation of their error or fraud and the truth in the bud. is now aware of each one, where her statement, "if the Pope whistles, then I'm rushed" out. Today we are witnessing the logical consequence of the march plan that they have established in 2001 after the famous jubilee of 2000. Perhaps you are not entirely to blame, because - because of their choice - they do nothing else but the follow up of Father Schmidberger, her predecessor and friend of the then Cardinal Ratzinger and Benedict XVI today, fixed line. During his lifetime, became the Archbishop of his predecessor den Gesprächen mit Kardinal Ratzinger ferngehalten. Ich lüge nicht, wenn ich erkläre, dass der Erzbischof als ich noch als junger Seminarist mit der Frage über die Beziehungen zum modernistischen Rom an ihn herantrat, mir zur Antwort gab: „Was wollen Sie, seit mehr als einem Jahr werde ich nicht mehr auf dem Laufenden gehalten. Jedes Mal wenn Pater Schmidberger nach Rom fährt, trifft er Kardinal Ratzinger und unter sich unterhalten sie sich in Deutsch und ich weiß nicht wovon sie sprechen“. Sollte ich lügen, dann soll es Pater Schmidberger in aller Öffentlichkeit erklären. So wurde das Komplott bereits zu Lebezeiten des Erzbischofs geschmiedet und heute ernten wir seine Früchte. Wie die Zerstörung der Kirche durch die eigene Hierarchie erfolgte, so erleben wir heute, wie die eigene Hierarchie den Verfall der Piusbruderschaft einleitet. Zwar lassen sich die Folgen noch nicht feststellen, denn die Piusbruderschaft gleicht einem Tanker, dessen Turbinen ausgefallen sind und der aufgrund der eigenen Schwerkraft erst nach vielen Kilometern zum Stillstand kommen wird.
Ich habe deshalb nicht geschwiegen, weil ich damit den Erzbischof, die Kirche und die Wahrheit verraten hätte. Wenigstens ein Mitglied der Piusbruderschaft muss die Dinge so nennen wie sie in Wirklichkeit sind. Dies ohne Vorspiegelung falscher Tatsachen, ohne durch ein Gesetz des Schweigens und unter der Last eines falsch verstandenen Gehorsams von der Obrigkeit erstickt zu werden.
I constantly get the words of the Archbishop in memory. When he was about to be interrogated in order to subject themselves against the modernist Rome brought against him charges of arrogance, sedition, pride and schism to defend, he said: "I, the defendant, should hold over you justice." May you enlighten

P. Basilio Méramo SSPX
Orizaba, on 9 March 2009.

How occasion of my first letter, so I decided this time for its release. What I wish from a warning made by means of a canonical exclusion the SSPX anticipate. The believers in the many countries where I have exercised my pastoral ministry, have a right to know the truth. Things must be clear and transparent. It is not permitted, an affiliated for twenty-five years, the community priest unjustly, as it ruled out by the back door and go unpunished. If you want to exclude me, then let the believers know that this action was done against me because of my disapproval of the disastrous action, and any resistance veiled except force of the capitulation to a perverted and corrupt Rome, and from the latter of the great prostitute the disclosure is not unlike. "



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