After the media propaganda in the wake of the repeal of the pseudo-excommunications of the four bishops of the SSPX and Pope Benedict XVI after the letter. about the brotherhood of the allegations "lack of communication" to the Vatican authorities is followed, has returned a certain amount of media silence. The SSPX-WATCH-editors will nevertheless continue, albeit at a leisurely pace (as we are generally not released Saturday), continue on the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. to report. It will be noted as a line, which pretended Archbishop Lefebvre: . Any negotiation with the conciliar church before it has returned to the integrity of the faith of their fathers, would be a childish illusion " The letter Pope Benedict to the Bishops confirmed this direction and is even gone one better: he states unequivocally that there is no will of the Pope, the depart Vatican II and the following reforms even if in open contradiction to the tradition and are available to the deposit of faith. Ratzinger is stubborn and arrogant manner conciliar and Hegelian - an expression of what he enjoyed in early years education. He speaks of hermeneutic of continuity, and attempted to bring contradictory propositions in line. He tried the impossible for the logic, the sound of the doctrine confirmed anathema. A Modernist in thought and in practice. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
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