In 1988, the year of episcopal ordinations are held the position of the Brotherhood after 20-year battle against the conciliar church stabilized. While it is certainly true that Archbishop strode Lefebvre in the first 20 years of struggle to preserve the faith, the sacraments, especially the Catholic priesthood, times in which he is more restrictive or less restrictive to the Second Vatican Council, the role of the Pope , etc. expressed. But ultimately, saved as the continued existence of the priesthood by the bishop ordinations, he did not solve the problems of the council, the Pope and the Vatican II church, but gave clear guidelines about how one should behave towards the Council, the Pope and the Vatican II Church. This is the position set forth in the future must continue. The will is also the position of the ruler of the Fraternity in danger of abandonment, and, as evidenced by numerous comments.
Is this planned change of course has been a long time?
How sich aus dem offenen Brief von P. Jean, Novizenmeister der Kapuziner von Aurenque in Frankreich, an Bischof Fellay entnehmen lässt, existiert seit längerem ein „Club“ namens G.R.E.C . („Gruppe für Überlegungen unter Katholiken“). Diese Gruppe umfasst Priester und Laien verschiedener „traditionalistischer“ Strömungen und arbeitet seit 1997 für die „Rekonziliation in juristischer und institutioneller Form“ mit dem modernistischen Rom. Diese Initiative genießt außerdem die Billigung des Nuntius Mgr. Balzelli und des Bischofs von Aire und Dax, Mgr. Breton, der an diesen Versammlungen selbst teilnimmt und dort represents the French bishops. The only participants in the meetings of the GREC that are not yet merged into the conciliar church, priests of the Fraternity of St. Pius X.
So far, does not consider the existence of this group many times. Recently, she put her hand out but the fact that the petition for Pope Benedict XVI. actively promoted, which was most recently the French district of the Upper P. Regis de Cacqueray recommended. What is certain is that there is a group of "conspirators" within the Brotherhood. Sancte MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS!
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