Monday, April 27, 2009

Career Fair Motivational Wording

Ein offener Brief

An expelled priests of the Society defends itself against Bishop Bernard Fellay, the Superior General and responsibility for the decisions in Menzingen. The open letter to Bishop Fellay in response to the expulsion from the Fraternity. By P. Basilio Méramo, former District Superior of the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. for Mexico.

Today I received the message about my exclusion, which was predictable and a logical consequence after two canonical admonitions.

These are but a both legally and theologically unjust and illegal exclusion, since the warnings themselves were unfounded and were therefore rejected from me immediately, as my show two response letters.

unworthy prelates

any case, I appeal to the eternal Rome and put under Canon Law, Can. 647 § 2 No. 4 filed an appeal against the decree that has my exclusion. This effect has lifted so that the exclusion is not legally valid, and until the decision is without legal consequence.

[This decision] will remain suspended because today's eternal Rome is occupied by unworthy prelates who ex officio not fulfill their duties and not encourage the believers in faith, but do all counter-part by the faith and with it the cult and corrupt the morals and degrade by violating the truth, whose rule they abhor the same anti-Christian.

you God trample

they do all this as if they were God or the holy name of God and obedience to authority and the hierarchy of the church acted.

You never saw more of abomination and desolation in the holy place, having let the prelates worship as if they were God and the divine call of God, but they pervert and trample.

So said Archbishop Lefebvre in his statement dated 30th June 1988: "Rome is occupied by anti-Christians." Even though it may seem ironic, the theme remains, as they say, until the return of Christ suspended.

Next time, I remain faithful to him



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