Monday, April 6, 2009

Where Can I Order Katydids Candy?

Die vollkommene Illusion

A year after the episcopal ordinations published "Fidelite" in the No. 70 (July-August 1989) an interview with Archbishop Lefebvre. It quotes some of the Archbishop:
set "into the interior of the church, what does that mean And above all? From what church we speak, if it is the conciliar church, so we should, we twenty years with you have struggled, because we want the Catholic Church, are now entering the conciliar church to say it again to make a Catholic. This is a complete illusion! "

" This talk of the visible church, as Dom GĂ©rard and Jean Madiran lead are childish . It is incredible that one can talk about the conciliar church of a visible Church as opposed to the Catholic Church, to represent us and continue to try. "
Especially in the current situation of the Brotherhood, it is helpful to read these passages again and - in the face of Holy Week, together with the suffering Christ -.! to consider Sanct MARCELLE, ORA PRO NOBIS


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