Notizen von P. Claude Barthe FSSPX - Teil 2
the other hand, modified the decree of 21 January, when it opted for "discussions" about the "outstanding issues" responsive at all. On several occasions already have with the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X. Discussions on the difficulties raised place, including under the auspices of the GREC, the "Groupe de Rencontre entre Catholiques" . In a public meeting of 21 February 2008 on the theme: "revision and / or interpretation of certain passages of Vatican II" has resulted in a match which can be derived simply from common sense. The representative of the Fraternity of St. Pius X. this postulated the admissibility of a healthy and constructive criticism in the new doctrinal points of Vatican II, with the aim of future development of clear text to offer suggestions . The Roman theologian in turn meant that it must have a reception of Vatican II, which is based heavily on the previous teacher, their place in the church. It would be unrealistic to (take what seems to be primarily pursues the objective of the problems in attack - and not just for the Priestly Fraternity of St. Pius X) from the result of this kind of conversation is a prerequisite for the canonical re-make. The common sense – der sich mit dem „sentire cum Ecclesia“ vereint – fordert im Gegenteil, dass die kanonische Wiedereingliederung das Abhalten dieser und anderer Gespräche ermöglicht, die zur theologischen Überlegung beitragen, in den Grenzen, in denen sie nützlicherweise ad intra den Ausdruck eines entschieden traditionellen Gedankens erlauben werden.
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